Medical benefits.

§ 110.31 Medical benefits.

(a) Injured countermeasure recipients may receive payments or reimbursements for medical services and items that the Secretary determines to be reasonable and necessary to diagnose or treat a covered injury, or to diagnose, treat, or prevent the health complications of a covered injury. The Secretary may pay for such medical services and items in an effort to cure, counteract, or minimize the effects of any covered injury, or any health complication of a covered injury, or to give relief, reduce the degree or the period of disability, or aid in lessening the amount of benefits to a requester (e.g., a surgical procedure that lessens the amount of time and expense for the treatment of a covered injury). The Secretary may make such payments or reimbursements if reasonable and necessary medical services and items have already been provided or if they are likely to be needed in the future. In making determinations about which medical services and items are reasonable and necessary, the Secretary may consider whether those medical services and items were prescribed or recommended by a healthcare provider, and may consider whether the applicable service or item is within the standard of care for that condition.

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