
§ 1206.2-4 Procedures.

(a) The procedures set forth in paragraphs (b) through (g) of this section applies only where an application for refunding submitted by a current recipient is rejected or is reduced to 80 percent or less of the applied-for level of funding or the recipient's current level of operations, whichever is less. It is further a condition for application of these procedures that the rejection or reduction be based on circumstances related to the particular grant or contract. These procedures do not apply to reductions based on legislative requirements, or on general policy or in instances where, regardless of a recipient's current level of operations, its application for refunding is not reduced by 20 percent or more. The fact that the basis for rejecting an application may also be a basis for termination under subpart A of this part shall not prevent the use of this subpart to the exclusion of the procedures in subpart A.

(b) Before rejecting an application of a recipient for refunding the Corporation shall notify the recipient of its intention, in writing, at least 75 days before the end of the recipient's current program year or grant budget period. The notice shall inform the recipient that a tentative decision has been made to reject or reduce an application for refunding. The notice shall state the reasons for the tentative decision to which the recipient shall address itself if it wishes to make a presentation as described in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section.

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