Monitoring requirements.

§ 444.12 Monitoring requirements.

(a) Both direct and indirect discharges must monitor to establish compliance with their limitations and standards. Thus, all the permits of all direct dischargers must include requirements to monitor, according to EPA-approved test procedures, each pollutant limited in the permit, the volume of effluent discharged from each outfall, and other appropriate measurements subject to notification requirements. See 40 CFR 122.44(i). EPA's pretreatment regulations similarly require indirect dischargers to monitor to demonstrate compliance with pretreatment standards. See 40 CFR 403.12(g).

(b) Incorporation by reference:

(1) Compliance with the monitoring requirements may be accomplished using approved test procedures listed in the table to this paragraph. Most of these test procedures have previously been incorporated by reference at 40 CFR 136.3(a), Table IB. The test procedures for the regulated pollutants (arsenic, cadmium, chromium (total), copper, pH, lead, mercury, TSS, silver, titanium, and zinc) listed in the table to this paragraph are also incorporated by reference into this regulation. The full texts of the test procedures listed in this paragraph are available from the sources indicated in paragraph (b)(2) of this section. In addition to those test procedures incorporated by reference at 40 CFR 136.3(a), Table IB, you may also use EPA Method 200.8, “Determination of Trace Elements in Water and Wastes by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry,” from “Methods for Determination of Metals in Environmental Samples—Supplement I,” EPA–600/R–94–111, May 1994, and ASTM Method D 5673–96, “Standard Test Method for Elements in Water by Inductively Coupled Plasma—Mass Spectrometry,” from 1999 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, for determination of arsenic, cadmium, chromium (total), copper, lead, silver, and zinc. The full texts of these methods are incorporated by reference into this regulation and may be obtained from the sources identified in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.

List of Approved Inorganic Test Procedures

Parameter, units and
Reference (method number or page)
EPA 1 16Standard Methods [18th Edition] 6ASTM USGS 2Other
1. Arsenic—Total, 4 mg/L:
Digestion 4 followed by206.5
AA gaseous hydride206.33114B 4.dD2972–93(B)I–3062–85
AA furnace206.23113BD2972–93(C)
ICP/AES 155 200.73120 B
Colorimetric (SDDC), or206.43500–As CD2972–93(A)I–3060–85
ICP/MS7 200.8D5673–96 17
2. Cadmium—Total, 4 mg/L; Digestion 4 followed by:
AA direct aspiration 15213.13111 B or CD3557–90(A or B)I–3135–85 or
974.27, 3 p. 37.
AA furnace213.23113 BD3557–90(D)
ICP/AES 155 200.73120 B
DCP 15D4190–82(88)I–1472–85( 14)
Voltametry 9
Colorimetric (Dithizone), or3500–Cd DD3557–90(C)
ICP/MS7 200.8D5673–96 17
3. Chromium-Total, 4 mg/L; Digestion 4 followed by:
AA direct aspiration 15218.13111 BD1687–92(B)I–3236–85974.27. 3
AA chelation-extraction218.33111 C
AA furnace218.23113 BD1687–92(C)
ICP/AES 155 200.73120 B
DCP 15D4190–82(88)( 14)
Colorimetric (Diphenylcarbazide), or3500–Cr D
ICP/MS7 200.8D5673–96 17
4. Copper—Total, 4 mg/L; Digestion 4 followed by:
AA direct aspiration 15220.13111 B or CD1688–90(A or B)I–3270–85 or I–3271–85974.27 3 p. 37. 8
AA furnace220.23113 BD1688–90(C)
ICP/AES 155 200.73120 B
DCP 15 orD4190–82(88)( 14)
Colorimetric (Neocuproine) or3500–Cu D
(Bicinchoninate), oror E( 10)
ICP/MS7 200.8D5673–96 17
5. Hydrogen ion (pH), pH units:
Electrometric measurement150.14500–H + BD1293–84 (90)(A or B)I–1586–85973.41.
Automated electrode( 11)
6. Lead—Total, 4 mg/L; Digestion 4 followed by:
AA direct aspiration 15239.13111 B or CD3559–90(A or B)I–3399–85974.27. 3
AA furnace239.23113 BD3559–90(D)
ICP/AES 155 200.73120 B
DCP 15D4190–82(88)( 14)
Voltametry 9D3559–90(C)
Colorimetric (Dithizone), or3500–Pb D
ICP/MS7 200.8D5673–96 17
7. Mercury—Total, 4 mg/L:
Cold vapor, manual or245.13112 BD3223–91I–3462–85977.22. 3
8. Residue—nonfilterable (TSS), mg/L:
Gravimetric, 103–105–post washing of residue160.22540 DI–3765–85
9. Silver—Total, 4 mg/L: Digestion 4 12 followed by:
AA direct aspiration272.13111 B or CI–3720–85974.27 3 p. 37. 8
AA furnace272.23113 B
ICP/AES5 200.73120 B
DCP, or( 14)
ICP/MS7 200.8D5673–96 17
10. Titanium—Total, 4 mg/L; Digestion 4 followed by:
AA direct aspiration283.13111 D
AA furnace, or283.2
DCP( 14)
11. Zinc—Total, 4 mg/L; Digestion 4 followed by:
AA direct aspiration 15289.13111 B or CD1691–90(A) or B)I–3900–85974.27, 3 p. 37. 8
AA furnace289.2
ICP/AES 155 200.73120 B
DCP 15D4190–82(88)( 14)
Colorimetric (Dithizone) or3500–Zn E
(Zincon), or3500–Zn F( 13)
ICP/MS7 200.8D5673–96 17
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