Procedures for requesting notification of and access to personal records.

§ 2400.4 Procedures for requesting notification of and access to personal records.

The purpose of this section is to provide procedures by which an individual may request notification about whether a system of records contains a record about that individual (“a personal record”), or may gain access to such a record included in a system of records.

(a) Submission of requests—(1) Manner. An individual seeking information regarding the content of a system of records or access to a personal record in a system of records should submit a written request either in person or by mail to the Privacy Officer, OSHRC, One Lafayette Centre, 1120 20th Street NW, Ninth Floor, Washington, DC 20036-3457. A request may also be submitted to the FOIA Disclosure Officer in accordance with the procedures set forth at 29 CFR 2201.5(a). Such a request, however, must be identified as a “Privacy Act Request.” The FOIA Disclosure Officer will forward any request identified in this manner to the Privacy Officer for processing.

(2) Notification requests. A request for notification about whether a system of records contains a personal record must specify which system of records, as described in the agency's system-of-records notices published in Federal Register, is the subject of the request.

(3) Access requests. A request for access to a personal record shall describe the nature of the record sought, the approximate dates covered by the record, and the system of records in which the record is thought to be included as described in the agency's system-of-records notices published in the Federal Register. The request should also indicate whether the requester wishes to review the record in person or obtain a copy by mail. If the information supplied is insufficient to locate or identify the record, the requester shall be notified promptly and, if necessary, informed of the additional information required.

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