Public health data system modernization

42 U.S. Code § 300hh-33. Public health data system modernization

(a) Expanding CDC and public health department capabilities
(1) In generalThe Secretary, acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shall—
conduct activities to expand, modernize, improve, and sustain applicable public health data systems used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, including with respect to the interoperability and improvement of such systems (including as it relates to preparedness for, prevention and detection of, and response to public health emergencies); and
(B) award grants or cooperative agreements to State, local, Tribal, or territorial public health departments for the expansion and modernization of public health data systems, to assist public health departments and public health laboratories in—
(i) assessing current data infrastructure capabilities and gaps to—
improve and increase consistency in data collection, storage, and analysis; and
as appropriate, improve dissemination of public health-related information;
improving secure public health data collection, transmission, exchange, maintenance, and analysis, including with respect to demographic data, as appropriate;
improving the secure exchange of data between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, State, local, Tribal, and territorial public health departments, public health laboratories, public health organizations, and health care providers, including by public health officials in multiple jurisdictions within such State, as appropriate, and by simplifying and supporting reporting by health care providers, as applicable, pursuant to State law, including through the use of health information technology;
enhancing the interoperability of public health data systems (including systems created or accessed by public health departments) with health information technology, including with health information technology certified under section 300jj–11(c)(5) of this title;
supporting and training data systems, data science, and informatics personnel;
supporting earlier disease and health condition detection, such as through near real-time data monitoring, to support rapid public health responses;
supporting activities within the applicable jurisdiction related to the expansion and modernization of electronic case reporting; and
developing and disseminating information related to the use and importance of public health data.
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