Privacy Act Regulations: Notification as to whether a system of records contains records pertaining to requesting individuals; requests for access to records, amendment of such records, or accounting of disclosures; time limits for response; appeal from denial of requests; fees for document duplication; files and records exempted from certain Privacy Act requirements.

§ 102.119 Privacy Act Regulations: Notification as to whether a system of records contains records pertaining to requesting individuals; requests for access to records, amendment of such records, or accounting of disclosures; time limits for response; appeal from denial of requests; fees for document duplication; files and records exempted from certain Privacy Act requirements.


(1) An individual will be informed whether a system of records maintained by the Agency contains a record pertaining to such individual. An inquiry may be made in writing or in person during normal business hours to the official of the Agency designated for that purpose and at the address set forth in a notice of a system of records published by this Agency, in a Notice of Systems of Government-wide Personnel Records published by the Office of Personnel Management, or in a Notice of Government-wide Systems of Records published by the Department of Labor. Copies of such notices, and assistance in preparing an inquiry, may be obtained from any Regional Office of the Board or at the Board offices in Washington, DC. The inquiry may contain sufficient information, as defined in the notice, to identify the record.

(2) Reasonable verification of the identity of the inquirer, as described in paragraph (e) of this section, will be required to assure that information is disclosed to the proper person. The Agency will acknowledge the inquiry in writing within 10 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal public holidays) and, wherever practicable, the acknowledgment will supply the information requested. If, for good cause shown, the Agency cannot supply the information within 10 days, the inquirer will within that time period be notified in writing of the reasons therefor and when it is anticipated the information will be supplied. An acknowledgment will not be provided when the information is supplied within the 10-day period. If the Agency refuses to inform an individual whether a system of records contains a record pertaining to an individual, the inquirer will be notified in writing of that determination and the reasons therefor, and of the right to obtain review of that determination under the provisions of paragraph (f) of this section. The provisions of this paragraph (a)(2) do not apply to the extent that requested information from the relevant system of records has been exempted from this Privacy Act requirement.


(1) An individual will be permitted access to records pertaining to such individual contained in any system of records described in the notice of system of records published by the Agency, or access to the accounting of disclosures from such records. The request for access must be made in writing or in person during normal business hours to the person designated for that purpose and at the address set forth in the published notice of system of records. Copies of such notices, and assistance in preparing a request for access, may be obtained from any Regional Office of the Board or at the Board offices in Washington, DC. Reasonable verification of the identity of the requester, as described in paragraph (e) of this section, will be required to assure that records are disclosed to the proper person. A request for access to records or the accounting of disclosures from such records will be acknowledged in writing by the Agency within 10 days of receipt (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal public holidays) and, wherever practicable, the acknowledgment will inform the requester whether access will be granted and, if so, the time and location at which the records or accounting will be made available. If access to the record of accounting is to be granted, the record or accounting will normally be provided within 30 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal public holidays) of the request, unless for good cause shown the Agency is unable to do so, in which case the individual will be informed in writing within that 30-day period of the reasons therefor and when it is anticipated that access will be granted. An acknowledgment of a request will not be provided if the record is made available within the 10-day period.

(2) If an individual's request for access to a record or an accounting of disclosure from such a record under the provisions of this paragraph (b) is denied, the notice informing the individual of the denial will set forth the reasons therefor and advise the individual of the right to obtain a review of that determination under the provisions of paragraph (f) of this section. The provisions of this paragraph (b)(2) do not apply to the extent that requested information from the relevant system of records has been exempted from this Privacy Act requirement.

(c) An individual granted access to records pertaining to such individual contained in a system of records may review all such records. For that purpose, the individual may be accompanied by a person of the individual's choosing, or the record may be released to the individual's representative who has written consent of the individual, as described in paragraph (e) of this section. A first copy of any such record or information will ordinarily be provided without charge to the individual or representative in a form comprehensible to the individual. Fees for any other copies of requested records will be assessed at the rate of 12 cents for each sheet of duplication.

(d) An individual may request amendment of a record pertaining to such individual in a system of records maintained by the Agency. A request for amendment of a record must be in writing and submitted during normal business hours to the person designated for that purpose and at the address set forth in the published notice for the system of records containing the record of which amendment is sought. Copies of such notices, and assistance in preparing a request for amendment, may be obtained from any Regional Office of the Board or at the Board offices in Washington, DC. The requester must provide verification of identity as described in paragraph (e) of this section, and the request must set forth the specific amendment requested and the reason for the requested amendment. The Agency will acknowledge in writing receipt of the request within 10 days of receipt (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal public holidays) and, whenever practicable, the acknowledgement will advise the individual of the determination of the request. If the review of the request for amendment cannot be completed and a determination made within 10 days, the review will be completed as soon as possible, normally within 30 days (Saturdays, Sundays, and legal public holidays excluded) of receipt of the request unless unusual circumstances preclude completing the review within that time, in which event the requester will be notified in writing within that 30-day period of the reasons for the delay and when the determination of the request may be expected. If the determination is to amend the record, the requester will be so notified in writing and the record will be amended in accordance with that determination. If any disclosures accountable under the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552a(c) have been made, all previous recipients of the record which was amended must be advised of the amendment and its substance. If it is determined that the request may not be granted, the requester will be notified in writing of that determination and of the reasons therefor, and advised of the right to obtain review of the adverse determination under the provisions of paragraph (f) of this section. The provisions of this paragraph (d) do not apply to the extent that requested information from the relevant system of records has been exempted from this Privacy Act requirement.

(e) Verification of the identification of individuals required under paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (d) of this section to assure that records are disclosed to the proper person will be required by the Agency to an extent consistent with the nature, location, and sensitivity of the records being disclosed. Disclosure of a record to an individual will normally be made upon the presentation of acceptable identification. Disclosure of records by mail may be made on the basis of the identifying information set forth in the request. Depending on the nature, location, and sensitivity of the requested record, a signed notarized statement verifying identity may be required by the Agency. Proof of authorization as representative to have access to a record of an individual must be in writing, and a signed notarized statement of such authorization may be required by the Agency if the record requested is of a sensitive nature.


(1) Review may be obtained with respect to:

(i) A refusal, under paragraph (a) or (g) of this section, to inform an individual if a system of records contains a record concerning that individual;

(ii) A refusal, under paragraph (b) or (g) of this section, to grant access to a record or an accounting of disclosure from such a record; or

(iii) A refusal, under paragraph (d) of this section, to amend a record.

(iv) The request for review may be made to the Chairman of the Board if the system of records is maintained in the office of a Member of the Board, the Office of the Executive Secretary, the Office of the Solicitor, the Office of Congressional and Public Affairs, or the Division of Administrative Law Judges. Consistent with the provisions of Section 3(d) of the Act, and the delegation of authority from the Board to the General Counsel, the request may be made to the General Counsel if the system of records is maintained by an office of the Agency other than those enumerated above. Either the Chairman of the Board or the General Counsel may designate in writing another officer of the Agency to review the refusal of the request. Such review will be completed within 30 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal public holidays) from the receipt of the request for review unless the Chairman of the Board or the General Counsel, as the case may be, for good cause shown, extends such 30-day period.

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