OCR's Cyber Security Newsletters: "Cheat sheets" for good security compliance in our cyber age

Iliana L. Peters (IPeters@Polsinelli.com) is a Shareholder in the Washington, DC offices of Polsinelli, PC.

Most businesses, whatever the economic sector, acknowledge that they must devote resources to understanding and implementing data security, particularly given that security incidents and their fallout make the news on a daily, if not hourly, basis. Conversations about risks for data security breaches happen at breakfast tables and boardroom tables around the country, and topics range from social media to national elections to international espionage. For compliance personnel, these conversations boil down to concrete reasons for investing the resources in implementing data security practices and the best ways to do so. Importantly, good data security in our current cyber age is essential for entities of all sizes, types, and focus areas, for a few very persuasive reasons, including:

  • An entity’s data is its most valuable asset, replacing assets that used to be considered more high-value, from physical assets to copyrighted material to well-trained employees, in a corporate valuation analysis.[1]

  • An entity’s reputation is on the line anytime its data is compromised in a data breach or cyberattack; recent examples of high-profile data breaches have angered both consumers and state, federal, and international legislators and regulators.

  • Good data security is required under state, federal, and international law, and violations of these laws can have serious penalties.

  • With respect to certain critical economic sectors, such as the healthcare sector, the lack of good data security is a safety issue for individuals. For example, if a healthcare entity does not implement good data security and falls victim to a security incident or attack that results in either data accessibility or data integrity compromises (i.e., patient data is made either inaccessible or incorrect), the healthcare entity cannot treat patients, or may treat patients incorrectly, which could seriously affect the health or lives of the patients.

So, what does good data security hygiene look like from a cybersecurity perspective, particularly in the healthcare sector? How are healthcare entities supposed to keep up with a constantly changing risk landscape? What are the risks that the regulators are most concerned with and that healthcare entities should prioritize? These are all good questions; the answers are regularly discussed in Cyber Security Newsletters, a monthly publication by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office for Civil Rights (OCR), which is the primary regulator responsible for implementation and enforcement of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules (HIPAA Rules).[2]

Although regulated entities are generally familiar with settlement agreements and civil money penalties (CMP) published by OCR,[3] and the insight they provide into the data security issues on which OCR is focusing its enforcement efforts, many regulated entities are not leveraging the information contained in the Cybersecurity Newsletters[4] to augment their HIPAA Security Rule compliance efforts, particularly with regard to high-risk issues. Reviewing some of the most recent Cyber Security Newsletters is particularly instructive to understand recurring HIPAA Security Rule compliance issues that create cybersecurity risks for HIPAA covered entities and business associates.

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