Identification of plan.

§ 52.50 Identification of plan.

(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State implementation plan for Alabama under section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401, and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national ambient air quality standards.

(b) Incorporation by reference. (1) Material listed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to August 31, 2022, for Alabama was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Materials are incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with EPA approval dates after August 31, 2022, for Alabama will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.

(2) EPA Region 4 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated State rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the State Implementation Plan as of the dates referenced in paragraph (b)(1) of this section.

(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at the Region 4 EPA Office at 61 Forsyth Street SW, Atlanta, GA 30303. To obtain the material, please call (404) 562-9022. You may also inspect the material with an EPA approval date prior to August 31, 2021, for Alabama, at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, please email or go to:

(c) EPA-Approved Alabama Regulations.

Table 1 to Paragraph (c)—EPA-Approved Alabama Regulations

State citation Title/subject State
EPA approval date Explanation
Chapter No. 335-1-1 Organization
Section 335-1-1-.03Organization and Duties of the Commission12/8/20177/6/2018, 83 FR 31454
Section 335-1-1-.04Organization of the Department12/8/20177/6/2018, 83 FR 31454
Chapter No. 335-3-1 General Provision
Section 335-3-1-.01Purpose6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-1-.02Definitions4/13/20209/21/2020, 85 FR 59192
Section 335-3-1-.03Ambient Air Quality Standards10/13/19983/1/1999, 64 FR 9918
Section 335-3-1-.04Monitoring, Records, and Reporting10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-1-.05Sampling and Testing Methods6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-1-.06Compliance Schedule10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-1-.07Maintenance and Malfunctioning of Equipment; Reporting10/15/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-1-.08Prohibition of Air Pollution8/10/200012/8/2000, 65 FR 76938
Section 335-3-1-.09Variances10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-1-.10Circumvention6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-1-.11Severability10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-1-.12Bubble Provision6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-1-.13Credible Evidence4/13/199911/3/1999, 64 FR 59633
Section 335-3-1-.15Emissions Inventory Reporting Requirements4/3/20034/24/2003, 68 FR 20077
Chapter No. 335-3-2 Air Pollution Emergency
Section 335-3-2-.01Air Pollution Emergency6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-2-.02Episode Criteria8/10/200012/8/2000, 65 FR 76938
Section 335-3-2-.03Special Episode Criteria6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-2-.04Emission Reduction Plans6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-2-.05Two Contaminant Episode6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-2-.06General Episodes6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-2-.07Local Episodes6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-2-.08Other Sources10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-2-.09Other Authority Not Affected6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Chapter No. 335-3-3 Control of Open Burning and Incineration
Section 335-3-3-.01Open Burning1/22/20089/15/2008, 73 FR 53134
Section 335-3-3-.02Incinerators6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-3-.03Incineration of Wood, Peanut, and Cotton Ginning Waste8/10/200012/8/2000, 65 FR 76938
Chapter No. 335-3-4 Control of Particulate Emissions
Section 335-3-4-.01Visible Emissions9/30/200810/15/2008, 73 FR 60957
Section 335-3-4-.02Fugitive Dust and Fugitive Emissions10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-4-.03Fuel Burning Equipment10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-4-.04Process Industries—General10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-4-.05Small Foundry Cupola6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-4-.06Cotton Gins6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-4-.07Kraft Pulp Mills10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-4-.08Wood Waste Boilers6/9/201710/13/2017, 82 FR 47631
Section 335-3-4-.09Coke Ovens8/10/200012/8/2000, 65 FR 76938
Section 335-3-4-.10Primary Aluminum Plants6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-4-.11Cement Plants10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-4-.12Xylene Oxidation Process6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-4-.13Sintering Plants6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-4-.14Grain Elevators10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-4-.15Secondary Lead Smelters10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-4-.17Steel Mills Located in Etowah County10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Chapter No. 335-3-5 Control of Sulfur Compound Emissions
Section 335-3-5-.01Fuel Combustion10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-5-.02Sulfuric Acid Plants10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-5-.03Petroleum Production8/10/200012/8/2000, 65 FR 76938
Section 335-3-5-.04Kraft Pulp Mills8/10/200012/8/2000, 65 FR 76938
Section 335-3-5-.05Process Industries—General6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-5-.06TR SO2 Trading Program—Purpose and Definitions11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.07TR SO2 Trading Program—Applicability11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.08TR SO2 Trading Program—Retired Unit Exemption11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.09TR SO2 Trading Program—Standard Requirements11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.10TR SO2 Trading Program—Computation of Time11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.11Administrative Appeal Procedures11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.12SO2 Trading Budgets and Variability Limits11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.13TR SO2 Allowance Allocations12/7/20183/12/2020, 85 FR 14418
