Original identification of plan.

§ 52.1166 Original identification of plan.

(a) This section identifies the original “Air Implementation Plan for the State of Massachusetts” and all revisions submitted by Massachusetts that were federally approved prior to January 20, 2017.

(b) The plan was officially submitted on January 27, 1972.

(c) The plan revisions listed below were submitted on the dates specified.

(1) Emergency episode regulations submitted on February 22, 1972, by the Bureau of Air Quality Control, Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

(2) Miscellaneous non-regulatory changes to the plan, wording changes in regulations 2.5 and 2.1 and clarification of Regulations 2.5.1 through 2.5.4 submitted on April 27, 1972, by the Division of Environmental Health, Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

(3) Miscellaneous non-regulatory additions to the plan submitted on May 5, 1972, by the Bureau of Air Quality Control, Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

(4) Miscellaneous changes affecting regulations 2.1, 2.5, 4.2, 4.5.1, 5.6.1, 6.1.2, 6.3.1, 8.1.6, 9.1, 15.1, 51.2, 52.1 and 52.2 of the regulations for all six Air Pollution Control Districts submitted on August 28, 1972 by the Governor.

(5) Letter of concurrence on AQMA identifications submitted on July 23, 1974, by the Governor.

(6) Revision to Regulation No. 5, increasing allowable sulfur content of fuels in the Boston Air Pollution Control District submitted on July 11, 1975, by the Secretary of Environmental Affairs, and on April 1, 1977 and April 20, 1978 by the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering.

(7) Revision to Regulation 50—Variances, Regulations for Control of Air Pollution in the six Massachusetts Air Pollution Control Districts, submitted by letter dated November 14, 1974, by the Governor.

(8) Regulation 5.1, Sulfur Content of Fuels and Control Thereof, for the Merrimack Valley Air Pollution Control District submitted on January 28, 1976 by the Secretary of Environmental Affairs and on August 22, 1977 by the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering, and additional technical information pertinent to the Haverhill Paperboard Corp., Haverhill, Mass., submitted on December 30, 1976 by the Secretary of Environmental Affairs.

(9) Regulation 5.1, Sulfur Content of Fuels and Control Thereof, for the Pioneer Valley Air Pollution Control District submitted on July 22, 1976 by the Secretary of Environmental Affairs and on August 22, 1977 by the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering, and additional technical information pertinent to Deerfield Specialty Papers, Inc., Monroe, Mass., submitted on December 27, 1977 by the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering.

(10) Regulation 5.1, Sulfur Content of Fuels and Control Thereof, for the Central Massachusetts Air Pollution Control District submitted on June 25, 1976 by the Secretary of Environmental Affairs and on August 22, 1977 by the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering.

(11) Regulation 5.1, Sulfur Content of Fuels and Control Thereof, for the Central Massachusetts Air Pollution Control District (revised and adopted by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering on March 29, 1976, with specific provisions for the City of Fitchburg) submitted on June 25, 1976, by the Secretary of Environmental Affairs.

(12) A revision to Regulation 5.1, Sulfur Content of Fuels and Control Thereof, for the Southeastern Massachusetts Air Pollution Control District, submitted on December 30, 1976 by the Secretary of Environmental Affairs and on January 31, 1978 by the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering.

(13) A revision to Regulation 5.1, Sulfur Content of Fuels and Control Thereof, for the Berkshire Air Pollution Control District, submitted by the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering on April 14, 1977, and additional technical information submitted on August 11, 1978, pertaining to the Schweitzer Division, Kimberly-Clark Corporation, Columbia Mill, Lee, and on August 31, 1978, pertaining to Crane and Company, Inc., Dalton.

(14) Revisions to “Regulations for the Prevention and/or Abatement of Air Pollution Episode and Air Pollution Incident Emergencies,” submitted on September 15, 1976 by the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering.

(15) A revision to Regulation 2.5, Compliance with Emission Limitations, and to Regulation 16, Reduction of Single Passenger Commuter Vehicle Use, for the Pioneer Valley Air Pollution Control District, submitted on May 20, 1977, by the Acting Commissioner of the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, Department of Environmental Quality Engineering.

(16) Revision to regulation 7 and regulation 9, submitted on December 9, 1977, by the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality and Engineering.

