Production reports.

§ 1031.150 Production reports.

Engine manufacturers must submit an annual production report for each calendar year in which they produce any engines subject to emission standards under this part.

(a) The report is due by February 28 of the following calendar year. Include emission data in the report as described in paragraph (c) of this section. If you produce exempted or excepted engines, submit a single report with information on exempted/excepted and normally certificated engines.

(b) Send the report to the Designated EPA Program Officer.

(c) In the report, specify your corporate name and the year for which you are reporting. Include information as described in this section for each engine sub-model subject to emission standards under this part. List each engine sub-model manufactured or certificated during the calendar year, including the following information for each sub-model:

(1) The type of engine (turbofan, turboprop, etc.) and complete sub-model name, including any applicable model name, sub-model identifier, and engine type certificate family identifier.

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