Protection for purchasers of farm products

7 U.S. Code § 1631. Protection for purchasers of farm products

(a) Congressional findingsCongress finds that—
certain State laws permit a secured lender to enforce liens against a purchaser of farm products even if the purchaser does not know that the sale of the products violates the lender’s security interest in the products, lacks any practical method for discovering the existence of the security interest, and has no reasonable means to ensure that the seller uses the sales proceeds to repay the lender;
these laws subject the purchaser of farm products to double payment for the products, once at the time of purchase, and again when the seller fails to repay the lender;
the exposure of purchasers of farm products to double payment inhibits free competition in the market for farm products; and
this exposure constitutes a burden on and an obstruction to interstate commerce in farm products.
(b) Declaration of purpose
The purpose of this section is to remove such burden on and obstruction to interstate commerce in farm products.
(c) DefinitionsFor the purposes of this section—
The term “buyer in the ordinary course of business” means a person who, in the ordinary course of business, buys farm products from a person engaged in farming operations who is in the business of selling farm products.
(2) The term “central filing system” means a system for filing effective financing statements or notice of such financing statements on a statewide basis and which has been certified by the Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture; the Secretary shall certify such system if the system complies with the requirements of this section; specifically under such system—
effective financing statements or notice of such financing statements are filed with the office of the Secretary of State of a State;
the Secretary of State records the date and hour of the filing of such statements;
(C) the Secretary of State compiles all such statements into a master list—
organized according to farm products;
(ii) arranged within each such product—
in alphabetical order according to the last name of the individual debtors, or, in the case of debtors doing business other than as individuals, the first word in the name of such debtors; and
in numerical order according to the social security number, or other approved unique identifier, of the individual debtors or, in the case of debtors doing business other than as individuals, the Internal Revenue Service taxpayer identification number, or other approved unique identifier, of such debtors, except that the numerical list containing social security or taxpayer identification numbers may be encrypted for security purposes if the Secretary of State provides a method by which an effective search of the encrypted numbers may be conducted to determine whether the farm product at issue is subject to 1 or more liens; and
geographically by county or parish; and
by crop year;
containing the information referred to in paragraph (4)(D);
(D) the Secretary of State maintains a list of all buyers of farm products, commission merchants, and selling agents who register with the Secretary of State, on a form indicating—
the name and address of each buyer, commission merchant and selling agent;
the interest of each buyer, commission merchant, and selling agent in receiving the lists described in subparagraph (E); and
the farm products in which each buyer, commission merchant, and selling agent has an interest;
(E) the Secretary of State distributes regularly as prescribed by the State to each buyer, commission merchant, and selling agent on the list described in subparagraph (D) a copy in written or printed form of those portions of the master list described in subparagraph (C) that cover the farm products in which such buyer, commission merchant, or selling agent has registered an interest except that—
the distribution of the portion of the master list may be in electronic, written, or printed form; and
(ii) if social security or taxpayer identification numbers on the master list are encrypted, the Secretary of State may distribute the master list only—
(I) by compact disc or other electronic media that contains—
the recorded list of debtor names; and
an encryption program that enables the buyer, commission merchant, and selling agent to enter a social security number for matching against the recorded list of encrypted social security or taxpayer identification numbers; and
on the written request of the buyer, commission merchant, or selling agent, by paper copy of the list to the requestor;
the Secretary of State furnishes to those who are not registered pursuant to (2)(D) of this section [1] oral confirmation within 24 hours of any effective financing statement on request followed by written confirmation to any buyer of farm products buying from a debtor, or commission merchant or selling agent selling for a seller covered by such statement.
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