(17) Revision to Regulations 310 CMR 7.05, Sulfur-in-Fuel, and 310 CMR 7.06, Visible Emissions, allowing burning of a coal-oil slurry at New England Power Company, Salem Harbor Station, Massachusetts, submitted on July 5, 1978 by the Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering and an extension to 310 CMR 7.06, Visible Emissions, submitted on December 28, 1979.

(18) Revision to Regulation 7.02(11) (formerly Regulation 2.5.3)—Emission Limitation to Incinerators, submitted February 1, 1978 by the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering.

(19) The addition of Regulation 7.17, for the Southeastern Massachusetts Air Pollution Control District, Coal Conversion—Brayton Point Station, New England Power Company, submitted by the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering on September 7, 1978. Compliance with this revision shall be determined by methods consistent with New Source Performance Standards, proposed Test Method 19, as stated in a letter dated February 8, 1979 from Kenneth Hagg of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering to Frank Ciavattieri of the Environmental Protection Agency.

(20) A revision permanently extending Regulation 310 CMR 7.05(1) (formerly Regulation 5.1) “Sulfur Content of Fuels and Control Thereof” and a revision for the Metropolitan Boston APCD, and Merrimack Valley APCD submitted on December 28, 1978, by the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering.

(21) A revision permanently extending Regulation 310 CMR 7.05(1) (formerly Regulation 5.1), “Sulfur Content of Fuels and Control Thereof” and a revision to Regulation 310 CMR 7.05(4) “Ash Content of Fuels” for the Pioneer Valley Air Pollution Control District, submitted on January 3, 1979 by the Acting Com0missioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering.

(22) A revision permanently extending Regulation 310 CMR 7.05(1) (formerly Regulation 5.1), “Sulfur Content of Fuels and Control Thereof” for the Southeastern Massachusetts APCD, submitted on January 31, 1979 by the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering.

(23) A revision to Regulation 310 CMR 7.05(4) “Ash Content of Fuels” for the Metropolitan Boston Air Pollution Control District, submitted on July 20, 1978 by the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering.

(24) A revision permanently extending Regulation 310 CMR 7.05(1) (formerly Regulation 5.1) “Sulfur Content of Fuels and Control Thereof” for the Central Massachusetts APCD, submitted on March 2, 1979 by the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering, and a revision removing the seasonal restriction in Fitchburg for Fitchburg Paper Company (55 meter stacks only) and James River-Massachusetts submitted on September 28, 1979 by the Commissioner.

(25) On March 30, 1979 and on April 23, 1979 the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering submitted the non-attainment area plan for Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) in Worcester, miscellaneous statewide regulation changes, and an extension request for the attainment of TSP secondary standards for areas designated non-attainment as of March 3, 1978.

(26) On May 3, 1979, August 7, 1979, and April 17, 1980, the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering submitted a revision entitled “Massachusetts Implementation Plan, Amended Regulation—All Districts, New Source Review Element,” relating to construction and operation of major new or modified sources in non-attainment areas.

(27) Revisions to Regulation 310 CMR 7.07, Open Burning, submitted on September 28, 1979 by the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering.

(28) Revision to the state ozone standard and adoption of an ambient lead standard was submitted by Thomas F. McLoughlin, Acting Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering on August 21, 1979.

(29) A revision varying the provisions of Regulation 310 CMR 7.04(5), Fuel Oil Viscosity, for Cambridge Electric Light Company's Kendall Station, First Street, Cambridge, and Blackstone Station, Blackstone Street, Cambridge, submitted on December 28, 1978 by the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering.

(30) Attainment plans to meet the requirements of Part D for carbon monoxide and ozone and other miscellaneous provisions were submitted by the Governor of Massachusetts on December 31, 1978 and on May 16, 1979 by the Acting Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering. Supplemental information was submitted on September 19, November 13 and December 7, 1979; and March 20 and April 7, 1980 by DEQE.

(31) A temporary variance to the Provisions of Regulation 310 CMR 7.05, Sulfur Content of Fuels and Control Thereof, for Seaman Paper Company, Otter River. Submitted on March 20, 1980 by the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering.

(32) A revision to Regulation 7.05(1) “Sulfur Content of Fuels and Control Thereof” for the Metropolitan Boston APCD submitted on November 27, 1979 by the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering.

(33) A revision to Regulation 310 CMR 7.05(1) (formerly Regulation 5.1) “Sulfur Content of Fuels and Control Thereof” for the Pioneer Valley Air Pollution Control District submitted by the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering on March 2, 1979 and May 5, 1981.

