Original identification of plan section.

§ 52.824 Original identification of plan section.

(a) This section identifies the original “Air Implementation Plan for the State of Iowa” and all revisions submitted by Iowa that were Federally approved prior to July 1, 1998.

(b) The plan was officially submitted on January 27, 1972.

(c) The plan revisions listed below were submitted on the dates specified:

(1) Request for a two-year extension to meet the National Primary and Secondary Ambient Air Quality Standards for nitrogen dioxide in the Metropolitan Omaha-Council Bluffs Interstate Air Quality Control Region was submitted by the Governor on January 27, 1972. (Non-regulatory)

(2) Revisions of Appendices D and G of the plan were submitted on February 2, 1972, by the State Department of Health. (Non-regulatory)

(3) Source surveillance and record maintenance statements were submitted on April 14, 1972, by the State Department of Health. (Non-regulatory)

(4) Revised statement regarding public availability of emission data was submitted on May 2, 1972, by the State Department of Health. (Non-regulatory)

(5) State submitted Senate File 85 which created the Department of Environmental Quality and replaced the Iowa air pollution control statute which appeared as Chapter 136B of the Code of Iowa, on May 4, 1972. (Regulatory)

(6) A letter describing the issuance of a Certificate of Acceptance for the local air pollution control programs conducted by the Linn County Board of Health for the jurisdictions of the City of Cedar Rapids and Linn County, and the Des Moines-Polk County Health Department for the jurisdictions of the City of Des Moines and Polk County was submitted by the State Department of Health on December 14, 1972. (Non-regulatory)

(7) Compliance schedules were submitted by the State in February 1973. (Regulatory)

(8) Compliance schedules were submitted by the State in May 1973. (Regulatory)

(9) The State of Iowa High Air Pollution Episode Contingency Plan was submitted on June 20, 1973, by the Governor.

(10) The letter which requested the inclusion of the Linn County Health Department Rules and Regulations, the City of Cedar Rapids Air Pollution Control Ordinance, the Polk County Rules and Regulations—Air Pollution Control, and the City of Des Moines Air Pollution Control Regulations in the State of Iowa implementation plan was submitted by the State Department of Environmental Quality on June 25, 1974. (No approval action was taken on the request because it did not meet the procedural requirements specified in 40 CFR part 51.)

(11) Revisions of Rules 2.1, 3.1, 3.4, 4.1, 4.3(3) and 4.3(4) of the Iowa Rules and Regulations Relating to Air Pollution Control were submitted on April 24, 1974 (by the Governor's office). (No approval or disapproval action was taken on amended Subrule 4.3(3)a., which restricts emissions of sulfur oxides from fuel-burning sources.) (Regulatory)

(12) Compliance schedules were submitted by the State in May 1974.

(13) Compliance schedules were submitted by the State in May 1974.

(14) Compliance schedules were submitted by the State in July 1974.

(15) Compliance schedules were submitted by the State in August 1974.

(16) A letter from the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality, dated August 29, 1974, which requested that no further action be taken on Subrule 4.3(3) a. as submitted on April 24, 1974. (Regulatory)

(17) Compliance schedules were submitted by the State in September 1974.

(18) Compliance schedules were submitted by the State in November 1974.

(19) Compliance schedules were submitted by the State in February 1975.

(20) Compliance schedules were submitted by the State in April 1975.

(21) Compliance schedules were submitted by the State in June 1975.

(22) Revisions of Rules 1.2, 2.1, 3.1, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 7.1, 8.3 and 8.4 of the Iowa Rules and Regulations Relating to Air Pollution Control were submitted on July 17, 1975, by the Governor's office. (Regulatory) (No approval or disapproval action was taken on Subrules 4.3(2)c. or 4.3(3)b.)

(23) Summary of the public hearing which was held on the revised rules which were submitted on July 17, 1975, by the Governor's office was submitted by the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality on September 3, 1975. (non-regulatory)

(24) Letter which withdrew amended Subrule 4.3(2)c. from the proposed Iowa plan revision submitted on July 17, 1975, was submitted by the Governor's office on January 20, 1976.

(25) Revisions to Rules 1.2, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, and new Chapters 14 and 52 of the Iowa Administrative Code Relating to Air Pollution Control were submitted June 9, 1976, by the Department of Environmental Quality (Subrules 4.3(3)a(1) and 4. 3(3)a(5) were disapproved).

(26) Additional air quality modeling to support the sulfur dioxide emission standards of Subrules 4.3(3)a(1) and 4.3(3)a(2) was submitted March 4, 1977, by the Department of Environmental Quality (Non-regulatory).

(26a) Revisions of Rules 1.2, 4.3(2)b, 4.4(6), 4.4(12) and of Chapter 7 of the Iowa Administrative Code relating to Air Pollution Control were submitted June 20, 1977, by the Department of Environmental Quality.

(27) Nonattainment plan provisions as required by the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977 were submitted on June 22, 1979, by the Department of Environmental Quality. The submission included amended rule 4.3(2) relating to fugitive dust and new rule 4.5 relating to offsets for particulate matter. The revisions included attainment plans for particulate in Mason City and Davenport, particulate and ozone in Cedar Rapids and particulate and carbon monoxide in Des Moines. The submission was disapproved in part for failure to meet the requirements of Section 173 and was conditionally approved with respect to several requirements.

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