Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.

§ 98.354 Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.

(a) For calendar year 2011 monitoring, the facility may submit a request to the Administrator to use one or more best available monitoring methods as listed in § 98.3(d)(1)(i) through (iv). The request must be submitted no later than October 12, 2010 and must contain the information in § 98.3(d)(2)(ii). To obtain approval, the request must demonstrate to the Administrator's satisfaction that it is not reasonably feasible to acquire, install, and operate a required piece of monitoring equipment by January 1, 2011. The use of best available monitoring methods will not be approved beyond December 31, 2011.

(b) You must determine the concentration of organic material in wastewater treated anaerobically using analytical methods for COD or BOD5 specified in 40 CFR 136.3 Table 1B. For the purpose of determining concentrations of wastewater influent to the anaerobic wastewater treatment process, samples may be diluted to the concentration range of the approved method, but the calculated concentration of the undiluted wastewater must be used for calculations and reporting required by this subpart.

(c) You must collect samples representing wastewater influent to the anaerobic wastewater treatment process, following all preliminary and primary treatment steps (e.g., after grit removal, primary clarification, oil-water separation, dissolved air flotation, or similar solids and oil separation processes). You must collect and analyze samples for COD or BOD5 concentration at least once each calendar week that the anaerobic wastewater treatment process is operating; if only one measurement is made each calendar week, there must be at least three days between measurements. You must collect a sample that represents the average COD or BOD5 concentration of the waste stream over a 24-hour sampling period. You must collect a minimum of four sample aliquots per 24-hour period and composite the aliquots for analysis. Collect a flow-proportional composite sample (either constant time interval between samples with sample volume proportional to stream flow, or constant sample volume with time interval between samples proportional to stream flow). Follow sampling procedures and techniques presented in Chapter 5, Sampling, of the “NPDES Compliance Inspection Manual,” (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7) or Section 7.1.3, Sample Collection Methods, of the “U.S. EPA NPDES Permit Writers' Manual,” (incorporated by reference, see § 98.7).

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