Monitoring requirements.

§ 63.1510 Monitoring requirements.

(a) Summary. The owner or operator of a new or existing affected source or emission unit must monitor all control equipment and processes according to the requirements in this section. Monitoring requirements for each type of affected source and emission unit are summarized in Table 3 to this subpart. Area sources are subject to monitoring requirements for those affected sources listed in § 63.1500(c)(1) through (4) of this subpart, and associated control equipment as required by paragraphs (b) through (k), (n) through (q), and (s) through (w) of this section, including but not limited to:

(1) The OM&M plan required in paragraph (b) of this section pertaining to each affected source listed in § 63.1500(c)(1) through (4) of this subpart,

(2) The labeling requirements described in paragraph (c) of this section pertaining to group 1 furnaces processing other than clean charge, and scrap dryer/delacquering kiln/decoating kilns,

(3) The requirements for capture and collection described in paragraph (d) of this section for each controlled affected source (i.e., affected sources with an add-on air pollution control device), listed in § 63.1500(c)(1) through (4) of this subpart,

(4) The feed/charge weight monitoring requirements described in paragraph (e) of this section applicable to group 1 furnaces processing other than clean charge, scrap dryer/delacquering kiln/decoating kilns and thermal chip dryers,

(5) The bag leak detection system requirements described in paragraph (f) of this section applicable to all bag leak detection systems installed on fabric filters and lime injected fabric filters used to control each affected source listed in § 63.1500(c)(1)-(4) of this subpart,

(6) The requirements for afterburners described in paragraph (g) of this section applicable to sweat furnaces, thermal chip dryers, and scrap dryer/delacquering kiln/decoating kilns,

(7) The requirements for monitoring fabric filter inlet temperature described in paragraph (h) of this section for all lime injected fabric filters used to control group 1 furnaces processing other than clean charge, sweat furnaces and scrap dryer/delacquering kiln/decoating kilns,

(8) The requirements for monitoring lime injection described in paragraph (i) of this section applicable to all lime injected fabric filters used to control emissions from group 1 furnaces processing other than clean charge, thermal chip dryers, sweat furnaces and scrap dryer/delacquering kiln/decoating kilns,

(9) The requirements for monitoring total reactive flux injection described in paragraph (j) of this section for all group 1 furnaces processing other than clean charge,

(10) The requirements described in paragraph (k) of this section for thermal chip dryers,

(11) The requirements described in paragraph (n) of this section for controlled group 1 sidewell furnaces processing other than clean charge,

(12) The requirements described in paragraph (o) of this section for uncontrolled group 1 sidewell furnaces processing other than clean charge,

(13) The requirements described in paragraph (p) of this section for scrap inspection programs for uncontrolled group 1 furnaces,

(14) The requirements described in paragraph (q) of this section for monitoring scrap contamination level for uncontrolled group 1 furnaces,

(15) The requirements described in paragraph (s) of this section for secondary aluminum processing units, limited to compliance with limits for emissions of D/F from group 1 furnaces processing other than clean charge,

(16) The requirements described in paragraph (t) of this section for secondary aluminum processing units limited to compliance with limits for emissions of D/F from group 1 furnaces processing other than clean charge,

(17) The requirements described in paragraph (u) of this section for secondary aluminum processing units limited to compliance with limits for emissions of D/F from group 1 furnaces processing other than clean charge,

(18) The requirements described in paragraph (v) of this section for alternative lime addition monitoring methods applicable to lime-injected fabric filters used to control emissions from group 1 furnaces processing other than clean charge, thermal chip dryers, sweat furnaces and scrap dryer/delacquering kiln/decoating kilns, and

(19) The requirements described in paragraph (w) of this section for approval of alternate methods for monitoring group 1 furnaces processing other than clean charge, thermal chip dryers, scrap dryer/delacquering kiln/decoating kilns and sweat furnaces and associated control devices for the control of D/F emissions.