Section 335-3-5-.14Authorization of Designated Representative and Alternate Designated Representative11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.15Responsibilities of Designated Representative and Alternate Designated Representative11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.16Changing Designated Representative and Alternate Designated Representative; Changes in Owners and Operators; Changes in Units at the Source11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.17Certificate of Representation11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.18Objections Concerning Designated Representative and Alternate Designated Representative11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.19Delegation by Designated Representative and Alternate Designated Representative11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.21Establishment of Compliance Accounts, Assurance Accounts, and General Accounts11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.22Recordation of TR SO2 Allowance Allocations and Auction Results11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.23Submission of TR SO2 Allowance Transfers11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.24Recordation of TR SO2 Allowance Transfers11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.25Compliance with TR SO2 Emissions Limitation11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.26Compliance with TR SO2 Assurance Provisions11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.27Banking11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.28Account Error11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.29Administrator's Action on Submissions11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.31General Monitoring, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.32Initial Monitoring System Certification and Recertification Procedures11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.33Monitoring System Out-of-Control Periods11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.34Notifications Concerning Monitoring11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.35Recordkeeping and Reporting11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-5-.36Petitions for Alternatives to Monitoring, Recordkeeping, or Reporting Requirements11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Chapter No. 335-3-6 Control of Organic Emissions
Section 335-3-6-.01Applicability10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-.02VOC Water Separation4/15/19879/27/1993, 58 FR 50262
Section 335-3-6-.03Loading and Storage of VOC4/15/19879/27/1993, 58 FR 50262
Section 335-3-6-.04Fixed-Roof Petroleum Liquid Storage Vessels10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-.05Bulk Gasoline Plants10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-.06Bulk Gasoline Terminals8/10/200012/8/2000, 65 FR 76938
Section 335-3-6-.07Gasoline Dispensing Facilities—Stage I10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-.08Petroleum Refinery Sources6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-6-.09Pumps and Compressors6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-6-.10Ethylene Producing Plants6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-6-.11Surface Coating10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-.12Solvent Metal Cleaning10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-.13Cutback Asphalt10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-.14Petition for Alternative Controls6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-6-.15Compliance Schedules10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-.16Test Methods and Procedures8/10/200012/8/2000, 65 FR 76938
Section 335-3-6-.17Manufacture of Pneumatic Rubber Tires10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-.18Manufacture of Synthesized Pharmaceutical Products10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-.20Leaks from Gasoline Tank Trucks and Vapor Collection Systems10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-.21Leaks from Petroleum Refinery Equipment10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-.22Graphic Arts10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-.23Petroleum Liquid Storage in External Floating Roof Tanks10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-.24Applicability10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-.25VOC Water Separation6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-6-.26Loading and Storage of VOC4/15/19879/27/1993, 58 FR 50262
Section 335-3-6-.27Fixed-Roof Petroleum Liquid Storage Vessels10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-.28Bulk Gasoline Plants10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-.29Gasoline Terminals10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-.30Gasoline Dispensing Facilities Stage 110/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-.31Petroleum Refinery Sources4/15/19879/27/1993, 58 FR 50262
Section 335-3-6-.32Surface Coating10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-.33Solvent Metal Cleaning10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-.34Cutback and Emulsified Asphalt10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-.35Petition for Alternative Controls4/15/19879/27/1993, 58 FR 50262
Section 335-3-6-.36Compliances Schedules10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-.37Test Methods and Procedures10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-.38Reserved7/31/19919/27/1993, 58 FR 50262
Section 335-3-6-39Manufacture of Synthesized Pharmaceutical Products10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-41Leaks from Gasoline Tank Trucks and Vapor Collection Systems10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-42Reserved7/31/19919/27/1993, 58 FR 50262
Section 335-3-6-43Graphic Arts10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-44Petroleum Liquid Storage in External Floating Roof Tanks10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-45Large Petroleum Dry Cleaners10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-46Reserved7/31/19919/27/1993, 58 FR 50262
