Original identification of plan section.

§ 52.1587 Original identification of plan section.

(a) This section identifies the original “Air Implementation Plan for the State of New Jersey” and all revisions submitted by New Jersey that were Federally approved prior to October 1, 2016.

(b) The plan was officially submitted on January 26, 1972.

(c) The plan revisions listed below were submitted on the dates specified.

(1) Miscellaneous non-regulatory additions to the plan submitted on April 17, 1972, by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

(2) List of permits issued to sources allowing them particulate emissions in excess of 25 tons per year submitted on May 15, 1972, by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

(3) Legal opinion of State Attorney General on State's authority to make available to the public emission data reported by sources submitted on June 23, 1972, by the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety.

(4) Copies of the permits and certificates issued to sources exceeding 25 tons per year of particulate emissions submitted on July 6, 1972, by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

(5) Revisions correcting deficiencies in the new source review procedure submitted on March 22, 1973, by the Governor.

(6) Legal opinion of the State Attorney General on the State's authority to deny a permit to construct or modify a source submitted on April 18, 1973, by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

(7) Revision to sulfur-in-fuel regulation, section 7:1-3.1 of New Jersey Air Pollution Control Code, submitted on November 20, 1973, by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

(8) Revision to the control of open burning regulation, section 7:27-2.1 of the New Jersey Air Pollution Control Code, submitted on November 19, 1975, by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

(9) Letter, dated January 16, 1976, from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection stating that there would be no net increase in hydrocarbon emissions as a result of the revisions to N.J.A.C. 7:27-2.1.

(10) Regulation entitled: “Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Volatile Organic Substances,” New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 7:27-16.1 et seq., submitted on January 8, 1976 by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

(11) Technical justification supporting N.J.A.C. 7:27-16 et seq. submitted on March 3, 1976.

(12) Revisions consisting of 16 administrative orders issued pursuant to the New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 7:27-9.5(a) and technical support for these orders received on April 27, 1976 from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

(13) An administrative order directed to Hunt-Wesson Foods, Inc. in Bridgeton, Cumberland County and issued pursuant to the New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 7:27-9.5(a), dated June 15, 1976, and technical support for this order received by EPA on April 27, 1976, both from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

(14) Revision to the Permits and Certificates regulation of the New Jersey Air Pollution Control Code, N.J.A.C. 7:27-8.1 et seq., submitted on June 8, 1976 by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

(15) Revision consisting of an administrative order issued on September 14, 1976 to Owens Illinois, Inc., Cumberland County, New Jersey pursuant to the New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 7:27-9.5(a) and submitted on September 17, 1976 by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

(16) A revision submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection consisting of an October 27, 1976 letter indicating the extension, to July 12, 1977, of “variances” to the provisions of the New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 7:27-9.1 et seq., Sulfur in Fuel, for 18 facilities; and supplemental technical information submitted in a November 22, 1976 letter. The extended “variances” including all their terms and conditions are made a part of the New Jersey State Implementation Plan. The facilities affected by these “variances”, their location and applicable sulfur in fuel oil limitation until July 12, 1977 are as follows:

Source Location Sulfur in fuel oil limitation (percent by weight)
National Bottle CorpSalem City, Salem County2.0
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & CoDeepwater, Salem County1.5
Heinz-USASalem City, Salem County2.0
B. F. Goodrich Chemical CoPedricktown, Salem County1.5
Anchor Hocking CorpSalem City, Salem County2.0
Atlantic City Electric Deepwater StationPenns Grove, Salem County1.5
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & CoCarney's Point, Salem County1.5
Mannington Mills, IncSalem City, Salem County2.0
Atlantic City Electric B. L. England StationBeesley Point, Cape May County2.0
Hunt Wesson Foods, IncBridgeton City, Cumberland County2.5
Kerr Glass Manufacturing CorpMillville City, Cumberland County2.5
Owens Illinois, Inc., Kimble Products DivisionVineland City, Cumberland County2.5
Leone IndustriesBridgeton City, Cumberland County2.5
Owens Illinois, Inc......do1.5
Progresso Food CorpVineland City, Cumberland County2.5
Bridgeton Dying & Finishing CorpBridgeton City, Cumberland County2.5
Whitehead Bros. CoHaleyville, Cumberland County2.5
Vineland Chemical CoVineland City, Cumberland County2.5

