Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy

42 U.S. Code § 300hh-3. Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy

(a) In general
There is established in the Executive Office of the President an Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy (referred to in this section as the “Office”), which shall be headed by a Director (referred to in this section as the “Director”) appointed by the President and who shall be compensated at the rate provided for level II of the Executive Schedule in section 5313 of title 5. The President is authorized to appoint not more than 2 Associate Directors, who shall be compensated at a rate not to exceed that provided for level III of the Executive Schedule in section 5314 of such title. Associate Directors shall perform such functions as the Director may prescribe.
(b) Functions of the DirectorThe primary function of the Director is to provide advice, within the Executive Office of the President, on policy related to preparedness for, and response to, pandemic and other biological threats that may impact national security, and support strategic coordination and communication with respect to relevant activities across the Federal Government. In addition to such other functions and activities as the President may assign, the Director, consistent with applicable laws and the National Response Framework, shall—
serve as the principal advisor to the President on all matters related to pandemic preparedness and response policy and make recommendations to the President regarding pandemic and other biological threats that may impact national security;
(2) coordinate Federal activities to prepare for, and respond to, pandemic and other biological threats, by—
(A) providing strategic direction to the heads of applicable Federal departments, agencies, and offices, including—
the establishment, implementation, prioritization, and assessment of policy goals and objectives across the Executive Office of the President and such departments, agencies, and offices;
supporting the assessment and clarification of roles and responsibilities related to such Federal activities; and
supporting the development and implementation of metrics and performance measures to evaluate the extent to which applicable activities meet such goals and objectives;
providing, in consultation with the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the heads of other relevant Federal departments, agencies, and offices, leadership with respect to the National Biodefense Strategy and related activities pursuant to section 104 of title 6 and section 105 of title 6;
facilitating coordination and communication between such Federal departments, agencies, and offices to improve preparedness for, and response to, such threats;
ensuring that the authorities, capabilities, and expertise of each such department, agency, and office are appropriately leveraged to facilitate the whole-of-Government response to such threats;
overseeing coordination of Federal efforts to prepare for and support the production, supply, and distribution of relevant medical products and supplies during a response to a pandemic or other biological threat, as applicable and appropriate, including supporting Federal efforts to assess any relevant vulnerabilities in the supply chain of such products and supplies, and identify opportunities for private entities to engage with the Federal Government to address medical product and medical supply needs during such a response;
(F) overseeing coordination of Federal efforts for the basic and advanced research, development, manufacture, and procurement of medical countermeasures for such threats, including by—
serving, with the Secretary of Health and Human Services, as co-Chair of the Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise established pursuant to section 300hh–10a of this title;
promoting coordination between the medical countermeasure research, development, and procurement activities of respective Federal departments and agencies, including to advance the discovery and development of new medical products and technologies;
convening heads of Federal departments and agencies, as appropriate, on topics related to capabilities to prepare for, and respond to, such threats;
assessing and advising on international cooperation in preparing for, and responding to, such threats to advance the national security objectives of the United States; and
(I) overseeing other Federal activities to assess preparedness for, and responses to, such threats, including—
drills and operational exercises conducted pursuant to applicable provisions of law; and
Federal after-action reports developed following such drills and exercises or a response to a pandemic or other biological threat;
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