Mandatory review for declassification.

§ 14.10 Mandatory review for declassification.

(a) Scope of review. The mandatory review procedures apply to information originally classified by the DOL when it had such authority, i.e., before December 1, 1978. Requests may come from members of the public or a government employee or agency. The procedures do not apply to information originated by other agencies and merely held in possession of the DOL. Requests for disclosure submitted under provisions of the Freedom of Information Act are to be processed in accordance with provisions of that Act.

(b) Where requests should be directed. Requests for mandatory review for declassification should be directed to the Department of Labor, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management (OASAM), Washington, DC 20210. Requests should be in writing and should reasonably describe the classified information to allow identification. Whenever a request does not reasonably describe the information sought, the requestor will be notified that unless additional information is provided or the scope of the request is narrowed, no further action will be undertaken.

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