Section 335-3-6-47Leaks From Coke By-product Recovery Plant Equipment10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-48Emissions From Coke By-product Recovery Plant Coke Oven Gas Bleeder10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-49Manufacture of Laminated Countertops10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-50Paint Manufacture10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-6-53List of EPA Approved and Equivalent Test Methods and Procedures for the Purpose of Determining VOC Emissions10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Chapter No. 335-3-7 Carbon Monoxide Emissions
Section 335-3-7-01Metals Production6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-7-02Petroleum Processes6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Chapter No. 335-3-8 Control of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions
Section 335-3-8-01Standards for Portland Cement Kilns4/6/20017/17/2001, 66 FR 36919
Section 335-3-8-02Nitric Acid Manufacturing10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-8-03NOX Emissions from Electric Utility Generating Units10/24/200011/7/2001, 66 FR 56223
Section 335-3-8-04Standards for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines3/22/200512/28/2005, 70 FR 76694
Section 335-3-8-05New Combustion Sources1/16/20127/7/2021, 86 FR 35610
Section 335-3-8-07TR NOX Annual Trading Program—Purpose and Definitions11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-08TR NOX Annual Trading Program—Applicability11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-09TR NOX Annual Trading Program—Retired Unit Exemption11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-10TR NOX Annual Trading Program—Standard Requirements11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-11TR NOX Annual Trading Program—Computation of Time11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-12Administrative Appeal Procedures11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-13NOX Annual Trading Budgets and Variability Limits11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-14TR NOX Annual Allowance Allocations12/7/20183/12/2020, 85 FR 14418
Section 335-3-8-16Authorization of Designated Representative and Alternate Designated Representative11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-17Responsibilities of Designated Representative and Alternate Designated Representative11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-18Changing Designated Representative and Alternate Designated Representative; Changes in Owners and Operators; Changes in Units at the Source11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-19Certificate of Representation11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-20Objections Concerning Designated Representative and Alternate Designated Representative11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-21Delegation by Designated Representative and Alternate Designated Representative11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-23Establishment of Compliance Accounts, Assurance Accounts, and General Accounts11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-24Recordation of TR NOX Annual Allowance Allocations and Auction Results11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-25Submission of TR NOX Annual Allowance Transfers11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-26Recordation of TR NOX Annual Allowance Transfers11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-27Compliance with TR NOX Annual Emissions Limitation11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-28Compliance with TR NOX Annual Assurance Provisions11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-29Banking11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-30Account Error11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-31Administrator's Action on Submissions11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-33General Monitoring, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-34Initial Monitoring System Certification and Recertification Procedures11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-35Monitoring System Out-of-Control Periods11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-36Notifications Concerning Monitoring11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-37Recordkeeping and Reporting11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-38Petitions for Alternatives to Monitoring, Recordkeeping, or Reporting Requirements11/24/20158/31/2016, 81 FR 59869
Section 335-3-8-39TR NOX Ozone Season Group 2 Trading Program—Purpose and Definitions6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-40TR NOX Ozone Season Group 2 Trading Program—Applicability10/5/20183/12/2020, 85 FR 14418
Section 335-3-8-41TR NOX Ozone Season Group 2 Trading Program—Retired Unit Exemption6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-42TR NOX Ozone Season Group 2 Trading Program—Standard Requirements6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-43TR NOX Ozone Season Group 2 Trading Program—Computation of Time6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-44Administrative Appeal Procedures11/24/201510/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-45NOX Ozone Season Group 2 Trading Budgets and Variability Limits6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-46TR NOX Ozone Season Group 2 Allowance Allocations12/7/20183/12/2020, 85 FR 14418
