Identification of plan.

§ 52.2370 Identification of plan.

(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State Implementation Plan for Vermont under section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national ambient air quality standards.

(b) Incorporation by reference. (1) Material listed in paragraph (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to February10, 2006, was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material is incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with EPA approval dates after February 10, 2006, will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.

(2) EPA Region 1 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated state rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the State Implementation Plan as of February 10, 2006.

(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at the New England Regional Office of EPA at 5 Post Office Square—Suite 100, Boston, MA 02109-3912; the EPA, Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center, Air Docket (Mail Code 6102T), Room B-108, 1301 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20460 and the National Archives and Records Administration. For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to:

(c) EPA approved regulations.

EPA-Approved Vermont Regulations

State citation Title/subject State
effective date
EPA approval date Explanations
Chapter 5—Air Pollution Control
Subchapter I. Definitions
Section 5-101Definitions12/15/163/19/18, 83 FR 11885Approving revisions made to definition for “significant” to include emissions of ozone precursors.
Subchapter II. Prohibitions
Section 5-201Open burning prohibited07/22/984/22/98, 63 FR 19825
Section 5-202Permissible open burning1/25/7812/21/78, 43 FR 59496
Section 5-203Procedures for local authorities to burn natural wood1/25/7812/21/78, 43 FR 59496
Section 5-211Prohibition of visible air contaminants8/12/784/16/82, 47 FR 16331Except Section 5-211(3).
Section 5-221Prohibition of potentially polluting materials in fuel10/14/20115/22/2012, 77 FR 30212Approve revised Section 5-221(1).
Section 5-231Prohibition of particular matter12/15/163/19/18, 83 FR 11885Approving revisions to prohibit a process and other specified operations without taking reasonable precautions to prevent particulate matter from becoming airborne, and updating terminology for consistency with industry practice.
Section 5-241Prohibition of nuisance and odor1/25/7812/21/78, 43 FR 59496
Section 5-251Control of nitrogen oxides emissions2/8/20118/1/2016, 81 FR 50347Revised the applicability section.
Section 5-252Control of sulfur dioxide emissions2/8/20118/1/2016, 81 FR 50347Revised the applicability section.
Section 5-253.2Bulk Gasoline Terminals12/29/144/20/16, 81 FR 23167
Section 5-253.3Bulk Gasoline Plants12/29/144/20/16, 81 FR 23167
Section 5-253.4Gasoline tank trucks10/29/924/22/98, 63 FR 19825
Section 5-253.5Stage I Vapor Recovery Controls at Gasoline Dispensing Facilities12/29/144/20/16, 81 FR 23167
Section 5-253.8Industrial Adhesives9/15/201811/26/2019, 84 FR 65011
Section 5-253.9Offset Lithographic and Letterpress Printing9/15/201811/26/2019, 84 FR 65011
Section 5-253.10Paper coating10/29/924/22/98, 63 FR 19825
Section 5-253.12Coating of Flat Wood Paneling9/15/201811/26/2019, 84 FR 65011
Section 5-253.13Coating of Miscellaneous Metal and Plastic Parts9/15/201811/26/2019, 84 FR 65011
Section 5-253.14Solvent metal cleaning7/29/934/22/98, 63 FR 19825
Section 5-253.15Cutback and emulsified asphalt8/2/944/22/98, 63 FR 19825
Section 5-253.16Wood Furniture Manufacturing12/15/163/19/18, 83 FR 11885Approving revisions for consistency with underlying federal regulations.
Section 5-253.17Industrial Solvent Cleaning9/15/201811/26/2019, 84 FR 65011
Section 5-253.20Other sources that emit volatile organic compounds7/5/20148/1/2016, 81 FR 50347Removed the exemption for surface coating of wood.
Section 5-261Control of hazardous air contaminants11/03/8102/10/82, 47 FR 6014.
Subchapter III. Ambient Air Quality Standards
Section 5-301Scope7/5/20148/1/2016, 81 FR 50347The air quality standard for sulfates is not part of the SIP.
Section 5-302Sulfur oxides (sulfur dioxide)7/5/20148/1/2016, 81 FR 50347Revision addresses the SO2 NAAQS adopted in 2010.
