Procedures for revision of State programs.

§ 123.62 Procedures for revision of State programs.

(a) Either EPA or the approved State may initiate program revision. Program revision may be necessary when the controlling Federal or State statutory or regulatory authority is modified or supplemented. The State shall keep EPA fully informed of any proposed modifications to its basic statutory or regulatory authority, its forms, procedures, or priorities. Grounds for program revision include cases where a State's existing approved program includes authority to issue NPDES permits for activities on a Federal Indian reservation and an Indian Tribe has subsequently been approved for assumption of the NPDES program under 40 CFR part 123 extending to those lands.

(b) Revision of a State program shall be accomplished as follows:

(1) The State shall submit a modified program description, Attorney General's statement, Memorandum of Agreement, or such other documents as EPA determines to be necessary under the circumstances.

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