Procedures for designation of health professional(s) shortage areas.

§ 5.3 Procedures for designation of health professional(s) shortage areas.

(a) Using data available to the Department from national, State, and local sources and based upon the criteria in the appendices to this part, the Department will annually prepare listings (by State and health service area) of currently designated health professional(s) shortage areas and potentially designatable areas, together with appropriate related data available to the Department. Relevant portions of this material will then be forwarded to each health systems agency, State health planning and development agency, and Governor, who will be asked to review the listings for their State, correct any errors of which they are aware, and offer their recommendations, if any, within 90 days, as to which geographic areas, population groups, and facilities in areas under their jurisdiction should be designated. An information copy of these listings will also be made available, upon request, to interested parties for their use in providing comments or recommendations to the Secretary and/or to the appropriate HSA, SHPDA, or Governor.

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