Original identification of plan.

§ 52.1397 Original identification of plan.

(a) This section identifies the original “Air Implementation Plan for the State of Montana” and all revisions submitted by Montana that were federally approved prior to March 1, 2015.

(b) The plan was officially submitted on March 22, 1972.

(c) The plan revisions listed below were submitted on the dates specified.

(1) Non-regulatory changes to the plan involving compliance schedules, emergency episodes, and air quality surveillance submitted May 10, 1972, by the State Department of Health.

(2) Plan revisions (Regulation 90-001, Part VI, Part VIII, Part XII) submitted June 26, 1972, by the Governor.

(3) The Governor submitted the Air Quality Maintenance Area identification to the Administrator on June 24, 1974.

(4) The Governor submitted revision to the Air Quality Maintenance Areas on January 25, 1975.

(5) Sulfur oxides control strategy and compliance schedule for the American Smelting and Refining Company submitted May 21, 1975, by the Governor.

(6) Sulfur oxides control strategy for the Billings and Laurel areas and schedule of Compliance for the Farmers Union Central Exchange (CENEX) refinery in Laurel submitted by the Governor on January 26, 1978.

(7) On May 5, September 4, and October 1, 1975, the Governor submitted revisions which amended regulations applicable to incinerators, industrial processes, storage of petroleum products, aluminum refineries, and malfunctions.

(8) On April 24, and October 4, 1979, the Governor submitted revisions for Anaconda, East Helena, and Laurel—SO2; Billings, Butte, Columbia Falls, Colstrip, East Helena, Great Falls, and Missoula—TSP; Billings and Missoula—CO; and Yellowstone County—ozone. No action is taken with regard to the revised new source review regulation, the revised stack height regulation, or the control strategies for East Helena SO2 and Yellowstone County ozone.

(9) On February 21, 1980 the Governor submitted a plan revision to meet the requirements of Air Quality Monitoring, 40 CFR part 58, subpart C, § 58.20.

(10) On April 24, October 4, 1979, and January 7, 1980, the Governor submitted revisions to meet Part D and other sections of the Clean Air Act, as amended in l977. No action is taken with regard to the revised stack height regulation.

(11) On April 21, 1982, and April 22, 1982, Montana submitted revisions to the open burning regulation and redesignated the Anaconda area from nonattainment to attainment for sulfur dioxide (SO2).

(12) On January 19, 1983, Montana submitted revisions to the State Implementation Plan to meet the requirements of Part C, Subpart 1, and section 110 of the Clean Air Act.

(13) On July 20, 1982 Montana submitted revisions which amended the State's rules relating to malfunctions.

(14) Revisions to the SIP for Missoula and Billings Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Missoula Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) Attainment Plans were submitted by the Governor on August 14, 1981. A revision specifying a list of statewide source test procedures was submitted by the Governor on September 21, 1981.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Letter from Governor Ted Schwinden to EPA Region VIII Regional Administrator dated September 21, 1981, and document entitled “Montana SDHED-AQB Sampling and Analytical Procedures” as part of the SIP, adopted December 31, 1972.

(B) Missoula City Council Resolution Number 4146 approving amendments to Missoula Total Suspended Particulate and Carbon Monoxide Air Quality Attainment Plans, adopted on May 4, 1981.

(C) Missoula Board of County Commissioners Resolution number 81-73 approving changes in the Missoula TSP and CO State Implementation Plan, adopted on May 13, 1981.

(ii) Additional material.

(A) “Missoula SIP Revisions; Revision to Total Suspended Particulates Strategies and Strategy Development and Implementation for Carbon Monoxide,” 1981.

(B) Certification of approval by Montana Board of Health and Environmental Sciences on May 28, 1981 of the “Transportation Control Plan” (July, 1980) prepared by Billings-Yellowstone City-County Planning Board.

(C) Billings-Yellowstone City-County Planning Board “Transportation Control Plan”, July, 1980, approved on May 28, 1981.

(15) On September 29, 1983, the Governor submitted the Montana State Implementation Plan revision for lead.

(16) A revision to the East Helena nonattainment plan for sulfur dioxide (SO2) was submitted on June 7, 1982, and supplemental information was submitted October 4, 1983.

(17) On September 21, 1981 the Governor submitted a permit which had been issued to the Western Energy Company as required in the conditional approval of the Colstrip TSP plan.

(18) In a letter dated March 28, 1986, the Governor submitted modifications to the Montana SIP which revised rules governing stack height and dispersion techniques. In a letter dated November 25, 1985, the Chief of the Air Quality Bureau, Montana, submitted the stack height demonstration analysis with supplemental information submitted on January 28, 1986. EPA is approving the demonstration analysis for all of the stacks except the ASARCO stacks.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Revisions to the Administrative Rules of Montana effective on June 13, 1986. The modifications repeal Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM 116.8.1201, 116.8.1202 and 16.8.1203 in Subchapter 12 and adds ARM 16.8.1204 (Definitions), 16.8.1205 (Requirements), and 16.8.1206 (Exemptions).

