Original Identification of Plan Section.

§ 52.1322 Original Identification of Plan Section.

(a) This section identifies the original “Air Implementation Plan for the State of Missouri” and all revisions submitted by Missouri that were Federally approved prior to July 1, 1999.

(b) The plans were officially submitted on January 24, 1972.

(c) The plan revisions listed below were submitted on the dates specified.

(1) Budget and manpower projections were submitted by the State Air Conservation Commission (ACC) on February 28, 1972. (Non-regulatory)

(2) A memorandum from the State Air Conservation Commission concerning the effects of adopting Appendix B to NO2 emissions in the St. Louis area was submitted on March 27, 1972. (Non-regulatory)

(3) The determination of the CO air quality data base on the St. Louis area was submitted on May 2, 1972, by the Air Conservation Commission. (Non- regulatory)

(4) The emergency episode operations/communications manual for the Kansas City area was submitted on May 11, 1972, by the State Air Conservation Commission. (Non-regulatory)

(5) Amendments to the Air Conservation Law, Chapter 203, and plans for air monitoring for outstate Missouri were submitted July 12, 1972, by the Air Conservation Commission.

(6) The following amendments to the St. Louis and Kansas City outstate plans were submitted August 8, 1972, by the State ACC: Air Conservation Law, Chapter 203; Kansas City Ordinance, Chapter 18; Regulations XVIII, XX, XXVI (St. Louis); Regulations X, XII, XVII (Kansas City) and Regulations S–11, S–X111 and S–X11 (outstate).

(7) Letters discussing transportation control strategy for Kansas City Interstate AQCR submitted by the State ACC on May 11 and 21, 1973. (Non-regulatory)

(8) Alert plan for St. Louis County and outstate Missouri was submitted on May 24, 1973, by the ACC. (Regulatory)

(9) Copy of the State's analysis of ambient air quality in the Missouri portion of the Metropolitan Kansas City Interstate Air Quality Control Region and recommendation that the area not be designated as an Air Quality Maintenance Area submitted by the Missouri Air Conservation Commission on April 11, 1974. (Non-regulatory)

(10) Copy of the State's analysis of the Missouri portion of the Metropolitan St. Louis Interstate Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA), the Columbia SMSA and the Springfield SMSA and recommendations for the designation of Air Quality Maintenance Areas submitted by the Missouri Air Conservation Commission on May 6, 1974. (Non-regulatory)

(11) Compliance Schedules were submitted by the Missouri Air Conservation Commission on June 3 and October 1, 1976.

(12) Compliance Schedules were submitted by the Missouri Air Conservation Commission on November 23, 1976.

(13) On August 28, 1978, the following revisions were submitted by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources:

(i) The recodification of Missouri regulations of July 1, 1976, now contained in Title 10, Division 10 of the Code of State Regulations.

(ii) Title 10, Division 10, Chapter 6 of the Code of State Regulations which contains air quality standards, definitions, and reference methods.

(iii) Missouri Rule 10 CSR 10–2.200; Rule 10 CSR 10–3.150; and Rule 10 CSR 10–4.190 pertaining to control of SO2 from indirect heating sources.

(iv) Missouri Rule 10 CSR 10–2.030; Rule 10 CSR 10–3.050; Rule 10 CSR 10–4.030; and 10 CSR 10–5.050 exempting certain process sources from the process weight regulations for particulate matter.

(v) Missouri Rule 10 CSR 10–2.190; Rule 10 CSR 10–3.140; Rule 10 CSR 10–4.180; and Rule 10 CSR 10–5.280 which contain the “Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources,” found at 40 CFR part 60 as in effect on January 18, 1975.

(vi) Missouri Rule 10 CSR 10–2.060; Rule 10 CSR 10–3.080; Rule 10 CSR 10–4.060; and Rule 10 CSR 10–5.090 which require continuous opacity monitors for certain sources.

(vii) Missouri Rule 10 CSR 10–5.140 for determining settlable acid and alkaline mists is rescinded.

(viii) The EPA is taking no action on Rule 10 CSR 10–5.100; 10 CSR 10–2.050, and 10 CSR 10–3.070 which limit fugitive particulate emissions from the handling, transporting and storage of materials in the State of Missouri.

(14) On March 12, 1979, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources submitted Rule 10 CSR 10–3.100 and Rule 10 CSR 10–5.150 establishing revised SO2 emission limits for primary lead smelters.

(15) On March 1, 1979, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources submitted a revision of regulation 10 CSR 10–5.110 revising the allowable emission rates of sulfur dioxide from Union Electric's Sioux and Labadie power plants.

(16) On July 2, 1979, the State of Missouri submitted a plan to attain the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for the Kansas City and St. Louis areas of the state designated nonattainment under section 107 of the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1977. Included in the plan are the following approved regulations as amended, in part, in subsequent submittals:

(i) Rule 10 CSR 10–2.210 and 10 CSR 10–5.300 Control of Emissions from Solvent Metal Cleaning are approved as RACT;

(ii) Rule 10 CSR 10–2.220 and 10 CSR 10–5.310 Liquified Cutback Asphalt Paving Restriated are approved as RACT;

(iii) Rule 10 CSR 10–5.220 Control of Petroleum Liquid Storage, Loading and Transfer (St. Louis) is approved as RACT.

