Measuring smoke emissions within the NTE zone.

§ 86.1372 Measuring smoke emissions within the NTE zone.

This section contains the measurement techniques to be used for determining compliance with the filter smoke limit or opacity limits in § 86.007-11(b)(1)(iv).

(a) For steady-state or transient smoke testing using full-flow opacimeters, use equipment meeting the requirements of 40 CFR part 1065, subpart L.

(1) All full-flow opacimeter measurements shall be reported as the equivalent percent opacity for a five inch effective optical path length using the Beer-Lambert relationship.

(2) Zero and full-scale (100 percent opacity) span shall be adjusted prior to testing.

(3) Post test zero and full scale span checks shall be performed. For valid tests, zero and span drift between the pre-test and post-test checks shall be less than two percent of full-scale.

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