Optional early CO2 credit programs.

§ 86.1871-12 Optional early CO2 credit programs.

Manufacturers may optionally generate CO2 credits in the 2009 through 2011 model years for use in the 2012 and later model years subject to EPA approval and to the provisions of this section. The provisions of § 86.1819–14(k)(1) and (2) apply instead of the provisions of this section for non-MDPV heavy-duty vehicles. Manufacturers may generate early fleet average credits, air conditioning leakage credits, air conditioning efficiency credits, early advanced technology credits, and early off-cycle technology credits. Manufacturers generating any credits under this section must submit an early credits report to the Administrator as required in this section. The terms “sales” and “sold” as used in this section shall mean vehicles produced for U.S. sale, where “U.S.” means the states and territories of the United States. The expiration date of unused CO2 credits is based on the model year in which the credits are earned, as described in § 86.1865–12(k)(6).

(a) Early fleet average CO2reduction credits. Manufacturers may optionally generate credits for reductions in their fleet average CO2 emissions achieved in the 2009 through 2011 model years. To generate early fleet average CO2 reduction credits, manufacturers must select one of the four pathways described in paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this section. The manufacturer may select only one pathway, and that pathway must remain in effect for the 2009 through 2011 model years. Fleet average credits (or debits) must be calculated and reported to EPA for each model year under each selected pathway.

(1) Pathway 1. To earn credits under this pathway, the manufacturer shall calculate an average carbon-related exhaust emission value to the nearest one gram per mile for the classes of motor vehicles identified in this paragraph (a)(1), and the results of such calculations will be reported to the Administrator for use in determining compliance with the applicable CO2 early credit threshold values.

(i) An average carbon-related exhaust emission value calculation will be made for the combined LDV/LDT1 averaging set, where the terms LDV and LDT1 are as defined in § 86.1803.

(ii) An average carbon-related exhaust emission value calculation will be made for the combined LDT2/HLDT/MDPV averaging set, where the terms LDT2, HLDT, and MDPV are as defined in § 86.1803.

(iii) Average carbon-related exhaust emission values shall be determined according to the provisions of § 600.510–12 of this chapter, except that:

(A) [Reserved]

(B) The average carbon-related exhaust emissions for alcohol fueled model types shall be calculated according to the provisions of § 600.510–12(j)(2)(ii)(B) of this chapter, without the use of the 0.15 multiplicative factor.

(C) The average carbon-related exhaust emissions for natural gas fueled model types shall be calculated according to the provisions of § 600.510–12(j)(2)(iii)(B) of this chapter, without the use of the 0.15 multiplicative factor.

(D) The average carbon-related exhaust emissions for alcohol dual fueled model types shall be the value measured using gasoline or diesel fuel, as applicable, and shall be calculated according to the provisions of § 600.510–12(j)(2)(vi) of this chapter, without the use of the 0.15 multiplicative factor and with F = 0. For the 2010 and 2011 model years only, if the California Air Resources Board has approved a manufacturer's request to use a non-zero value of F, the manufacturer may use such an approved value.

(E) The average carbon-related exhaust emissions for natural gas dual fueled model types shall be the value measured using gasoline or diesel fuel, as applicable, and shall be calculated according to the provisions of § 600.510–12(j)(2)(vii) of this chapter, without the use of the 0.15 multiplicative factor and with F = 0. For the 2010 and 2011 model years only, if the California Air Resources Board has approved a manufacturer's request to use a non-zero value of F, the manufacturer may use such an approved value.

(F) Carbon-related exhaust emission values for electric, fuel cell, and plug-in hybrid electric model types shall be included in the fleet average determined under paragraph (a)(1) of this section only to the extent that such vehicles are not being used to generate early advanced technology vehicle credits under paragraph (c) of this section.

(iv) Fleet average CO2 credit threshold values.

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