Procedures for obtaining access to books, documents, and records.

§ 420.304 Procedures for obtaining access to books, documents, and records.

(a) Contents of the request. Requests for access will be in writing and contain the following elements:

(1) Reasonable identification of the books, documents, and records to which access is being requested.

(2) Identification of the contract or subcontract in which costs are being questioned as excessive or inappropriate.

(3) The reason that the appropriateness of the costs or value of the services of the subcontractor in question cannot be adequately or efficiently determined without access to the subcontractor's books and records.

(4) The authority in the statute and regulations for the access requested.

(5) To the extent possible, the identification of those individuals who will be visiting the subcontractor to obtain access to the books, documents, and records.

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