Identification of plan.

§ 52.2020 Identification of plan.

(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State implementation plan for Pennsylvania under section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7410, and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national ambient air quality standards.

(b) Incorporation by reference. (1) Material listed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to July 1, 2016, were approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Entries in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with the EPA approval dates after July 1, 2016 for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, have been approved by EPA for inclusion in the state implementation plan and for incorporation by reference into the plan as it is contained in this section, and will be considered by the Director of the Federal Register for approval in the next update to the SIP compilation.


(i) EPA Region III certifies that the following materials provided by EPA at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated Commonwealth rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the state implementation plan as of the dates referenced in paragraph (b)(1) of this section:

(A) Materials in Notebook “40 CFR 52.2020(c)(1)-1. PA Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP); 2. PA Department of Transportation (PA DOT).”

(B) Materials in Notebook “1. 40 CFR 52.2020(c)(2)—Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD); 2. 40 CFR 52.2020(c)(3)—Philadelphia Air Management Services (AMS).”

(ii) EPA Region III certifies that the following materials provided by EPA at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated Commonwealth source-specific requirements which have been approved as part of the state implementation plan as of the dates referenced in paragraph(b)(1) of this section. No additional revisions were made between April 1, 2013 and July 1, 2016:

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Materials in Notebook “40 CFR 52.2020(d)(1)—Source-specific Requirements—Volume 1, Part 1.”

(C) Materials in Notebook “40 CFR 52.2020(d)(1)—Source-specific Requirements—Volume 1, Part 2.”

(D) Materials in Notebook “40 CFR 52.2020(d)(1)—Source-specific Requirements—Volume 2, Part 1.”

(E) Materials in Notebook “40 CFR 52.2020(d)(1)—Source-specific Requirements—Volume 2, Part 2.”

(F) Materials in Notebook “40 CFR 52.2020(d)(1)—Source-specific Requirements—Volume 3.”

(G) Materials in Notebook “40 CFR 52.2020(d)(1)—Source-specific Requirements—Volume 4.”

(H) Materials in Notebook “40 CFR 52.2020(d)(1)—Source-specific Requirements—Volume 5.”

(I) Materials in Notebook “40 CFR 52.2020(d)(1)—Source-specific Requirements—Volume 6.”

(J) Materials in Notebook “40 CFR 52.2020(d)(2)-(d)(4)—Source-specific Requirements.”

(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference into the state implementation plan may be inspected at the Environmental Protection Agency, Region III, 1650 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103. To obtain the material, please call the Regional Office at (215) 814-3376. You may also inspect the material with an EPA approval date prior to July 1, 2016 for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, go to:

(c) EPA-Approved Regulations

(1) EPA-Approved Pennsylvania Regulations and Statutes

State citation Title/subject State effective date EPA approval date Additional explanation/
§ 52.2063 citation
Title 25—Environmental Protection Article III—Air Resources
Chapter 121—General Provisions
Section 121.1Definitions1/16/20218/9/2023, 88 FR 53804Added the definition of “synthetic minor facility”
Section 121.1Definitions4/23/165/9/19, 84 FR 20291Revises the following definitions: “CEMS—Continuous emission monitoring system,” “Major NOX emitting facility,” “Major VOC emitting facility,” and “Stationary internal combustion engine or stationary reciprocating internal combustion engine.” Adds new definitions for the following terms: “Process heater,” “Refinery gas,” “Regenerative cycle combustion turbine,” “Simple cycle combustion turbine,” and “Stationary combustion turbine.”
Section 121.1Definitions8/11/1812/14/20, 85 FR 80624Definition of “Cleaning solvent” is amended.
Section 121.1Definitions12/21/195/12/21, 86 FR 25953Revised definitions for “major facility,” “regulated NSR pollutant,” and “significant” to address 2016 PM2.5 Implementation Rule requirements.
Section 121.2Purpose3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 121.3Applicability3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 121.4Regional Organization of the Department5/23/9212/22/94, 59 FR 65971(c)(94).
Section 121.7Prohibition of Air Pollution3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 121.8Compliance responsibilities8/13/7712/17/79, 44 FR 73031(c)(21); correction published 8/22/80 (45 FR 56060).
Section 121.9Circumvention3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 121.10Existing orders3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 121.11Severability clause3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1); no longer in PA DEP rules.
Chapter 122—National Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources
Section 122.1Purpose08/01/7912/14/20, 85 FR 80624
Section 122.2Scope08/01/7912/14/20, 85 FR 80624
Section 122.3Adoption of Standards12/26/9712/14/20, 85 FR 80624
Chapter 123—Standards for Contaminants
Fugitive Emissions
Section 123.1(a) through (c)Prohibition of certain fugitive emissions8/29/7712/17/79, 44 FR 73031(c)(21); Paragraph 123.1(d) is not in the SIP.
Section 123.2Fugitive particulate matter8/13/837/27/84, 49 FR 30183(c)(60).
Particulate Matter Emissions
Section 123.11Combustion units3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Appendix A [Graph]Particulate Matter—Combustion Units3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 123.12Incinerators3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 123.13(a) through (c)Processes8/27/8011/13/81, 46 FR 55971(c)(39); paragraph 123.13(d) is not in the SIP.
Section 123.14Outdoor wood-fired boilers10/2/109/20/11, 76 FR 58116New section.
Appendix B [Graph]Particulate Matter—Processes Listed in Table 13/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Appendix C [Graph]Particulate Matter—Processes Not Listed in Table 13/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Sulfur Compound Emissions
Section 123.21General3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 123.22(a)Combustion units. [General provisions—air basins and non-air basins]07/25/203/4/22, 87 FR 12405Amended sections 123.22(a) 123.22(b), 123.22(c), 123.22(d), 123.22(e), 123.22(f), and 123.22(g). Previous approval July 10, 2014.
123.22(b)Combustion units—Erie Air Basin08/01/7908/08/79, 44 FR 46465(c)(20); correction published 1/23/80 (45 FR 5303).
123.22(b)Combustion units—Erie Air Basin07/25/203/4/22,87 FR 12405Amended sections 123.22(a) 123.22(b), 123.22(c), 123.22(d), 123.22(e), 123.22(f), and 123.22(g). Previous approval July 10, 2014.
123.22(c)Combustion units—Upper Beaver Valley Air Basin08/21/8207/05/83, 48 FR 30630(c)(53).
123.22(c)Combustion units—Upper Beaver Valley Air Basin07/25/203/4/22, 87 FR 12405Amended sections 123.22(a) 123.22(b), 123.22(c), 123.22(d), 123.22(e), 123.22(f), and 123.22(g). Previous approval July 10, 2014.
123.22(d)Combustion units—Lower Beaver Valley Air Basin01/01/8112/16/81, 46 FR 61267(c)(40).
123.22(d)Combustion units—Lower Beaver Valley Air Basin07/25/203/4/22, 87 FR 12405Amended sections 123.22(a) 123.22(b), 123.22(c), 123.22(d), 123.22(e), 123.22(f), and 123.22(g). Previous approval July 10, 2014.
123.22(e)Combustion units—Southeast PA Air Basin10/01/7806/04/79, 44 FR 31980(c)(18).