(34) A revision to Regulation 7.05(1) “Sulfur Content of Fuels and Control Thereof” for the Metropolitan Boston APCD submitted on April 25, 1980 by the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering.

(35) On January 5, 1981, the Acting Director of the Division of Air Quality Control, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering submitted a revision entitled “Appendix J Transportation Project Level Guidelines” relating to policy guidance on the preparation of air quality analysis for transportation projects.

(36) A comprehensive air quality monitoring plan, intended to meet requirements of 40 CFR part 58, was submitted by the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering on January 28, 1980.

(37) A revision submitted by the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering on September 12, 1980 adding a new regulation 310 CMR 7.19 “Interim Sulfur-in-Fuel Limitations for Fossil Fuel Utilization Facilities Pending Conversion to an Alternate Fuel or Implementation of Permanent Energy Conservation Measures.”

(38) A variance of Regulation 310 CMR 7.05(1)(d)(2) “Sulfur Control of Fuels and Control Thereof” for the Metropolitan Boston Air Pollution Control District, submitted on November 25, 1980, by the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering.

(39) Revisions to meet the requirements of Part D and certain other sections of the Clean Air Act, as amended, for making a commitment to public transportation in the Boston urban region which were submitted on July 9, 1981 and on July 30, 1981.

(40) Regulations 310 CMR (14), (15), and (16), for paper, fabric, and vinyl surface coaters to meet the requirements of Part D for ozone were submitted by the Governor of Massachusetts on March 6, 1981.

(41) A revision to Regulation 7.05(1)(c) “Sulfur Content of Fuels Control Thereof for the Merrimack Valley Air Pollution Control District” allowing the burning of higher sulfur content fuel oil at Haverhill Paperboard Corporation, Haverhill.

(42) Regulation 310 CMR 7.18(2)(b), to allow existing surface coating lines regulated under 310 CMR 7.18 (4), (5), (6), (7), (10), (11), (12), (14), (15) and (16) to bubble emissions to meet the requirements of Part D for ozone was submitted by the Governor on March 6, 1981, and a letter clarifying state procedures was submitted on November 12, 1981. The emission limitations required by the federally-approved portion of 310 CMR 7.18 are the applicable requirements of the Massachusetts SIP for the purpose of section 113 of the Clean Air Act and shall be enforceable by EPA and by citizens in the same manner as other requirements of the SIP; except that emission limitations adopted by the state under and which comply with 310 CMR 7.18(2)(b) and the procedures set out in the letter of November 12, 1981 shall be the applicable requirements of the Massachusetts SIP in lieu of those contained elsewhere in 310 CMR 7.18 and shall be enforceable by EPA and by citizens.

(43) A revision to Regulation 7.05(1)(d) “Sulfur Content of Fuels and Control Thereof for the Metropolitan Boston Air Pollution Control District” allowing the burning of higher sulfur content fuel oil at Eastman Gelatine Corporation, Peabody, submitted on September 24, 1981 by the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering.

(44) The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering submitted an updated VOC emissions inventory on September 3, 1981, and the procedures to annually update this inventory on November 4, 1981.

(45) A revision to Regulation 7.05(1)(e) “Sulfur Content of Fuels and Control Thereof for the Pioneer Valley Air Pollution Control District” allowing the burning of higher sulfur content fuel oil at the Holyoke Gas and Electric Department, Holyoke.

(46) A revision submitted on December 29, 1981 by the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering allowing the burning of higher sulfur content fuel oil at the ATF Davidson Company, Northbridge, until December 1, 1983.

(47) Regulation 310 CMR 7.18(10) for metal coil coating was submitted on June 24, 1980 by the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering, in order to meet Part D requirements for ozone.

(48) Regulations 310 CMR 7.18(11), Surface Coating of Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products and (12), Graphic Arts—Rotogravure and Flexography with test methods; and (13) Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaning Systems without test methods, were submitted on July 21, 1981 and March 10, 1982 by the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering to meet Part D requirements for ozone attainment.

(49) A revision to Regulation 7.17 “Conversions to Coal” submitted by the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering on January 22, 1982 specifying the conditions under which coal may be burned at the Holyoke Water Power Company, Mount Tom Plant, Holyoke, Massachusetts.

(50) [Reserved]

(51) A revision submitted on September 29, 1982 by the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering allowing the burning of fuel oil having a sulfur content of 0.55 pounds per million Btu heat release potential at the Northeast Petroleum Corporation, Chelsea, Massachusetts.

