Phase I reduced utilization plans.

§ 72.43 Phase I reduced utilization plans.

(a) Applicability. This section shall apply to the designated representative of:

(1) Any Phase I unit, including:

(i) Any unit listed in table 1 of § 73.10(a) of this chapter; and

(ii) Any other unit that becomes a Phase I unit (including any unit designated as a compensating unit under this section or a substitution unit under § 72.41).

(2) Any affected unit that:

(i) Is not otherwise subject to any Acid Rain emissions limitation or emissions reduction requirements during Phase I; and

(ii) Meets the requirement, as set forth in paragraphs (c)(4)(ii) and (d) of this section, that for each year for which the unit is to be covered by the reduced utilization plan, the unit's baseline divided by 2,000 lbs/ton and multiplied by the lesser of the unit's 1985 actual SO2 emissions rate or 1985 allowable SO2 emissions rate does not exceed the sum of

(A) The lesser of 10 percent of the amount under paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section or 200 tons, plus

(B) The unit's baseline divided by 2,000 lbs/ton and multiplied by the lesser of: The greater of the unit's 1989 or 1990 actual SO2 emissions rate; or, as of November 15, 1990, the most stringent federally enforceable or State enforceable SO2 emissions limitation covering the unit for 1995-1999.


(1) The designated representative of any unit under paragraph (a)(1) of this section shall include in the Acid Rain permit application for the unit a reduced utilization plan, meeting the requirements of this section, when the owners and operators of the unit plan to:

(i) Reduce utilization of the unit below the unit's baseline to achieve compliance, in whole or in part, with the unit's Phase I Acid Rain emissions limitations for sulfur dioxide; and

(ii) Accomplish such reduced utilization through one or more of the following:

(A) Shifting generation of the unit to a unit under paragraph (a)(2) of this section or to a sulfur-free generator; or

(B) Using one or more energy conservation measures or improved unit efficiency measures.


(i) Energy conservation measures shall be either demand-side measures implemented after December 31, 1987 in the residence or facility of a customer to whom the unit's utility system sells electricity or supply-side measures implemented after December 31, 1987 in facilities of the unit's utility system.

(ii) The utility system shall pay in whole or in part for the energy conservation measures either directly or, in the case of demand-side measures, through payment to another person who purchases the measure.

(iii) Energy conservation measures shall not include:

(A) Conservation programs that are exclusively informational or educational in nature;

(B) Load management measures that lead to reduction of electric energy demands during a utility's peak generating period, unless kilowatt hour savings can be verified under § 72.91(b); or

(C) Utilization of industrial waste gases, unless the designated representative certifies that there is no net increase in sulfur dioxide emissions from such utilization.

(iv) For calendar years when the unit's utility system is a subsidiary of a holding company and the unit's dispatch system is or includes all units that are interconnected and centrally dispatched and included in that holding company, then:

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