New source performance standards.

§ 464.14 New source performance standards.

Any new source subject to this subpart must achieve the following new source performance standards (NSPS), except that non-continuous dischargers shall not be subject to the maximum day and maximum for monthly average mass (kg/1,000 kkg or lb/million lb of metal poured; kg/62.3 million Sm or lb/billion SCF of air scrubbed) effluent standards for copper, lead, zinc, total phenols, oil and grease, and TSS. For non-continuous dischargers, annual average mass standards and maximum day and maximum for monthly average concentration (mg/l) standards shall apply. Concentration standards and annual average mass standards shall only apply to non-continuous dischargers.

(a) Casting Cleaning Operations.


Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average
kg/1,000 kkg (pounds per million pounds) of metal poured
Copper (T)0.07710.0421
Lead (T)0.07910.039
Zinc (T)0.1140.0431
Oil and grease3.01.0
pH( 1)( 1)

1 Within the range of 7.0 to 10.0 at all times.

Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average Annual average 1
(mg/l) 2(mg/l) 2
Copper (T)0.770.420.017
Lead (T)0.790.390.022
Zinc (T)1.140.430.027
Oil and grease30100.501
pH( 3)( 3)( 3)

1 kg/1,000 kkg (pounds per million pounds) of metal poured.

2 These concentrations must be multiplied by the ratio of (12/x) where x is the actual normalized process wastewater flow (in gallons per 1,000 pounds of metal poured) for a specific plant.

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