123.22(e)Combustion units—Southeast PA Air Basin07/25/203/4/22, 87 FR 12405Amended sections 123.22(a) 123.22(b), 123.22(c), 123.22(d), 123.22(e), 123.22(f), and 123.22(g). Previous approval July 10, 2014.
Section 123.22(f)Combustion units—Sampling and testing07/25/203/4/22, 87 FR 12405Amended sections 123.22(a) 123.22(b), 123.22(c), 123.22(d), 123.22(e), 123.22(f), and 123.22(g). Previous approval July 10, 2014.
Section 123.22(g)Combustion units—Recordkeeping and reporting07/25/203/4/22, 87 FR 12405Amended sections 123.22(a) 123.22(b), 123.22(c), 123.22(d), 123.22(e), 123.22(f), and 123.22(g). Previous approval July 10, 2014.
Figure 4 [Graph]Sulfur Oxides—Combustion Units3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 123.24Primary zinc smelters8/11/754/30/76, 41 FR 18077(c)(14).
Section 123.25Monitoring requirements10/27/906/30/93, 58 FR 34911(c)(81).
Odor Emissions
Section 123.31Limitations3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1); SIP version of Section 123.31 is different from State version.
Visible Emissions
Section 123.41Limitations3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 123.42 (Except paragraph 123.42(4))Exceptions3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1); Paragraph 123.42(4) is declared not in SIP at (c)(21).
Section 123.43Measuring Techniques3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 123.44Limitations of visible fugitive air contaminants from operation of any coke oven battery12/27/976/11/02, 67 FR 39854(c)(189).
Section 123.45Alternative opacity limitations6/20/811/19/83, 48 FR 2319(c)(48).
Appendix D [Chart]Alternate Opacity Limitation—Application6/20/811/19/83, 48 FR 2319(c)(48).
Section 123.46Monitoring requirements6/20/811/19/83, 48 FR 2319(c)(48).
Nitrogen Compound Emissions
Section 123.51Monitoring requirements10/20/909/23/92, 57 FR 43905(c)(74).
NOXAllowance Requirements
Section 123.101Purpose11/1/976/6/00, 65 FR 35840(c)(145).
Section 123.102Source NOX allowance requirements and NOX allowance control period11/1/976/6/00, 65 FR 35840(c)(145).
Section 123.103General NOX allowance provisions11/1/976/6/00, 65 FR 35840(c)(145).
Section 123.104Source authorized account representative requirements11/1/976/6/00, 65 FR 35840(c)(145).
Section 123.105NATS provisions11/1/976/6/00, 65 FR 35840(c)(145).
Section 123.106NOX allowance transfer protocol11/1/976/6/00, 65 FR 35840(c)(145).
Section 123.107NOX allowance transfer procedures11/1/976/6/00, 65 FR 35840(c)(145).
Section 123.108Source emissions monitoring requirements11/1/976/6/00, 65 FR 35840(c)(145).
Section 123.109Source emissions reporting requirements11/1/976/6/00, 65 FR 35840(c)(145).
Section 123.110Source compliance requirements11/1/976/6/00, 65 FR 35840(c)(145).
Section 123.111Failure to meet source compliance requirements11/1/976/6/00, 65 FR 35840(c)(145).
Section 123.112Source operating permit provision requirements11/1/976/6/00, 65 FR 35840(c)(145)
Section 123.113Source recordkeeping requirements11/1/976/6/00, 65 FR 35840(c)(145).
Section 123.114General NOX allocation provisions11/1/976/6/00, 65 FR 35840(c)(145).
Section 123.115Initial NOX allowance NOX allocations3/11/006/6/00, 65 FR 35840(c)(145).
Section 123.116Source opt-in provisions11/1/976/6/00, 65 FR 35840(c)(145).
Section 123.117New NOX affected source provisions11/1/976/6/00, 65 FR 35840(c)(145).
Section 123.118Emission reduction credit provisions11/1/976/6/00, 65 FR 35840(c)(145).
Section 123.119Bonus NOX allowance awards11/1/976/6/00, 65 FR 35840(c)(145).
Section 123.120Audit11/1/976/6/00, 65 FR 35840(c)(145).
Appendix E [Chart]Appendix E [NOX Allowances Chart]3/11/006/6/00, 65 FR 35840(c)(145).
Chapter 126—Standard for Motor Fuels
Subchapter A—Oxygenate Content of Gasoline
Section 126.101General8/19/9512/17/99, 64 FR 70589(c)(142).
Section 126.102Sampling and testing8/19/9512/17/99, 64 FR 70589(c)(142).
Section 126.103Recordkeeping and reporting8/19/9512/17/99, 64 FR 70589(c)(142).
Section 126.104Labeling requirements8/19/9512/17/99, 64 FR 70589(c)(142).
Subchapter D—Motor Vehicle Emissions Control Program
General Provisions
Section 126.401Purpose12/9/061/24/12, 77 FR 3386.
Pennsylvania Clean Vehicles Program
Section 126.411General requirements12/9/061/24/12, 77 FR 3386.
Section 126.412Emission requirements12/9/061/24/12, 77 FR 3386.
Section 126.413Exemptions12/9/061/24/12, 77 FR 3386.
Applicable Motor Vehicle Testing
Section 126.421Exemptions12/9/061/24/12, 77 FR 3386.
