Public petition requirements.

§ 70.12 Public petition requirements.

(a) Standard petition requirements. Each public petition sent to the Administrator under § 70.8(d) of this part must include the following elements in the following order:

(1) Identification of the proposed permit on which the petition is based. The petition must provide the permit number, version number, or any other information by which the permit can be readily identified. The petition must specify whether the permit action is an initial permit, a permit renewal, or a permit modification/revision, including minor modifications/revisions.

(2) Identification of petition claims. Any issue raised in the petition as grounds for an objection must be based on a claim that the permit, permit record, or permit process is not in compliance with applicable requirements or requirements under this part. Any arguments or claims the petitioner wishes the EPA to consider in support of each issue raised must be contained within the body of the petition, or if reference is made to an attached document, the body of the petition must provide a specific citation to the referenced information, along with a description of how that information supports the claim. In determining whether to object, the Administrator will not consider arguments, assertions, claims, or other information incorporated into the petition by reference. For each claim raised, the petition must identify the following:

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