(iv) Rule 10 CSR 10–2.260 Control of Petroleum Liquid Storage, Loading and Transfer (Kansas City) is approved as RACT;

(v) Rule 10 CSR 10–5.030 Maximum Allowable Emission of Particulate Matter from Fuel Burning Equipment Used for Indirect Heating is approved as RACT;

(vi) Rule 10 CSR 10–5.090 Restriction of Emission of Visible Air Contaminants is approved as RACT;

(vii) Rule 10 CSR 10–5.290 More Restrictive Emission Limitations for Sulfur Dioxide and Particulate Matter in South St. Louis is approved as RACT;

(viii) Rule 10 CSR 10–2.040 Maximum Allowable Emission of Particulate Matter from Fuel Burning Equipment Used for Indirect Heating is approved as RACT;

(ix) Rule 10 CSR 10–2.240 Restriction of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds from Petroleum Refinery Sources is approved as RACT;

(x) Rule 10 CSR 10–2.250 Control of Volatile Leaks from Petroleum Refinery Equipment is approved as RACT; and

(xi) Rule 10 CSR 10–2.230 and 10 CSR 10–5.330 Control of Emissions from Industrial Surface Coating Operations is approved as RACT.

(17) On July 2, 1979, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources submitted variances (compliance schedules) for Union Electric Company's Labadie power plant, River Cement Company, and Monsanto Company's Queeny plant. The compliance schedules require these sources to comply with revised Rule 10 CSR 10–5.090. In addition, the Labadie power plant is required to come into compliance with Rule 10 CSR 10–5.030.

(18) On April 7, 1980 the State of Missouri submitted plan revisions for the review and permitting of sources of air pollutant emissions in nonattainment areas. Included in the plan are Missouri regulations 10 CSR 10–6.020, Definitions, and 10 CFR 10–6.060, Permits Required, as amended, in part, in subsequent submittals, which are approved as meeting the requirements of sections 172(b)(6), 172(b)(11)(A) and 173.

(19) On July 2, 1979, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources submitted the variance for the University of Missouri power plant.

(20) On March 11, 1977 the Missouri Department of Natural Resources submitted a variance for Noranda Aluminum.

(21) On June 25, 1979 the Missouri Department of Natural Resources submitted a variance for Associated Electric Cooperative in New Madrid.

(22) On April 25, 1979, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources submitted the variance for the Union Electric Company's Meramec power plant.

(23) Revisions to Rule 10 CSR 10–2.260 Control of Petroleum Liquid Storage, Loading and Transfer (Kansas City), submitted on September 5, 1980, amending the vapor pressure limit in Section 2(A) and amending the limit on gasoline loading in Section 3(B)(1), are approved as RACT.

(24) A schedule for an inspection and maintenance program in St. Louis and a commitment by the East-West Gateway Coordinating Council regarding difficult transportation control measures, submitted on September 9, 1980.

(25) On September 5, 1980, the State of Missouri submitted new regulations and amendments to existing regulations to control emissions of volatile organic compounds in the St. Louis and Kansas City ozone nonattainment areas. Included in the plan revision are the following approved regulations as amended, in part, in subsequent submittals:

(i) Amendments to Rule 10 CSR 10–2.230 and to Rule 10 CSR 10–5.330, Control of Emissions from Industrial Surface Coating Operations, are approved as RACT;

(ii) Amendments to Rule 10 CSR 10–2.260 and to Rule 10 CSR 10–5.220, Control of Petroleum Liquid Storage, Loading and Transfer, are approved as RACT;

(iii) Amendments to Rule 10 CSR 10–6.020, Definitions, and to Rule 10 CSR 10–6.030, Sampling Methods for Air Pollution Sources, and to Rule 10 CSR 10–6.040, Reference Methods, are approved as RACT;

(iv) Rule 10 CSR 10–2.280 and Rule 10 CSR 10–5.320, Control of Emissions from Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaning Installations, are approved as RACT;

(v) Rule 10 CSR 10–2.290, Control of Emissions from Rotogravure and Flexographic Printing Facilities, is approved as RACT;

(vi) Rule 10 CSR 10–5.350, Control of Emissions from the Manufacture of Synthesized Pharmaceutical Products, is approved as RACT;

(vii) Rule 10 CSR 10–5.340, Control of Emissions from Rotogravure and Flexographic Printing Facilities is approved as RACT.

(26) On September 2, 1980, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources submitted the State Implementation Plan for Lead. On February 11 and 13, 1981, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources submitted two letters containing additional information concerning the State Implementation Plan for Lead.

(27) On September 5, 1980, the state of Missouri submitted a plan revision which involved provisions for start-up, shutdown, and malfunction conditions. Included in the plan are new Missouri Rule 10 CSR 10–6.050, Start-up Shutdown, and MalfunctionConditions; and revisions to Rule 10 CSR 10–6.020, Defintions and Amended Start-up, Shutdown and Malfunction Provisions in Rules 10 CSR 10–2.030, 10–3.050, 10–3.060, 10–3.080, 10–4.030, 10–4.040, and 10–5.050.

(28) Revisions to Rule 10 CSR 10–6.060 Permits Required, submitted on April 7, 1981.

(29) A revision to Rule 10 CSR 10–5.220 Control of Petroleum Liquid Storage, Loading and Transfer (St. Louis), submitted on April 14, 1981, amending the emission limit in Section 3, is approved as RACT.

(30) A report on the recommended type of I/M program, stringency factor, vehicle test mix, and program resources and justification, submitted on December 16, 1980, is approved as meeting the applicable condition on the SIP. No action is being taken with respect to the approvability of the specific recommendation sin the report.

(31) A report from the East-West Gateway Coordinating Council outlining commitments to transportation control measures, an analysis of those measures, and the results of the carbon monoxide dispersion modeling, submitted on February 12 and April 28, 1981, is approved as meeting the applicable condition on the SIP.

(32) A variance from Missouri Rule 10 CSR 10–3.050 Restriction of Emission of Particulate Matter From Industrial Processes, for St. Joe Minerals Corporation, Pea Ridge Iron Ore facility, was submitted by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources on May 6, 1981 with supplementary information submitted on June 22 and July 28, 1981.

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