Protecting America’s biomedical research enterprise

42 U.S. Code § 242v-2. Protecting America’s biomedical research enterprise

(a) In generalThe Secretary, in consultation with the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, the Director of National Intelligence, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the heads of other relevant departments and agencies, and in consultation with research institutions and research advocacy organizations or other relevant experts, as appropriate, shall—
identify ways to improve the protection of intellectual property and other proprietary information, as well as identifiable, sensitive information of participants in biomedical research and development, from national security risks and other applicable threats, including the identification of gaps in policies and procedures in such areas related to biomedical research and development supported by the Department of Health and Human Services, and make recommendations to institutions of higher education or other entities that have traditionally received Federal funding for biomedical research to protect such information;
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