Section 5-303Reserved7/5/20148/1/2016, 81 FR 50347The secondary standard for SO2 is now contained in Section 5-302.
Section 5-304Particulate matter PM2.57/5/20148/1/2016, 81 FR 50347New section addresses the 2006 primary and secondary 24-hr standard and the 2013 primary annual standard for the PM2.5 NAAQS.
Section 5-306Particulate matter PM107/5/20148/1/2016, 81 FR 50347Removed the annual standard to be consistent with the 2006 PM10 NAAQS.
Section 5-307Carbon monoxide7/5/20148/1/2016, 81 FR 50347Clarified language to be consistent with EPA.
Section 5-308Ozone7/5/20148/1/2016, 81 FR 50347Revision addresses the Ozone NAAQS adopted in 2008.
Section 5-309Nitrogen Dioxide7/5/2014/8/1/16, 81 FR 50347Revision addresses the NO2 NAAQS adopted in 2010.
Section 5-310Lead7/5/20148/1/2016, 81 FR 50347Revision addresses the Lead NAAQS adopted in 2008.
Subchapter IV. Operations and Procedures
Section 5-401Classification of air contaminant sources2/8/20118/1/2016, 81 FR 50347Amended the source category for asphalt batch plants.
Section 5-402Written reports when requested2/8/20118/1/2016, 81 FR 50347
Section 5-403Circumvention12/10/7205/31/72, 37 FR 10842
Section 5-404Methods for sampling and testing of sources12/15/163/19/18, 83 FR 11885Approving revisions to provide required methods that must be followed when conducting a stack test.
Section 5-405Required air monitoring03/24/7902/19/80, 45 FR 10775
Section 5-406Required air modeling7/5/20148/1/2016, 81 FR 50347Clarified air dispersion modeling must be done in accordance with 40 CFR part 51, Appendix W.
Subchapter V. Review of New Air Contaminant Sources
Section 5-501Review of construction or modification of air contaminant sourcesDecember 15, 20163/19/18, 83 FR 11885Approving revisions to Section 5-501(9) to clarify applicability of local, state, or federal law.
Section 5-502Major stationary sources and major modifications12/15/163/19/18, 83 FR 11885Approving revisions to Section 5-502(4)(c) and 5-502(5)(a) and (b) to provide process for PSD increment review demonstration and to determine increment; Approving revisions to Section 5-502(9) to provide requirement for alternative site analysis if: A source is major for ozone and/or major for precursors to ozone; or (2) a source or modification that is major is proposed to be constructed in a nonattainment area.
Subchapter VII. Motor Vehicle Emissions
Section 5-701Removal of control devices03/24/7902/19/80, 45 FR 10775
Section 5-702Excessive smoke emissions from motor vehicles03/24/7902/19/80, 45 FR 10775
Section 5-801Effective date03/24/791/30/80, 45 FR 6781
Table 1Table 1—Process weight standards1/25/7812/21/78, 43 FR 59496
Table 2Table 2—PSD increments7/5/20149/14/2016, 81 FR 63104Added increment thresholds for PM2.5.
Table 3Table 3—Levels of significant impact7/5/20149/14/2016, 81 FR 63104Added levels for PM2.5.
Subchapter VIII. Registration of Air Contaminant Sources
Sections 5-801Definitions4/20/881/10/95, 60 FR 2524
Sections 5-802Requirement for registration4/20/881/10/95, 60 FR 2524
Section 5-803Registration procedure4/20/881/10/95, 60 FR 2524
Section 5-804False or misleading information4/20/881/10/95, 60 FR 2524
Section 5-805Commencement or recommencement of operation4/20/881/10/95, 60 FR 2524
Section 5-806Transfer of Operation4/20/881/10/95, 60 FR 2524
Statutes and Executive Orders
10 V.S.A. section 554 of the Vermont StatutesPowers11/02/20156/27/2017, 82 FR 29007Provides the Secretary of ANR with power to adopt, amend and repeal rules, implementing provisions of 10 VSA Chapter 23, Air Pollution Control.
10 V.S.A. section 563 of the Vermont StatutesConfidential records; penalty11/21/20166/27/2017, 82 FR 29007Confidential records furnished to or obtained by the secretary concerning air contaminant sources are for confidential use of the secretary, with penalties for violation.
Vermont Executive Order 19-17Executive Code of Ethics12/4/20176/4/2020, 85 FR 34358Prohibits all Vermont executive branch appointees (including the ANR Secretary) from taking “any action in any matter in which he or she has either a Conflict of Interest or the appearance of a Conflict of Interest, until the Conflict is resolved.” Submitted and approved as part of 2015 Ozone infrastructure SIP.
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