Prohibitions on storage of restricted wastes.

§ 268.50 Prohibitions on storage of restricted wastes.

(a) Except as provided in this section, the storage of hazardous wastes restricted from land disposal under subpart C of this part of RCRA section 3004 is prohibited, unless the following conditions are met:

(1) A generator stores such wastes in tanks, containers, or containment buildings on-site solely for the purpose of the accumulation of such quantities of hazardous waste as necessary to facilitate proper recovery, treatment, or disposal and the generator complies with the requirements in §§ 262.16 and 262.17 and parts 264 and 265 of this chapter.

(2) An owner/operator of a hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facility stores such wastes in tanks, containers, or containment buildings solely for the purpose of the accumulation of such quantities of hazardous waste as necessary to facilitate proper recovery, treatment, or disposal and:

(i) Each container is clearly marked to identify its contents and with:

(A) The words “Hazardous Waste”;

(B) The applicable EPA hazardous waste number(s) (EPA hazardous waste codes) in subparts C and D of part 261 of this chapter; or use a nationally recognized electronic system, such as bar coding, to identify the EPA hazardous waste number(s);

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