(17) A revision submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection consisting of a January 10, 1978 letter indicating the extension, to July 12, 1978, of “variances” to the provisions of the New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 7:27—9.1 et seq., Sulfur in Fuel, for 17 facilities and accompanying supplemental information. The extended “variances” including all their terms and conditions are made a part of the New Jersey State implementation plan. The facilities affected by these “variances,” their locations, and applicable sulfur-in-fuel-oil limitations until July 12, 1978 are as follows:

Source Location Sulfur in fuel oil limitation (percent by weight)
National Bottle CorpSalem City, Salem County2.0
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & CoDeepwater, Salem County1.5
Heinz-U.S.ASalem City, Salem County2.0
B. F. Goodrich Chemical CoPedricktown, Salem County1.5
Anchor Hocking CorpSalem City, Salem County2.0
Atlantic City Electric, Deepwater StationPenns Grove, Salem County1.5
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & CoCarney's Point, Salem County1.5
Mannington Mills, IncSalem City, Salem County2.0
Atlantic City Electric, B. L. England StationBeesley Point, Cape May County2.0
Kerr Glass Manufacturing CorpMillville City, Cumberland County2.5
Owens Illinois, Inc., Kimble Products DivisionVineland City, Cumberland County2.5
Leone IndustriesBridgeton, Cumberland County2.5
Progresso Food CorpVineland City, Cumberland County2.5
Bridgeton Dyeing & Finishing CorpBridgeton City, Cumberland County2.5
Vineland Chemical CoVineland City, Cumberland County2.5
Hunt-Wesson Foods, IncBridgeton, Cumberland County2.5
Owens Illinois, Inc......do1.5

(18) A revision submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection consisting of a June 26, 1978 letter indicating the extension, to January 12, 1979 or until such time as the State places into effect revised permanent sulfur-in-fuel-oil regulations, of “variances” to the provisions of the New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 7:27-9.1 et seq., Sulfur in Fuel, for 17 facilities and accompanying supplemental information. The extended “variances” including all their terms and conditions are made a part of the New Jersey State Implementation Plan. The facilities affected by these “variances”, their locations, and applicable sulfur-in-fuel-oil limitations until January 12, 1979 or until such time as the State places into effect and EPA approves revised permanent sulfur-in-fuel-oil regulations are as follow:

Source Location Sulfur in fuel oil limitation (percent by weight)
National Bottle CorpSalem City, Salem County2.0
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & CoDeepwater, Salem County1.5
Heinz—U.S.ASalem City, Salem County2.0
B. F. Goodrich Chemical CoPedricktown, Salem County1.5
Anchor Hocking CorpSalem City, Salem County2.0
Atlantic City Electric, Deepwater StationPenns Grove, Salem County1.5
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & CoCarney's Point, Salem County1.5
Mannington Mills, IncSalem City, Salem County2.0
Atlantic City Electric, B. L. England StationBeesley Point, Cape May County2.0
Kerr Glass Manufacturing CorpMilville City, Cumberland County2.5
Owens Illinois, Inc., Kimble Products DivisionVineland City, Cumberland County2.5
Leone IndustriesBridgeton, Cumberland County2.5
Progresso Food CorpVineland City, Cumberland County2.5
Bridgeton Dyeing and Finishing CorpBridgeton City, Cumberland County2.5
Vineland Chemical CoVineland City, Cumberland County2.5
Hunt-Wesson Foods, IncBridgeton, Cumberland County2.5
Owens Illinois, Inc......do1.5

(19) A revision submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection on July 6, 1978 consisting of amendments to the provisions of the New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 7:27-10.1 et seq., Sulfur in Coal, and accompanying supplemental information.

(20) A revision consisting of all but one of the sections of the revised regulation, N.J.A.C. 7:27-6.1 et seq., submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection with a March 31, 1977 cover letter which also transmitted the basis and background document and the Report of the Public Hearing. The one section that is not approved as submitted by the State is Section 6.5, “Variances.”

(21) A revision submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection on August 10, 1978 consisting of amendments to the provisions of the New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 7:27-9.1 et seq., Sulfur in Fuels, and accompanying supplemental information.

