Plan actuarial information.

§ 4010.8 Plan actuarial information.

(a) Required information. Except as provided elsewhere in this part, for each plan (other than an exempt plan) maintained by any member of the filer's controlled group, each filer is required to provide, in accordance with the instructions on PBGC's Web site,, the following actuarial information determined (except as specified below) as of the end of plan year ending within the filer's information year—

(1) The number of—

(i) Retired participants and beneficiaries receiving payments,

(ii) Terminated vested participants, and

(iii) Active participants;

(2) The fair market value of the plan's assets (excluding any contributions received after year-end);

(3) The amount of benefit liabilities under the plan, setting forth separately the amount of the liabilities attributable to retired participants and beneficiaries receiving payments, terminated vested participants, and active participants, determined, for this purpose in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section;

(4) A description of the actuarial assumptions used to determine the benefit liabilities in paragraph (a)(3) of this section;

(5) The at-risk funding target for the plan year ending within the information year determined under ERISA section 303(i) and Code section 430(i)—

(i) As if the plan has been in at-risk status for a consecutive period of at least five years, and

(ii) Without regard to the interest rate stabilization provisions of ERISA section 303(h)(2)(C)(iv) and Code section 430(h)(2)(C)(iv);

(6) The 4010 funding target attainment percentage (as of the valuation date) for the plan year ending within the information year;

(7) The adjusted funding target attainment percentage as defined in ERISA section 206(g)(9)(B) and Code section 436(j)(2) for the plan year ending within the information year;

(8) Whether the plan, at any time during the plan year, was subject to any of the limitations described in ERISA section 206(g) and Code section 436, and, if so, which limitations applied, when such limitations applied, and when (if applicable) they were lifted;

(9) Whether a required installment or other required payment to the plan was not made, and, as a result, a lien described in ERISA section 303(k) or 306(g) and Code section 430(k) or 433(g) was triggered during the information year, and the required installment or other required payment was not made within ten days after its due date;

(10) Whether any portion of the total minimum funding waiver(s) in excess of $1 million granted with respect to such plan is outstanding;

(11) A copy of the actuarial valuation report for the plan year ending within the filer's information year that contains or is supplemented by the following information for that plan year—

(i) The funding target calculated pursuant to ERISA section 303 without regard to subsection 303(i)(1) (and Code section 430 without regard to subsection 430(i)(1)), setting forth separately the value of the liabilities attributable to retirees and beneficiaries receiving payment, terminated vested participants, and active participants (showing vested and nonvested benefits separately);

(ii) A summary of the actuarial assumptions and methods used for purposes of ERISA section 303 and Code section 430, including the form of payment and benefit commencement date assumptions for all active and deferred vested participants not yet receiving benefits, information on how lump sums are valued (for plans that provide lump sums other than de minimis lump sums), and any changes in those assumptions and methods since the previous valuation and the justifications for such changes.

(iii) The effective interest rate (as defined in ERISA section 303(h)(2)(A) and Code section 430(h)(2)(A));

(iv) The target normal cost calculated pursuant to ERISA section 303 without regard to subsection 303(i)(2) (and Code section 430 without regard to subsection 430(i)(2));

(v) For the plan year and each of the four preceding plan years, a statement as to whether the plan was in at-risk status for that plan year;

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