Information that must be included in the notice form.

§ 720.45 Information that must be included in the notice form.

Each person who submits a notice must include the information specified in the notice form to the extent it is known to or reasonably ascertainable by the submitter. However, no person is required to include information which relates solely to exposure of human or ecological populations outside of the United States. The notice form requires the following information relating to the manufacture, processing, distribution in commerce, use, and disposal of the new chemical substance:


(1) The specific chemical identity of the substance that the person intends to manufacture or import, which includes the following:

(i) The currently correct Chemical Abstracts (CA) name for the substance, based on the Ninth Collective Index (9CI) of CA nomenclature rules and conventions, and consistent with listings for similar substances in the Inventory. For each substance having a chemical composition that can be represented by a specific, complete chemical structure diagram (a Class 1 substance), a CA Index Name must be provided. For each chemical substance that cannot be fully represented by a complete, specific chemical structure diagram (a Class 2 substance), or if the substance is a polymer, a CA Index Name or CA Preferred Name must be provided (whichever is appropriate based on CA 9CI nomenclature rules and conventions). In addition, for a Class 2 substance, the notice must identify the immediate chemical precursors and reactants by specific chemical name and Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number (CASRN), if the number is available. Tradenames or generic names of chemical precursors or reactants are not acceptable as substitutes for specific chemical names.

(ii) The currently correct CASRN for the substance if a CASRN already exists for the substance.

(iii) For a Class 1 substance and for any Class 2 substance for which a definite molecular formula is known or reasonably ascertainable, the correct molecular formula.

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