Leased departments.

§ 779.225 Leased departments.

(a) As stated in section 3(r) of the enterprise includes “departments of an establishment operated through leasing arrangements.” This statutory provision is based on the fact that ordinarily the activities of such leased departments are related to the activities of the establishment in which they are located, and they are performed for a common business purpose either through “unified operation” or “common control.” A general discussion will be found in part 776 of this chapter.

(b) In the ordinary case, a retail or service establishment may control many of the operations of a leased department therein and unify its operation with its own. Thus, they may operate under a common trade name: The host establishment may determine, or have the power to determine, the leased department's space location, the type of merchandise it will sell, its pricing policy, its hours of operation and some or all of its hiring, firing and other personnel policies; advertising, adjustment and credit operations, may be unified, and insurance, taxes, and other matters may be included as a part of the total operations of the establishment. Some or all of these and other functions, which are the normal prerogatives of an independent businessman, may be controlled or unified with the store's other activities in such a way as to constitute a single enterprise under the Act.

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