Section 335-3-8-48Authorization of Designated Representative and Alternate Designated Representative6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-49Responsibilities of Designated Representative and Alternate Designated Representative6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-50Changing Designated Representative and Alternate Designated Representative; Changes in Owners and Operators; Changes in Units at the Source6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-51Certificate of Representation6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-52Objections Concerning Designated Representative and Alternate Designated Representative6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-53Delegation by Designated Representative and Alternate Designated Representative6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-55Establishment of Compliance Accounts, Assurance Accounts, and General Accounts6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-56Recordation of TR NOX Ozone Season Group 2 Allowance Allocations and Auction Results6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-57Submission of TR NOX Ozone Season Group 2 Allowance Transfers6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-58Recordation of TR NOX Ozone Season Group 2 Allowance Transfers6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-59Compliance with TR NOX Ozone Season Group 2 Emissions Limitation6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-60Compliance with TR NOX Ozone Season Group 2 Assurance Provisions6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-61Banking6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-62TR NOX Ozone Season Group 2 Trading Program—Account Error6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-63TR NOX Ozone Season Group 2 Trading Program—Administrator's Action on Submissions6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-65General Monitoring, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-66Initial Monitoring System Certification and Recertification Procedures6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-67Monitoring System Out-of-Control Periods6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-68Notifications Concerning Monitoring6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-69Recordkeeping and Reporting6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-70Petitions for Alternatives to Monitoring, Recordkeeping, or Reporting Requirements6/9/201710/6/2017, 82 FR 46674
Section 335-3-8-71NOX Budget Program4/13/20207/7/2021, 86 FR 35610
Section 335-3-8-72NOX Budget Program Monitoring and Reporting12/13/20217/11/2022, 87 FR 41061
Chapter No. 335-3-9 Control of Emissions from Motor Vehicles
Section 335-3-9-01Visible Emission Restrictions for Motor Vehicles10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-9-02Ignition System and Engine Speed8/10/200012/8/2000, 65 FR 76938
Section 335-3-9-03Crankcase Ventilation Systems8/10/200012/8/2000, 65 FR 76938
Section 335-3-9-04Exhaust Emission Control Systems6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-9-05Evaporative Loss Control Systems6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-9-06Other Prohibited Acts8/10/200012/8/2000, 65 FR 76938
Section 335-3-9-07Effective Date10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Chapter No. 335-3-12 Continuous Monitoring Requirements for Existing Sources
Section 335-3-12-01General6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-12-02Emission Monitoring and Reporting Requirements2/17/19989/14/1998, 63 FR 49005
Section 335-3-12-03Monitoring System Malfunction6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-12-04Alternate Monitoring and Reporting Requirements6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Section 335-3-12-05Exemptions and Extensions6/22/19893/19/1990, 55 FR 10062
Chapter No. 335-3-13 Control of Fluoride Emissions
Section 335-3-13-01Definitions2/28/19782/22/1982, 47 FR 7666
Section 335-3-13-02Superphosphoric Acid Plants10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-13-03Diammonium Phosphate Plants10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-13-04Triple Superphosphate Plants10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-13-05Granular Triple Superphosphoric Storage Facilities10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-13-06Wet Process Phosphoric Acid Plants10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Chapter No. 335-3-14 Air Permits
Section 335-3-14-01General Provisions6/9/201712/14/2018, 83 FR 64285
Section 335-3-14-02Permit Procedures10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-14-03Standards for Granting Permits5/23/20119/26/2012, 77 FR 59100
Section 335-3-14-04Air Permits Authorizing Construction in Clean Air Areas [Prevention of Significant Deterioration Permitting (PSD)]10/5/20187/3/2019, 84 FR 31741Except for changes to 335-3-14-04(2)(w)1., state effective July 11, 2006, which lists a 100 ton per year significant net emissions increase for regulated NSR pollutants not otherwise specified at 335-3-14-04(2)(w). Except for the significant impact levels at 335-3-14-04(10)(b) which were withdrawn from EPA consideration on October 9, 2014. Except for the second sentence of paragraph 335-3-14-04(2)(bbb)2., as well as the second and fourth sentences of paragraph 335-3-14-04(2)(bbb)3., which include changes from the vacated federal ERP rule and were withdrawn from EPA consideration by the State on May 5, 2017.
Section 335-3-14-05Air Permits Authorizing Construction in or Near Nonattainment Areas6/9/201712/14/2018, 83 FR 64285With the exception of: The portion of 335-3-14-05(1)(k) stating “excluding ethanol production facilities that produce ethanol by natural fermentation”; and 335-3-14-05(2)(c)3 (addressing fugitive emission increases and decreases). Also with the exception of the state-withdrawn elements: 335-3-14-05(1)(h) (the actual-to-potential test for projects that only involve existing emissions units); the last sentence at 335-3-14-05(3)(g), stating “Interpollutant offsets shall be determined based upon the following ratios”; and the NNSR interpollutant ratios at 335-3-14-05(3)(g)1-4.
Chapter No. 335-3-15 Synthetic Minor Operating Permits
Section 335-3-15-01Definitions10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-15-02General Provisions8/10/200012/8/2000, 65 FR 76938
Section 335-3-15-03Applicability11/23/199310/20/1994, 59 FR 52916
Section 335-3-15-04Synthetic Minor Operating Permit Requirements10/15/19966/6/1997, 62 FR 30991
Section 335-3-15-05Public Participation6/9/201712/14/2018, 83 FR 64285
Chapter No. 335-3-17 Conformity of Federal Actions to State Implementation Plans
Section 335-3-17-01Transportation Conformity5/28/201310/12/2017, 82 FR 47383
Section 335-3-17-02General Conformity5/23/20119/26/2012, 77 FR 59100
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