Participant assessment.

§ 460.104 Participant assessment.

(a) Initial comprehensive assessment—(1) Basic requirement. The interdisciplinary team must conduct an initial in-person comprehensive assessment on each participant. The assessment must be completed in a timely manner in order to meet the requirements in paragraph (b) of this section.

(2) Members present. As part of the initial comprehensive assessment, each of the following members of the interdisciplinary team must evaluate the participant in person and develop a discipline-specific assessment of the participant's health and social status:

(i) Primary care provider

(ii) Registered nurse.

(iii) Master's-level social worker.

(iv) Physical therapist.

(v) Occupational therapist.

(vi) Recreational therapist or activity coordinator.

(vii) Dietitian.

(viii) Home care coordinator.

(3) Additional professional disciplines. At the recommendation of the interdisciplinary team, other professional disciplines (for example, speech-language pathology, dentistry, or audiology) may be included in the initial comprehensive assessment process.

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