Income eligibility.

§ 435.831 Income eligibility.

The agency must determine income eligibility of medically needy individuals in accordance with this section.

(a) Budget periods. (1) The agency must use budget periods of not more than 6 months to compute income. The agency may use more than one budget period.

(2) The agency may include in the budget period in which income is computed all or part of the 3-month retroactive period specified in § 435.915. The budget period can begin no earlier than the first month in the retroactive period in which the individual received covered services. This provision applies to all medically needy individuals except in groups for whom criteria more restrictive than that used in the SSI program apply.

(3) If the agency elects to begin the first budget period for the medically needy in any month of the 3-month period prior to the date of the application in which the applicant received covered services, this election applies to all medically needy groups.

(b) Determining countable income. For purposes of determining medically needy eligibility under this part, the agency must determine an individual's countable income as follows:

(1) For individuals under age 21, pregnant women, and parents and other caretaker relatives, the agency may apply—

(i) The AFDC methodologies in effect in the State as of August 16, 1996, consistent with § 435.601 (relating to financial methodologies for non-MAGI eligibility determinations) and § 435.602 (relating to financial responsibility of relatives and other individuals for non-MAGI eligibility determinations); or

(ii) The MAGI-based methodologies defined in § 435.603(b) through (f). If the agency applies the MAGI-based methodologies defined in § 435.603(b) through (f), the agency must comply with the terms of § 435.602, except that in applying § 435.602(a)(2)(ii) to individuals under age 21, the agency may, at State option, include all parents as defined in § 435.603(b) (including stepparents) who are living with the individual in the individual's household for purposes of determining household income and family size, without regard to whether the parent's income and resources would be counted under the State's approved State plan under title IV–A of the Act in effect as of July 16, 1996, if the individual were a dependent child under such State plan.

(2) For aged, blind, or disabled individuals in States covering all SSI beneficiaries, the agency must deduct amounts that would be deducted in determining eligibility under SSI. However, the agency must also deduct the highest amounts from income that would be deducted in determining eligibility for optional State supplements if these supplements are paid to all individuals who are receiving SSI or would be eligible for SSI except for their income.

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