Prohibitions relating to interstate commerce in certain seeds

7 U.S. Code § 1571. Prohibitions relating to interstate commerce in certain seeds

It shall be unlawful for any person to transport or deliver for transportation in interstate commerce—
(a) Any agricultural seeds or any mixture of agricultural seeds for seeding purposes, unless each container bears a label giving the following information, in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed under section 1592 of this title.
The name of the kind or kind and variety for each agricultural seed component present in excess of 5 per centum of the whole and the percentage by weight of each: Provided, That (A), except with respect to seed mixtures intended for lawn and turf purposes, if any such component is one which the Secretary of Agriculture has determined, in rules and regulations prescribed under section 1592 of this title, is generally labeled as to variety, the label shall bear, in addition to the name of the kind, either the name of such variety or the statement “Variety Not Stated”, (B) in the case of any such component which is a hybrid seed it shall, in addition to the above requirements, be designated as hybrid on the label, and (C) seed mixtures intended for lawn and turf purposes shall be designated as a mixture on the label and each seed component shall be listed on the label in the order of predominance;
Lot number or other identification;
Origin, stated in accordance with paragraph (a)(1) of this section, of each agricultural seed present which has been designated by the Secretary of Agriculture as one on which a knowledge of the origin is important from the standpoint of crop production, if the origin is known, and if each such seed is present in excess of 5 per centum. If the origin of such agricultural seed or seeds is unknown, that fact shall be stated;
Percentage by weight of weed seeds, including noxious-weed seeds;
Kinds of noxious-weed seeds and the rate of occurrence of each, which rate shall be expressed in accordance with and shall not exceed the rate allowed for shipment, movement, or sale of such noxious-weed seeds by the law and regulations of the State into which the seed is offered for transportation or transported or in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture, when under the provisions of section 1561(a)(9)(A)(iii) of this title he shall determine that weeds other than those designated by State requirements are noxious;
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