Permit content.

§ 71.25 Permit content.

(a) Standard permit requirements. Each permit issued under this subpart shall include the following elements:

(1) Alternative emission limitation. An annual alternative emission limitation for hazardous air pollutants from the early reductions source reflecting the 90 percent reduction (95 percent for hazardous air pollutants which are particulate matter) which qualified the early reductions source for a compliance extension under subpart D of part 63 of this chapter.

(2) Additional limitations. Additional emission limiting requirements, such as limitations on operation, work practice standards, and any other emission limiting requirements for the early reductions source necessary to assure compliance with the alternative emission limitation.

(3) Monitoring requirements. Each permit shall contain the following monitoring requirements:

(i) All emissions monitoring and analysis procedures or test methods necessary to assure compliance with the emission limitations established under paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section. Such monitoring or testing shall be consistent with the demonstration made pursuant to § 63.74 of this chapter and any procedures and methods promulgated pursuant to sections 114(a)(3) or 504(b) of the Act;

(ii) Periodic monitoring or testing sufficient to yield reliable data from the relevant time period that are representative of the early reductions source's compliance with the permit. Such monitoring requirements shall assure use of terms, test methods, units, averaging periods, and other statistical conventions consistent with the demonstration made pursuant to § 63.74 of this chapter. Recordkeeping provisions may be sufficient to meet the requirements of this paragraph (a)(3)(ii); and

(iii) As necessary, requirements concerning the use, maintenance, and, where appropriate, installation of monitoring equipment or methods.

(4) Recordkeeping requirements. The permit shall contain recordkeeping requirements including the following, as applicable:

(i) Records of required monitoring information that include the following:

(A) The date, place as defined in the permit, and time of sampling or measurements;

(B) The date(s) analyses were performed;

(C) The company or entity that performed the analyses;

(D) The analytical techniques or methods used;

(E) The results of such analyses; and

(F) The operating conditions as existing at the time of sampling or measurement;

(ii) Retention of records of all required monitoring data and support information for a period of at least 5 years from the date of the monitoring sample, measurement, report, or application. Support information includes all calibration and maintenance records and all original strip-chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation, and copies of all reports required by the permit.

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