Optional SO2, NOX, and CO2 emissions calculation for low mass emissions (LME) units.

§ 75.19 Optional SO2, NOX, and CO2 emissions calculation for low mass emissions (LME) units.

(a) Applicability and qualification. (1) For units that meet the requirements of this paragraph (a)(1) and paragraphs (a)(2) and (b) of this section, the low mass emissions (LME) excepted methodology in paragraph (c) of this section may be used in lieu of continuous emission monitoring systems or, if applicable, in lieu of methods under appendices D, E, and G to this part, for the purpose of determining unit heat input, NOX, SO2, and CO2 mass emissions, and NOX emission rate under this part. If the owner or operator of a qualifying unit elects to use the LME methodology, it must be used for all parameters that are required to be monitored by the applicable program(s). For example, for an Acid Rain Program LME unit, the methodology must be used to estimate SO2, NOX, and CO2 mass emissions, NOX emission rate, and unit heat input.

(i) A low mass emissions unit is an affected unit that is gas-fired, or oil-fired (as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter), and for which:

(A) An initial demonstration is provided, in accordance with paragraph (a)(2) of this section, which shows that the unit emits:

(1) No more than 25 tons of SO2 annually and less than 100 tons of NOX annually, for Acid Rain Program affected units. If the unit is also subject to the provisions of subpart H of this part, no more than 50 of the allowable annual tons of NOX may be emitted during the ozone season; or

(2) Less than 100 tons of NOX annually and no more than 50 tons of NOX during the ozone season, for non-Acid Rain Program units subject to the provisions of subpart H of this part, for which the owner or operator reports emissions data on a year-round basis, in accordance with § 75.74(a) or § 75.74(b); or

(3) No more than 50 tons of NOX per ozone season, for non-Acid Rain Program units subject to the provisions of subpart H of this part, for which the owner or operator reports emissions data only during the ozone season, in accordance with § 75.74(b); and

(B) An annual demonstration is provided thereafter, using one of the allowable methodologies in paragraph (c) of this section, showing that the low mass emissions unit continues to emit no more than the applicable number of tons of SO2 and/or NOX specified in paragraph (a)(1)(i)(A) of this section.

(C) This paragraph, (a)(1)(i)(C), applies only to a unit that is subject to an SO2 emission limitation under the Acid Rain Program, and that combusts a gaseous fuel other than pipeline natural gas or natural gas (as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter). The owner or operator of such a unit must quantify the sulfur content and variability of the gaseous fuel by performing the demonstration described in section 2.3.6 of appendix D to this part, in order for the unit to qualify for LME unit status. If the results of that demonstration show that the gaseous fuel qualifies under paragraph (b) of section 2.3.6 to use a default SO2 emission rate to report SO2 mass emissions under this part, the unit is eligible for LME unit status.

(ii) Each qualifying LME unit must start using the low mass emissions excepted methodology as follows:

(A) For a unit that reports emission data on a year-round basis, begin using the methodology in the first unit operating hour in the calendar year designated in the certification application as the first year that the methodology will be used; or

(B) For a unit that is subject to Subpart H of this part and that reports only during the ozone season according to § 75.74(c), begin using the methodology in the first unit operating hour in the ozone season designated in the certification application as the first ozone season that the methodology will be used.

(C) For a new or newly-affected unit, see paragraph (b)(4) of this section for additional guidance.

(2) A unit may initially qualify as a low mass emissions unit if the designated representative submits a certification application to use the LME methodology (as described in § 75.63(a)(1)(ii) and in this paragraph, (a)(2)) and the Administrator (or permitting authority, as applicable) certifies the use of such methodology. The certification application shall be submitted no later than 45 days prior to the date on which use of the low mass emissions methodology is expected to commence, and the application must contain:

(i) A statement identifying the projected date on which the LME methodology will first be used. The projected commencement date shall be consistent with paragraphs (a)(1)(ii) and (b)(4) of this section, as applicable; and

(ii) Either:

(A) Actual SO2 and/or NOX mass emissions data (as applicable) for each of the three calendar years (or ozone seasons) prior to the calendar year in which the certification application is submitted demonstrating to the satisfaction of the Administrator or (if applicable) the permitting authority, that the unit emitted less than the applicable number of tons of SO2 and/or NOX specified in paragraph (a)(1)(i)(A) of this section. For the purposes of this paragraph, (a)(2)(ii)(A), the required actual SO2 or NOX mass emissions for each qualifying year or ozone season shall be determined using the SO2, NOX and heat input data reported to the Administrator in the electronic quarterly reports required under § 75.64 or under the Ozone Transport Commission (OTC) NOX Budget Trading Program. Notwithstanding this requirement, in the absence of such electronic reports, an estimate of the actual emissions for each of the previous three years (or ozone seasons) shall be provided, using either the maximum rated heat input methodology described in paragraph (c)(3)(i) of this section or procedures consistent with the long term fuel flow heat input methodology described in paragraph (c)(3)(ii) of this section, in conjunction with the appropriate SO2 or NOX emission rate from paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section for SO2, and paragraph (c)(1)(ii) or (c)(1)(iv) of this section for NOX. Alternatively, the initial estimate of the NOX emission rate may be based on historical emission test data that is representative of operation at normal load or historical data from a CEMS certified under part 60 of this chapter or under a state CEM program; or