(B) Stack height demonstration analysis submitted by the State on November 25, 1985 (except for materials pertaining to ASARCO), and January 28, 1986 (except for materials pertaining to ASARCO and Appendix A).

(19) On August 21, 1985 and September 5, 1989, the Governor of Montana submitted revisions to the plan. The submittal revised existing Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) regulations.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Amendments to the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) 16.8.921 (27), (Definitions), effective April 1, 1983.

(B) Amendments to the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) 16.8.921(2), (Definitions), effective September 13, 1985.

(C) Amendments to the ARM 16.8.921(21) and (27) (Definitions), ARM 16.8.936 (Exemptions from Review], ARM 1 6.8.937 (Air Quality Models), and ARM 16.8.941 (Class I Variances—General), effective June 16, 1989.

(ii) Additional material.

(A) February 29, 1988 letter from Douglas Skie, EPA, to Jeffrey Chaffee, Chief of the Montana Air Quality Bureau.

(B) September 9, 1988 letter from Jeffrey Chaffee, Chief of the Montana Air Quality Bureau, to Douglas Skie, EPA.

(C) December 14, 1988 letter from Douglas Skie, EPA, to Jeffrey Chaffee, Chief of the Montana Air Quality Bureau.

(D) April 28, 1989 letter from Jeffrey Chaffee, Chief of the Montana Air Quality Bureau, to Douglas Skie, EPA.

(20) A revision to the SIP was submitted by the Governor on August 21, 1985, for visibility monitoring and new source review.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Revision to the Montana SIP was made on July 19, 1985, for visibility new source review and monitoring.

(B) Revision to the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) was made on July 19, 1985, for visibility which includes new regulations ARM 16.8.1001-.1008 and revising ARM 16.8.1107(3).

(21) Revisions to Montana TSP SIP for Butte were submitted by Governor Ted Schwinden on February 10, 1983.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) State of Montana Air Quality Control, Implementation Plan, Chapter 5C, Butte, adopted January 14, 1983.

(B) Air quality Permit #1749 for Anaconda Minerals Company filed March 28, 1983.

(22) Revisions to the Montana CO SIP for Great Falls were submitted by the Governor on March 28, 1986.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Montana Refining Company permit dated October 20, 1985.

(B) Stipulation in the matter of the Montana Refining Company dated December 2, 1985.

(ii) Additional material.

(A) Montana SIP, chapter 5(3)D. Great Falls (Date: March 14, 1986).

(B) Pre-filed testimony by the Department of Health and Environmental Services dated February 28, 1986.

(23) On March 9, 1988, the Governor submitted a plan revising the State's Air Quality Modeling Rule (16.8.937) and its Particulate Matter, Fuel Burning Equipment Rule (16.8.1402).

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Modification to the State of Montana Air Quality Rules, that is the Air Quality Modeling rule (16.8.937) and the Particulate Matter, Fuel Burning Equipment rule (16.8.1402) adopted on January 15, 1988.

(24) On July 13, 1990, the Governor of Montana submitted revisions to the Montana Air Quality Rules, Sub-chapter 9, Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality (PSD) Regulations, to incorporate the nitrogen dioxide (NO2) increments.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Revisions to the Montana Air Quality Rules, Subchapter 9, Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality (PSD) effective on July 12, 1990.

(ii) Additional material.

(A) October 22, 1990 letter from Douglas Skie, EPA, to Jeffrey Chaffee, Chief, Montana Air Quality Bureau.

(B) December 4, 1990 letter from Jeffrey Chaffee, Chief, Montana Air Quality Bureau, to Douglas Skie, EPA.

(C) January 4, 1991 letter from Jeffrey Chaffee, Chief, Montana Air Quality Bureau, to Douglas Skie, EPA.

(D) April 30, 1991 letter from Douglas Skie, EPA, to Jeffrey Chaffee, Chief, Montana Air Quality Bureau.

(25) On August 20, 1991, the Governor of Montana submitted revisions to the plan for new source performance standards and national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Revisions to the Administrative Rules of Montana 16.8.1423, Standards of Performance of New Stationary Sources, and 16.8.1424, Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, adopted July 1, 1991, effective July 12, 1991.

(ii) Additional material.

(A) Letter dated April 20, 1992 from Jeffrey T. Chaffee, Chief of the Montana Air Quality Bureau, to Doug Skie, Chief of Air Programs Branch, EPA Region VIII.

(26) On April 2, 1992, the Governor of Montana submitted revisions to the plan. The revisions included amendments to the Montana Air Quality Rules incorporating the July 1, 1991, version of the Montana Quality Assurance Manual and streamlining of the procedure for updating the Quality Assurance Manual.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Revisions, as adopted March 31, 1992, to the Montana Air Quality Rules: 16.8.807 Ambient Air Monitoring, 16.8.809 Methods and Data, and the repeal of 16.8.810 Procedures for Reviewing and Revising the Montana Quality Assurance Manual.

(27) On April 25, 1988, the Governor submitted a plan to help assure attainment and maintenance of the PM-10 NAAQS throughout the State of Montana.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Amendments to the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) 16.8.821 (Ambient Air Quality Standards), and ARM 16.8.701, ARM 16.8.806, and ARM 16.8.921 (Definitions), effective April 29, 1988.

