Procedures for amendment of records pertaining to individuals—Format, agency review, and appeal from initial adverse agency determination.

§ 1.27 Procedures for amendment of records pertaining to individuals—Format, agency review, and appeal from initial adverse agency determination.

(a) In general. Subject to the application of exemptions Treasury promulgated in accordance with § 1.23(c), and subject to paragraph (f) of this section, each component of the Department of the Treasury must, in conformance with 5 U.S.C. 552a(d)(2), permit an individual to request amendment of a record pertaining to such individual. Any request for amendment of records or any appeal that does not fully comply with the requirements of this section and any additional specific requirements imposed by the component in the applicable appendix to this subpart will not be deemed subject to the time constraints of paragraph (e) of this section, unless and until the request is amended to meet all requirements. However, components will advise the requester in what respect the request or appeal is non-compliant so that it may be resubmitted or amended. (See 5 U.S.C. 552a(d) and (f).)

(b) Form of request to amend records. In order to be subject to the provisions of this section, a request to amend records must:

(1) Be made in writing and signed by the individual making the request, who must be the individual about whom the record is maintained, or the duly authorized representative of such individual;

(2) State that it is made under the Privacy Act or the regulations in this subpart, with “Privacy Act Amendment Request” written on both the request and on the envelope;

(3) Be addressed to the office or officer of the component specified for such purposes in “Privacy Act Issuances” published by the Office of the Federal Register and referenced in the appendices to this subpart for that purpose; and

(4) Reasonably describe the records which the individual believes require amendment, including, to the best of the requester's knowledge, dates of previous letters the requester sent to the component seeking access to their records and dates of letters in which the component provided notification to the requester concerning access, if any, and the individual's documentation justifying the proposed correction. (See 5 U.S.C. 552a(d) and (f).)

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