(b) Operation, maintenance, and monitoring (OM&M) plan. The owner or operator must prepare and implement for each new or existing affected source and emission unit, a written OM&M plan. The owner or operator of an existing affected source must submit the OM&M plan to the permitting authority for major sources, or the Administrator for area sources no later than the compliance date established by § 63.1501. The owner or operator of any new affected source must submit the OM&M plan to the permitting authority for major sources, or the Administrator for area sources within 90 days after a successful initial performance test under § 63.1511(b), or within 90 days after the compliance date established by § 63.1501 if no initial performance test is required. The plan must be accompanied by a written certification by the owner or operator that the OM&M plan satisfies all requirements of this section and is otherwise consistent with the requirements of this subpart. The owner or operator must comply with all of the provisions of the OM&M plan as submitted to the permitting authority for major sources, or the Administrator for area sources, unless and until the plan is revised in accordance with the following procedures. If the permitting authority for major sources, or the Administrator for area sources determines at any time after receipt of the OM&M plan that any revisions of the plan are necessary to satisfy the requirements of this section or this subpart, the owner or operator must promptly make all necessary revisions and resubmit the revised plan. If the owner or operator determines that any other revisions of the OM&M plan are necessary, such revisions will not become effective until the owner or operator submits a description of the changes and a revised plan incorporating them to the permitting authority for major sources, or the Administrator for area sources. Each plan must contain the following information:

(1) Process and control device parameters to be monitored to determine compliance, along with established operating levels or ranges, as applicable, for each process and control device.

(2) A monitoring schedule for each affected source and emission unit.

(3) Procedures for the proper operation and maintenance of each process unit and add-on control device used to meet the applicable emission limits or standards in § 63.1505.

(4) Procedures for the proper operation and maintenance of monitoring devices or systems used to determine compliance, including:

(i) Calibration and certification of accuracy of each monitoring device, at least once every 6 months, according to the manufacturer's instructions; and

(ii) Procedures for the quality control and quality assurance of continuous emission or opacity monitoring systems as required by the general provisions in subpart A of this part.

(5) Procedures for monitoring process and control device parameters, including lime injection rates, procedures for annual inspections of afterburners, and if applicable, the procedure to be used for determining charge/feed (or throughput) weight if a measurement device is not used.

(6) Corrective actions to be taken when process or operating parameters or add-on control device parameters deviate from the value or range established in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, including:

(i) Procedures to determine and record the cause of any deviation or excursion, and the time the deviation or excursion began and ended; and

(ii) Procedures for recording the corrective action taken, the time corrective action was initiated, and the time/date corrective action was completed.

(7) A maintenance schedule for each process and control device that is consistent with the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for routine and long-term maintenance.

(8) Documentation of the work practice and pollution prevention measures used to achieve compliance with the applicable emission limits and a site-specific monitoring plan as required in paragraph (o) of this section for each group 1 furnace not equipped with an add-on air pollution control device.

(9) Procedures to be followed when changing furnace classifications under the provisions of § 63.1514.

(c) Labeling. The owner or operator must inspect the labels for each group 1 furnace, group 2 furnace, in-line fluxer and scrap dryer/delacquering kiln/decoating kiln at least once per calendar month to confirm that posted labels as required by the operational standard in § 63.1506(b) are intact and legible.

(d) Capture/collection system. The owner or operator must:

(1) Install, operate, and maintain a capture/collection system for each affected source and emission unit equipped with an add-on air pollution control device; and

(2) Inspect each capture/collection and closed vent system at least once each calendar year to ensure that each system is operating in accordance with the operating requirements in § 63.1506(c) and record the results of each inspection. This inspection shall include a volumetric flow rate measurement taken at a location in the ductwork downstream of the hoods that is representative of the actual volumetric flow rate without interference due to leaks, ambient air added for cooling or ducts from other hoods. The flow rate measurement must be performed in accordance with paragraphs (d)(2)(i), (ii), or (iii) of this section. As an alternative to the flow rate measurement specified in this paragraph, the inspection may satisfy the requirements of this paragraph, including the operating requirements in § 63.1506(c), by including permanent total enclosure verification in accordance with paragraph (d)(2)(i) or (iv) of this section. Inspections that fail to successfully demonstrate that the requirements of § 63.1506(c) are met, must be followed by repair or adjustment to the system operating conditions and a follow up inspection within 45 days to demonstrate that § 63.1506(c) requirements are fully met.

(i) Conduct annual flow rate measurements using EPA Methods 1 and 2 in appendix A to 40 CFR part 60, or conduct annual verification of a permanent total enclosure using EPA Method 204; or you may follow one of the three alternate procedures described in paragraphs (ii), (iii), or (iv) of this section to maintain system operations in accordance with an operating limit established during the performance test. The operating limit is determined as the average reading of a parametric monitoring instrument (Magnehelic®, manometer, anemometer, or other parametric monitoring instrument) and technique as described in paragraphs (d)(2)(ii), (iii), and (iv) of this section. A deviation, as defined in paragraphs (ii), (iii), and (iv) of this section, from the parametric monitoring operating limit requires the owner or operator to make repairs or adjustments to restore normal operation within 45 days.

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