Prehearing information exchange; prehearing conference; other discovery.

§ 22.19 Prehearing information exchange; prehearing conference; other discovery.

(a) Prehearing information exchange. (1) In accordance with an order issued by the Presiding Officer, each party shall file a prehearing information exchange. Except as provided in § 22.22(a), a document or exhibit that has not been included in prehearing information exchange shall not be admitted into evidence, and any witness whose name and testimony summary has not been included in prehearing information exchange shall not be allowed to testify. Parties are not required to exchange information relating to settlement which would be excluded in the federal courts under Rule 408 of the Federal Rules of Evidence. Documents and exhibits shall be marked for identification as ordered by the Presiding Officer.

(2) Each party's prehearing information exchange shall contain:

(i) The names of any expert or other witnesses it intends to call at the hearing, together with a brief narrative summary of their expected testimony, or a statement that no witnesses will be called; and (ii) Copies of all documents and exhibits which it intends to introduce into evidence at the hearing.

(3) If the proceeding is for the assessment of a penalty and complainant has already specified a proposed penalty, complainant shall explain in its prehearing information exchange how the proposed penalty was calculated in accordance with any criteria set forth in the Act, and the respondent shall explain in its prehearing information exchange why the proposed penalty should be reduced or eliminated.

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