(22) A comprehensive revision for nonattainment areas entitled, “Proposed New Jersey State Implementation Plan for the Attainment and Maintenance of Air Quality Standards,” submitted, as required by Part D of the Clean Air Act, on December 29, 1978 by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

(23) Supplementary submittals, pertaining to the plan revision for nonattainment areas required by Part D of the Clean Air Act, from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection as follows:

A package dated April 17, 1979 from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to EPA entitled, “N.J. SIP Supplement 1,” and covering the State's schedule for future actions, expected costs and sources of funding, ongoing consultation process, graphical representation of reasonable further progress, schedule for promulgation of emission offset rule, commitment to adoption of tall stack policy and comments on EPA's proposed tall stack policy, discussion and schedule for resolution of the Bridgeton particulate downwash problem, summary of particulate emissions inventories for non-attainment areas, request for extension for submittal of SIP for secondary TSP standard, and expanded explanation of current I/M program.

A Supplement 2 to the proposed SIP revision consisting of a cover letter dated June 20, 1979 and four attachments from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to EPA covering a proposed version of the State's new source review regulation, a discussion of reasonable further progress with respect to volatile organic substance sources, the design values for ozone in the Metropolitan New York and Metropolitan Philadelphia Interstate Air Quality Control Regions, and a proposed version of the State's regulation for the control of volatile organic substances (VOS).

A submittal dated July 5, 1979 from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to EPA covering the State's draft regulation controlling VOS, operating and maintenance procedures for open top tanks and surface cleaners covered under the State's draft VOS control regulation, and evaporative losses from VOS storage tanks.

A package consisting of a cover letter dated October 3, 1979 from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to EPA and an accompanying report covering an analysis of the Bridgeton particulates downwash problem and the State's effort to execute memoranda of understanding with its Metropolitan Planning Organization.

A cover letter received by EPA dated October 19, 1979 from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection together with the State's adopted regulation for control of VOS, N.J.A.C. 7:27-16.1 et seq., and “Report of Public Hearing and Basis for promulation .

A package consisting of a letter dated January 9, 1980 from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to EPA covering the conditions on SIP approval which were listed by EPA in the proposed rulemaking notice for the SIP revision and four references covering the October 3, 1979 Bridgeton particulates analysis, an updated Bridgeton particulates analysis, and an energy analysis of certain VOS controls called for in N.J.A.C. 7:27-16.1 et seq. justifying the State's position on seasonal variances for certain VOS sources.

(24) A supplementary submittal, dated February 27, 1980 from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection consisting of five memoranda of understanding among the New Jersey Departments of Environmental Protection and Transportation and the following metropolitan planning organizations:

Atlantic County Urban Area Transportation Study

Cumberland County Urban Area Transportation Study

Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission

Philipsburg Urban Area Transportation Study

Wilmington Metropolitan Area Planning Council

(25) Supplementary submittals, dated March 5, April 9 and April 10 from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection consisting of test methods to be used in determining compliance with the provisions of N.J.A.C. 7:27-16.1 et seq., “Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Volatile Organic Substances.”

(26) A supplementary submittal, dated April 22, 1980, from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the New Jersey Department of Transportation consisting of three documents entitled “The Transportation Planning Process in New Jersey,” “Summary of Financial Resources for Transportation-Air Quality Planning,” and “Program for Selection of Needed Transportation Control Measures, April 1980.”

(27) A supplementary submittal dated August 5, 1980 from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection consisting of revisions to Subchapter 18 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, entitled, “Control and Prohibitions of Air Pollution from Ambient Air Quality in Nonattainment Areas” (Emission Offset Rule), N.J.A.C. 7:27-18.1 et seq.

(28) A supplementary submittal from the State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, consisting of an Ambient Air Quality Monitoring SIP revision dated August 1.

(29) A June 30, 1980 submittal by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) consisting of an Amended Consent Order entered into by NJDEP and the Atlantic City Electric Company. This revision to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan establishes a construction and testing schedule designed to bring units 1 and 2 at Atlantic City Electric Company's B.L. England Generating Station at Beesley's Point, New Jersey, into compliance with New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 7:27-3.1 et seq., Control and Prohibition of Smoke from Combustion of Fuel; N.J.A.C. 7:27-4.1 et seq., Control and Prohibition of Particulates from Combustion of Fuel; and N.J.A.C. 7:27-10.1 et seq., Sulfur in Coal, by March 31, 1982 and June 1, 1982, respectively.

(30) A supplementary submittal dated April 27, 1981, from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection consisting of newly adopted revisions to a regulation concerning the Control and Prohibition of Open Burning, N.J.A.C. 7:27-21 et seq., an Order of Adoption, the Report of Public Hearing, and the Basis for the Proposed Amendments.

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