Low-volume adjustment.

§ 413.232 Low-volume adjustment.

(a) CMS adjusts the base rate for low-volume ESRD facilities, as defined in paragraph (b) of this section.

(b) A low-volume facility is an ESRD facility that, as determined based on the documentation submitted pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section:

(1) Furnished less than 4,000 treatments in each of the 3 cost reporting years (based on as-filed or final settled 12-consecutive month cost reports, whichever is most recent, except as specified in paragraphs (g)(4) and (5) of this section) preceding the payment year; and

(2) Has not opened, closed, or received a new provider number due to a change in ownership (except where the change in ownership results in a change in facility type) in the 3 cost reporting years (based on as-filed or final settled 12-consecutive month cost reports, whichever is most recent) preceding the payment year, except as specified in paragraph (g)(6) of this section.

(c) For the purpose of determining the number of treatments under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the number of treatments considered furnished by the ESRD facility shall equal the aggregate number of treatments furnished by the ESRD facility and the number of treatments furnished by other ESRD facilities that are both:

(1) Under common ownership with, and

(2) Five (5) road miles or less from the ESRD facility in question.

(d) Common ownership means the same individual, individuals, entity, or entities, directly, or indirectly, own 5 percent or more of each ESRD facility.

(e) Except as provided in paragraph (f) of this section and unless extraordinary circumstances justify an exception, to receive the low-volume adjustment an ESRD facility must provide an attestation statement, by November 1st of each year preceding the payment year, to its Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) that the facility meets all the criteria established in this section, except that:

(1) For payment year 2012, the attestation must be provided by January 3, 2012;

(2) For payment year 2015, the attestation must be provided by December 31, 2014;

(3) For payment year 2016, the attestation must be provided by December 31, 2015; and

(4) For payment year 2021, the attestation must be provided by December 31, 2020.

(f) The low-volume adjustment applies only for dialysis treatments provided to adults (18 years or older).

(g) To receive the low-volume adjustment, an ESRD facility must include in its attestation provided pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section a statement that the ESRD facility meets the definition of a low-volume facility in paragraph (b) of this section. To determine eligibility for the low-volume adjustment, the MAC on behalf of CMS relies upon as filed or final settled 12-consecutive month cost reports, except as specified in paragraphs (g)(4) and (5) of this section, for the 3 cost reporting years preceding the payment year to verify the number of treatments, except that:

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