Office of Research on Women’s Health

42 U.S. Code § 287d. Office of Research on Women’s Health

(a) Establishment
There is established within the Office of the Director of NIH an office to be known as the Office of Research on Women’s Health (in this part referred to as the “Office”). The Office shall be headed by a director, who shall be appointed by the Director of NIH and who shall report directly to the Director.
(b) PurposeThe Director of the Office shall—
identify projects of research on women’s health that should be conducted or supported by the national research institutes;
identify multidisciplinary research relating to research on women’s health that should be so conducted or supported;
carry out paragraphs (1) and (2) with respect to the aging process in women, with priority given to menopause;
promote coordination and collaboration among entities conducting research identified under any of paragraphs (1) through (3);
encourage the conduct of such research by entities receiving funds from the national research institutes;
recommend an agenda for conducting and supporting such research;
promote the sufficient allocation of the resources of the national research institutes for conducting and supporting such research;
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