News Briefs: June 10, 2024

The new rules for telehealth place-of-service (POS) codes are reiterated in a new Medicare transmittal (12,671).[1] POS 10 is for telehealth provided in a patient’s home and POS 02 is for telehealth provided other than in a patient’s home. “Beginning in CY 2024, practitioners may receive either the facility or the non-facility payment rate for an otherwise eligible Medicare telehealth service, depending on whether the billing practitioner selects POS code 02 or POS code 10. The only two valid POS codes for Medicare telehealth billing in CY 2024 are POS 02 and POS 10,” CMS states. “As appropriate, POS 02 or POS 10 may be used and must be paired with the appropriate telehealth modifier (modifier 93 for audio-only and modifier 95 for audio/video). The payment rate for POS 02 is the facility payment rate (F); the payment rate for POS 10 is the non-facility rate (NF). Use of audio-only (93) or audio-video (95) does not change rate of payment, only the POS code determines the non-facility or facility payment rate.”

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