(52) A revision submitted on September 28, 1982 by the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering allowing the burning of higher sulfur content fuel oil at the Polaroid Corporation for a period of up to 30 months commencing on December 1, 1982.


(i) Attainment plans for carbon monoxide and ozone submitted by the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering on September 9, November 2 and November 17, 1982; February 2, March 21, April 7, April 26 and May 16, 1983. These revisions amend Regulations 310 CMR 7.18 (3)-(7), (9)-(16); and add Regulation 310 CMR 7.18(17), 7.20 (1)-(14), and 540 CMR 4.00.

(ii) Regulation 310 CMR 7.18(3) for the surface coating of metal furniture submitted on September 9, 1982 as part of the attainment plan identified in § 52.1120(c)(53)(i), is added to the VOC surface coating bubble Regulation 310 CMR 7.18(2)(b) identified in § 52.1120(c)(42).

(iii) Regulation 310 CMR 7.18(13) for Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaning systems submitted on September 9, 1982 as part of the attainment plan identified in section 52.1120(53)(i), is amended by adding EPA test methods to the no action identified in 52.1120(48).

(54) On February 8, 1983, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering submitted a source specific emission limit in the letter of approval to the Esleeck Manufacturing Company, Inc., Montague, allowing the Company to burn fuel oil having a maximum sulfur content of 1.21 pounds per million Btu heat release potential provided the fuel firing rate does not exceed 137.5 gallons per hour.

(55) A revision to exempt the Berkshire Air Pollution Control District from Regulation 310 CMR 7.02(12)(b)2 was submitted on March 25, 1983 by Kenneth A. Hagg, Director of the Division of Air Quality Control of the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering.

(56) A revision to Regulation 310 CMR 7.02(12)(a)1(e) for petroleum liquid storage in external floating roof tanks submitted on December 2, 1983.

(57) Revisions to the State's narrative, entitled New Source Regulations on page 117 and 118, the regulatory definitions of BACT, NSPS and NESHAPS and Regulation 310 CMR 7.02 (2)(a)(6) and 7.02 (13), submitted by Anthony D. Cortese, Commissioner, in August, 1982 and received on September 9, 1982.

(58) Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection on June 7, 1991, November 13, 1992 and February 17, 1993.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Letters from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection dated June 7, 1991, November 13, 1992 and February 17, 1993 submitting revisions to the Massachusetts State Implementation Plan.

(B) Amendments and additions to 310 CMR 7.00 submitted on June 7, 1991 and effective on April 12, 1991.

(C) Amendments and additions to 310 CMR 7.00 submitted on June 7, 1991 and effective on June 21, 1991.

(D) Addition of 310 CMR 7.24(4)(j) submitted on November 13, 1992 and February 17, 1993 and effective on February 12, 1993.

(ii) Additional materials.

(A) Nonregulatory portions of the state submittal.

(59) A revision submitted on May 3, 1983, allowing the burning of 2.2% sulfur content fuel oil at the Stanley Woolen Company, a facility in Uxbridge, Massachusetts for a period of up to 30 months, commencing on March 23, 1984.

(60) On May 27, 1982 and September 9, 1982 the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering submitted a revised plan for new source review in nonattainment areas. The submittal included 310 CMR Appendix A, “Emission Offsets and Nonattainment Review,” additions to 310 CMR 7.00, “General Definitions,” and revisions to 310 CMR 7.02(2)(b)(4) and 7.02(2)(b)(5), “Plan Approval and Emission Limitations.”

(61) A revision submitted on October 31, 1983, allowing the burning of 2.2% sulfur content fuel oil at the Reed and Barton Silversmiths facility in Taunton, Massachusetts for a period of up to 30 months, commencing on March 23, 1984.

(62) A revision submitted on November 16, 1983 allowing the burning of 2.2% sulfur content fuel oil at the ATF Davidson Company in Northbridge, Massachusetts.

(63) A revision submitted on February 2, 1984, allowing the burning of 1.0% sulfur content fuel oil at The Biltrite Corporation facility in Chelsea, Massachusetts for a period of up to 30 months, commencing on June 15, 1984.

(64) A revision to the Ozone Attainment Plan was submitted by S. Russell Sylva, Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering on February 14, and May 22, 1985 to control emissions from gasoline tank trucks and bulk terminal vapor recovery systems.

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