Public housing homeownership and management opportunities

42 U.S. Code § 1437s. Public housing homeownership and management opportunities

(a) Homeownership opportunities in generalLow-income families residing in a public housing project shall be provided with the opportunity to purchase the dwelling units in the project through a qualifying resident management corporation as follows:
(1) Formation of resident management corporationAs a condition for public housing homeownership—
the adult residents of a public housing project shall have formed a resident management corporation in accordance with regulations and requirements of the Secretary prescribed under this section and section 1437r of this title;
the resident management corporation shall have entered into a contract with the public housing agency establishing the respective management rights and responsibilities of the resident management corporation and the public housing agency; and
the resident management corporation shall have demonstrated its ability to manage public housing effectively and efficiently for a period of not less than 3 years.
(2) Homeownership assistance
The Secretary may provide assistance from the Capital Fund to a public housing project in which homeownership activities under this section are conducted.
The Secretary may provide financial assistance to public housing agencies, resident management corporations, or resident councils that obtain, by contract or otherwise, training, technical assistance, and educational assistance as the Secretary determines to be necessary to promote homeownership opportunities under this section.
This paragraph shall not have effect after February 4, 1991. The Secretary may not provide financial assistance under subparagraph (B), after such date, unless the Secretary determines that such assistance is necessary for the development of a homeownership program that was initiated, as determined by the Secretary, before November 28, 1990.
(3) Conditions of purchase by a resident management corporation
(A) A resident management corporation may purchase from a public housing agency one or more multifamily buildings in a public housing project following a determination by the Secretary that—
the resident management corporation has met the conditions of paragraph (1);
the resident management corporation has applied for and is prepared to undertake the ownership, management, and maintenance of the building or buildings with continued assistance from the Secretary;
the public housing agency has held one or more public hearings to obtain the views of citizens regarding the proposed purchase and, in consultation with the Secretary, has certified that the purchase will not interfere with the rights of other families residing in public housing, will not harm the efficient operation of other public housing, and is in the interest of the community;
(iv) the public housing agency has certified that it has and will implement a plan to replace public housing units sold under this section within 30 months of the sale, which plan shall provide for replacement of 100 percent of the units sold under this section by—
production, acquisition, or rehabilitation of vacant public housing units by the public housing agency; and
acquisition by the resident management corporation of nonpublicly owned, decent, and affordable housing units, which the resident management corporation shall operate as rental housing subject to tenant income and rent limitations comparable to the limitations applicable to public housing; and
the building or buildings meet the housing quality standards applicable under section 1437d(f) of this title, and the physical condition, management, and operation of the building or buildings are sufficient to permit affordable homeownership by the families residing in the project.
The price of a building purchased under the preceding sentence shall be approved by the Secretary, in consultation with the public housing agency and resident management corporation, taking into account the fair market value of the property, the ability of resident families to afford and maintain the property, and such other factors as the Secretary determines to be consistent with increasing the supply of dwelling units affordable to very low income families.
This paragraph shall not have effect after February 4, 1991. The authority for a resident management corporation to purchase 1 or more multifamily buildings in a public housing project from a public housing agency shall terminate after such date, unless the Secretary determines that such purchase is necessary for the development of a homeownership program that was initiated, as determined by the Secretary, before November 28, 1990.
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