Other pertinent statutory provisions.

§ 780.301 Other pertinent statutory provisions.

(a) Man-day is defined by section 3(u) of the Act as follows:

“Man-day” means any day during which an employee performs any agriculture labor for not less than 1 hour.

(b) Under section 3(e) of the Act the term employee does not include certain individuals in determining mandays of labor. Section 3(e) provides that:

“Employee” includes any individual employed by an employer, except that such term shall not, for the purposes of section 3(u) include:

(1) Any individual employed by an employer engaged in agriculture if such individual is the parent, spouse, child, or other member of the employer's immediate family, or

(2) Any individual who is employed by an employer engaged in agriculture if such individual (A) is employed as a hand harvest laborer and is paid on a piece rate basis in an operation which has been, and is customarily and generally recognized as having been, paid on a piece-rate basis in the region of employment, and (B) commutes daily from his permanent residence to the farm on which he is so employed, and (C) has been employed in agriculture less than 13 weeks during the preceding calendar year.

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