(B) Amendments to the ARM, subchapter 9 (Prevention of Significant Deterioration): sections 16.8.924, 16.8.925, and 16.8.936, effective April 29, 1988; section 16.8.937, effective March 11, 1988; section 16.8.930, effective April 1, 1988; and sections 16.8.922, 16.8.923, 16.8.926, 16.8.927, 16.8.928, 16.8.929, 16.8.931, 16.8.932, 16.8.933, 16.8.934, 16.8.935, 16.8.938, 16.8.939, 16.8.940, 16.8.941, 16.8.942, 16.8.943, effective January 1, 1983.

(C) Amendments to the ARM, subchapter 10 (Visibility Impact Assessment): section 16.8.1007, effective April 29, 1988; and sections 16.8.1001, 16.8.1002, 16.8.1003, 16.8.1004, 16.8.1005, 16.8.1006, and 16.8.1008, effective March 11, 1988; section 16.8.930, effective September 13, 1985.

(D) Amendments to the ARM, subchapter 12 (Stack Heights and Dispersion Techniques), sections 16.8.1204, 16.8.1205, and 16.8.1206, effective June 13, 1986.

(E) Amendments to the ARM, subchapter 13 (Open Burning), sections 16.8.1301, 16.8.1302, 16.8.1303, 16.8.1304, 16.8.1305, 16.8.1306, 16.8.1307, and 16.8.1308, effective April 16, 1982.

(F) Amendments to the ARM, subchapter 14 (Emission Standards): section 16.8.1401, effective February 16, 1979; section 16.8.1402, effective March 11, 1988; section 16.8.1403, effective September 5, 1975; section 16.8.1404, effective June 13, 1986; section 16.8.1406, effective December 29, 1978; section 16.8.1419, effective December 31, 1972; section 16.8.1423, effective March 11, 1988; and section 16.8.1428, effective June 13, 1986.

(G) Amendments to the ARM, Sub-Chapter 16 (Combustion Device Tax Credit), sections 16.8.1601 and 16.8.1602, effective December 27, 1985.

(H) Appendix G-2, Montana Smoke Management Plan, effective April 15, 1988, is removed and replaced by § 52.1395.

(28) On August 20, 1991, the Governor of Montana submitted revisions to the plan for visibility models, new source performance standards, and national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Revisions to the Administrative Rules of Montana 16.8.1004, Visibility Models, 16.8.1423, Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources, and 16.8.1424, Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, effective December 25, 1992.

(29) The Governor of Montana submitted a portion of the requirements for the moderate nonattainment area PM10 State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Butte, Montana with a letter dated July 9, 1992, with technical corrections dated May 17, 1993. The submittals were made to satisfy those moderate PM10 nonattainment area SIP requirements due for Butte on November 15, 1991. The Butte PM10 SIP replaces the prior approved Butte total suspended particulate (TSP) SIP approved in paragraph (c)(21).

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Stipulation signed October 8, 1991 between the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences and the Butte-Silver Bow Council of Commissioners, which delineates responsibilities and authorities between the two entities.

(B) Board order issued on November 15, 1991 by the Montana Board of Health and Environmental Sciences approving the Butte-Silver Bow Air Pollution Control Program.

(C) Stipulation between the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences (signed September 27, 1991), the Montana Department of Transportation (signed October 4, 1991), and the Butte-Silver Bow Council of Commissioners (signed October 7, 1991) to ensure that Butte-Silver Bow and the Montana Department of Transportation comply with Butte-Silver Bow Council Resolution No. 1307.

(D) Butte/Silver Bow Resolution No. 1307, effective March 6, 1991, which addresses sanding and chip sealing standards and street sweeping and flushing requirements.

(E) Butte/Silver Bow Ordinance No. 330, effective August 3, 1988, which addresses residential wood burning and idling diesel vehicle and locomotive requirements.

(ii) Additional material.

(A) Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences Air Quality Permit #1636A, with a final modification date of October 26, 1991, for Rhone-Poulenc's elemental phosphorus plant.

(B) Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences Air Quality Permit #1749-04, with a final modification date of March 20, 1992, for Montana Resources, Inc.'s open pit copper and molybdenum mine, crushing and milling operation and concentrator.

(C) Montana Smoke Management Plan, effective April 28, 1988, which addresses prescribed burning requirements.

(D) Federal tailpipe standards, which provide an ongoing benefit due to fleet turnover.

(30) The Governor of Montana submitted a portion of the requirements for the moderate nonattainment area PM10 State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Missoula, Montana, and the Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Program regulations with letters dated August 20, 1991 and June 4, 1992. The submittals were made to satisfy those moderate PM10 nonattainment area SIP requirements due for Missoula on November 15, 1991.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Stipulation signed April 29, 1991, between the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences and the Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Board, which delineates responsibilities and authorities between the two entities.

(B) Board order issued on June 28, 1991, by the Montana Board of Health and Environmental Sciences approving the comprehensive revised version of the Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Program.

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