Petition for administrative review and request for evidentiary hearing.

§ 78.3 Petition for administrative review and request for evidentiary hearing.


(1) The following persons may petition for administrative review of a decision of the Administrator that is made under parts 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, and 77 of this chapter and that is appealable under § 78.1(a):

(i) The designated representative for a unit or source covered by the decision or the authorized account representative for any Allowance Tracking System account covered by the decision; or

(ii) Any interested person with regard to the decision.

(2) The following persons may petition for administrative review of a decision of the Administrator that is made under subparts A through J of part 97 of this chapter and that is appealable under § 78.1(a):

(i) The NOX authorized account representative for a unit or source covered by the decision or any NOX Allowance Tracking System account covered by the decision; or

(ii) Any interested person with regard to the decision.

(3) The following persons may petition for administrative review of a decision of the Administrator that is made under subparts AA through II, AAA through III, or AAAA through IIII of part 96 of this chapter or subparts AA through II, AAA through III, or AAAA through IIII of part 97 of this chapter and that is appealable under § 78.1(a):

(i) The CAIR designated representative for a unit or source covered by the decision or the CAIR authorized account representative for any CAIR NOX Allowance Tracking System account, CAIR SO2 Allowance Tracking System account, or CAIR NOX Ozone Season Allowance Tracking System account covered by the decision; or

(ii) Any interested person with regard to the decision.

(4) The following persons may petition for administrative review of a decision of the Administrator that is made under subpart AAAAA, BBBBB, CCCCC, DDDDD, EEEEE, FFFFF, or GGGGG of part 97 of this chapter and that is appealable under § 78.1(a):

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