Permit fees.

§ 71.9 Permit fees.

(a) Fee requirement. The owners or operators of part 71 sources shall pay annual fees, or the equivalent over some other period, that are sufficient to cover the permit program costs, in accordance with the procedures described in this section.

(b) Permit program costs. These costs include, but are not limited to, the costs of the following activities as they relate to a part 71 program:

(1) Reviewing and acting on any application for a permit, permit revision, or permit renewal, including the development of an applicable requirement as part of the processing of a permit, or permit revision or renewal;

(2) Processing permit reopenings;

(3) General administrative costs of the permit program, including transition planning, interagency coordination, contract management, training, informational services and outreach activities, assessing and collecting fees, the tracking of permit applications, compliance certifications, and related data entry;

(4) Implementing and enforcing the terms of any part 71 permit (not including any court costs or other costs associated with an enforcement action), including adequate resources to determine which sources are subject to the program;

(5) Emissions and ambient monitoring, modeling, analyses, demonstrations, preparation of inventories, and tracking emissions, provided these activities are needed in order to issue and implement part 71 permits; and

(6) Providing direct and indirect support to small business stationary sources in determining applicable requirements and in receiving permits under this part (to the extent that these services are not provided by a State Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program).

(c) Establishment of fee schedule. (1) For part 71 programs that are administered by EPA, each part 71 source shall pay an annual fee which is the sum of:

(i) $32 per ton (as adjusted pursuant to the criteria set forth in paragraph (n)(1) of this section) times the total tons of the actual emissions of each regulated pollutant (for fee calculation) emitted from the source, including fugitive emissions; and

(ii) Any GHG fee adjustment required under paragraph (c)(8) of this section.

(2) For part 71 programs that are fully delegated pursuant to § 71.10:

(i) Where the EPA has not suspended its part 71 fee collection pursuant to paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section, the annual fee for each part 71 source shall be the sum of:

(A) $24 per ton (as adjusted pursuant to the criteria set forth in paragraph (n)(1) of this section) times the total tons of the actual emissions of each regulated pollutant (for fee calculation) emitted from the source, including fugitive emissions; and

(B) Any GHG fee adjustment required under paragraph (c)(8) of this section.

(ii) Where the delegate State collects fees from part 71 sources under State law which are sufficient to fund the delegated part 71 program, the EPA may suspend its collection of part 71 fees. The specific terms and conditions regarding the suspension of fee collection will be addressed in the applicable delegation agreement pursuant to § 71.10.

(3) For part 71 programs that are administered by EPA with contractor assistance, the per ton fee shall vary depending on the extent of contractor involvement and the cost to EPA of contractor assistance. The EPA shall establish a per ton fee that is based on the contractor costs for the specific part 71 program that is being administered, using the following formula:

Cost per ton = (E × 32) + [(1 − E) × $C]
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