Laboratory date of service for clinical laboratory and pathology specimens.

§ 414.510 Laboratory date of service for clinical laboratory and pathology specimens.

The date of service for either a clinical laboratory test or the technical component of physician pathology service is as follows:

(a) Except as provided under paragraph (b) of this section, the date of service of the test must be the date the specimen was collected.


(1) If a specimen was collected over a period that spans 2 calendar days, then the date of service must be the date the collection ended.

(2) In the case of a test performed on a stored specimen, if a specimen was stored for—

(i) Less than or equal to 30 calendar days from the date it was collected, the date of service of the test must be the date the test was performed only if—

(A) The test is ordered by the patient's physician at least 14 days following the date of the patient's discharge from the hospital;

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