Offices of the Associate Administrators.

§ 1.27 Offices of the Associate Administrators.

(a) Office of International Activities. The Office of International Activities, under the supervision of an Associate Administrator, provides direction to and supervision of the activities, programs, and staff assigned to the Office of International Activities. All of the functions and responsibilities of the Associate Administrator are Agencywide, and apply to all international activities of the Agency. The Office develops policies and procedures for the direction of the Agency's international programs and activities, subject to U.S. foreign policy, and assures that adequate program, scientific, and legal inputs are provided. It conducts continuing evaluations of the Agency's international activities and makes appropriate recommendations to the Administrator. The Office advises the Administrator and principal Agency officials on the progress and effect of foreign and international programs and issues. The Office serves as the Administrator's representative in contacts with the Department of State and other Federal agencies concerned with international affairs. It negotiates arrangements or understandings relating to international cooperation with foreign organizations. The Office coordinates Agency international contacts and commitments; serves as the focal point for responding to requests for information relating to EPA international activities; and provides an initial point of contact for all foreign visitors. The Office maintains liaison with all relevant international organizations and provides representation where appropriate. It establishes Agency policy, and approves annual plans and modifications for travel abroad and attendance at international conferences and events. It provides administrative support for the general activities of the Executive Secretary of the U.S. side of the US-USSR/PRC agreements on environmental protection and of the U.S. Coordinator for the NATO Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society. The Office supervises these programs with respect to activities which are completely within the purview of EPA.

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