(B) When the three full years (or ozone seasons) of actual SO2 and NOX mass emissions data (or reliable estimates thereof) described under paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(A) of this section do not exist, the designated representative may submit an application to use the low mass emissions excepted methodology based upon a combination of actual historical SO2 and NOX mass emissions data and projected SO2 and NOX mass emissions, totaling three years (or ozone seasons). Except as provided in paragraph (a)(3) of this section, actual data must be used for any years (or ozone seasons) in which such data exists and projected data should be used for any remaining future years (or ozone seasons) needed to provide emissions data for three consecutive calendar years (or ozone seasons). For example, if a unit commenced operation two years ago, the designated representative may submit actual, historical data for the previous two years and one year of projected emissions for the current calendar year or, for a new unit, the designated representative may submit three years of projected emissions, beginning with the current calendar year. Any actual or projected annual emissions must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Administrator that the unit will emit less than the applicable number of tons of SO2 and/or NOX specified in paragraph (a)(1)(i)(A) of this section. Projected emissions shall be calculated using either the appropriate default emission rates from paragraphs (c)(1)(i) and (c)(1)(ii) of this section (or, alternatively for NOX, a conservative estimate of the NOX emission rate, as described in paragraph (a)(4) of this section), in conjunction with projections of unit operating hours or fuel type and fuel usage, according to one of the allowable calculation methodologies in paragraph (c) of this section; and

(iii) A description of the methodology from paragraph (c) of this section that will be used to demonstrate on-going compliance under paragraph (b) of this section; and

(iv) Appropriate documentation demonstrating that the unit is eligible to use projected emissions to qualify for LME status under paragraph (a)(3) of this section (if applicable).

(3) In the following circumstances, projected emissions for a future year (or years) may be used in lieu of the actual emissions data from one (or more) of the three years (or ozone seasons) preceding the year of the certification application:

(i) If the owner or operator takes an enforceable permit restriction on the number of annual or ozone season unit operating hours for the future year (or years), such that the unit will emit no more than the applicable number of tons of SO2 and/or NOX specified in paragraph (a)(1)(i)(A) of this section; or

(ii) If the actual emissions for one (or more) of the three years (or ozone seasons) prior to the year of the certification application is not representative of the present and expected future emissions from the unit, because the owner or operator has recently installed emission controls on the unit.

(4) When the owner or operator elects to demonstrate initial LME qualification and on-going compliance using a fuel-and-unit-specific NOX emission rate in accordance with paragraph (c)(1)(iv) of this section, there will be instances (e.g., for a new or newly-affected unit) where it is not possible to determine that NOX emission rate prior to submitting the certification application. In such cases, if the generic default NOX emission rates in Table LM-2 of this section are inappropriately high for the unit, the owner or operator may use a more representative, but conservatively high estimate of the expected NOX emission rate, for the purposes of the initial monitoring plan submittal and to calculate the unit's projected annual or ozone season emissions under paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(B) of this section. For example, the NOX emission rate could, as described in paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(A) of this section, be estimated using historical CEM data or historical emission test data that is representative of operation at normal load. The NOX emission limit specified in the operating permit for the unit could also be used to estimate the NOX emission rate (except for units equipped with SCR or SNCR), or, consistent with paragraph (c)(1)(iv)(C)(4) of this section, for a unit that uses SCR or SNCR to control NOX emissions, an estimated default NOX emission rate of 0.15 lb/mmBtu could be used. However, these estimated NOX emission rates may not be used for reporting purposes in the time period extending from the first hour in which the LME methodology is used to the date and hour on which the fuel-and-unit-specific NOX emission rate testing is completed. Rather, in that interval, the owner or operator shall either report the appropriate default NOX emission rate from Table LM-2, or shall report the maximum potential NOX emission rate, calculated in accordance with § 72.2 of this chapter and section of appendix A to this part. Then, beginning with the first unit operating hour after completion of the tests, the appropriate default NOX emission rate(s) obtained from the fuel-and-unit-specific testing shall be used for emissions reporting.

(b) On-going qualification and disqualification. (1) Once a low mass emissions unit has qualified for and has started using the low mass emissions excepted methodology, an annual demonstration is required, showing that the unit continues to emit no more than the applicable number of tons of SO2 and/or NOX specified in paragraph (a)(1)(i)(A) of this section. The calculation methodology used for the annual demonstration shall be the methodology described in the certification application under paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section.

(2) If any low mass emissions unit fails to provide the required annual demonstration under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, such that the calculated cumulative emissions for the unit exceed the applicable number of tons of SO2 and/or NOX specified in paragraph (a)(1)(i)(A) of this section at the end of any calendar year or ozone season, then:

(i) The low mass emissions unit shall be disqualified from using the low mass emissions excepted methodology; and

(ii) The owner or operator of the low mass emissions unit shall install and certify monitoring systems that meet the requirements of §§ 75.11, 75.12, and 75.13, and shall report SO2 (Acid Rain Program units, only), NOX, and CO2 (Acid Rain Program units, only) emissions data and heat input data from such monitoring systems by December 31 of the calendar year following the year in which the unit exceeded the number of tons of SO2 and/or NOX specified in paragraph (a)(1)(i)(A) of this section; and

(iii) If the required monitoring systems have not been installed and certified by the applicable deadline in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section, the owner or operator shall report the following values for each unit operating hour, beginning with the first operating hour after the deadline and continuing until the monitoring systems have been provisionally certified: the maximum potential hourly heat input for the unit, as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter; the SO2 emissions, in lb/hr, calculated using the applicable default SO2 emission rate from paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section and the maximum potential hourly unit heat input; the CO2 emissions, in tons/hr, calculated using the applicable default CO2 emission rate from paragraph (c)(1)(iii) of this section and the maximum potential hourly unit heat input; and the maximum potential NOX emission rate, as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter.

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