Section 126.422New motor vehicle compliance testing12/9/061/24/12, 77 FR 3386.
Section 126.423Assembly line testing12/9/061/24/12, 77 FR 3386.
Section 126.424In-use motor vehicle enforcement testing12/9/061/24/12, 77 FR 3386.
Section 126.425In-use surveillance testing12/9/061/24/12, 77 FR 3386.
Motor Vehicle Manufacturers' Obligations
Section 126.431Warranty and recall12/9/061/24/12, 77 FR 3386.
Section 126.432Reporting requirements12/9/061/24/12, 77 FR 3386.
Motor Vehicle Dealer Responsibilities
Section 126.441Responsibility of motor vehicle dealers12/9/061/24/12, 77 FR 3386.
Department Responsibilities
Section 126.451Responsibilities of the Department12/9/061/24/12, 77 FR 3386.
Chapter 127—Construction, Modification, Reactivation, and Operation of Sources
Subchapter A—General
Section 127.1Purpose11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.3Operational flexibility11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Subchapter B—Plan Approval Requirements
Section 127.11Plan approval requirements11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.11aReactivation of sources11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.12Content of applications11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.12aCompliance review11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.12bPlan Approval Terms and Conditions5/24/0810/5/12, 77 FR 60910Revised; limited approval.
Section 127.12cPlan approval reporting requirements11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.12dCompleteness Determination5/24/0810/5/12, 77 FR 60910Added; limited approval.
Section 127.13Extensions5/19/075/14/12, 77 FR 28261Revised.
Section 127.13aPlan approval changes for cause11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.13bDenial of Plan approval application11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.13cNotice of basis for certain plan approval decisions11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.14Exemptions11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.25Compliance requirement11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.32Transfer of plan approvals11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.35Maximum achievable control technology standards for hazardous air pollutants11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.36Health risk-based emission standards and operating practice requirements11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.44Public Notice5/24/0810/5/12, 77 FR 60910Revised; limited approval.
Section 127.45Contents of Notice5/24/0810/5/12, 77 FR 60910Revised; limited approval.
Section 127.46Filing protests8/13/837/27/84, 49 FR 30183(c)(60).
Section 127.47Consideration of protests11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.48Conferences and Hearings5/24/0810/5/12, 77 FR 60910Revised; limited approval.
Section 127.49Conference or hearing procedure11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.50Conference or hearing record11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.51Plan approval disposition11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Subchapter D—Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality
Section 127.81Purpose6/18/838/21/84, 49 FR 33127(c)(57).
Section 127.82Scope6/18/838/21/84, 49 FR 33127(c)(57).
Section 127.83Adoption of Program6/18/838/21/84, 49 FR 33127(c)(57).
Subchapter E—New Source Review
Section 127.201General requirements9/3/117/13/12, 78 FR 41276Revised.
Section 127.201aMeasurements, abbreviations and acronyms9/3/117/13/12, 77 FR 41276Revised.
Section 127.202Effective date12/21/195/12/21, 86 FR 25953Revised to include VOC and ammonia as PM2.5 precursors.
Previous approval was July 13, 2012. Docket No. EPA-R03-OAR-2011-0924.
Section 127.203Facilities subject to special permit requirements9/3/117/13/12, 77 FR 41276Revised.
Section 127.203aApplicability determination12/21/195/12/21, 86 FR 25953Revised to include annual and 24-hour levels for “significant air quality impacts for PM2.5.”
Previous approval was July 13, 2012. Docket No. EPA-R03-OAR-2011-0924.
Section 127.204Emissions subject to this Subchapter9/3/117/13/12, 77 FR 41276Revised.
Section 127.205Special permit requirements5/19/075/14/12, 77 FR 28261Revised.
Section 127.206ERC general requirements9/3/117/13/12, 77 FR 41276Revised.
Section 127.207Creditable emissions decrease or ERC generation and creation5/19/075/14/12, 77 FR 28261Revised.
Section 127.208ERC use and transfer requirements5/19/075/14/12, 77 FR 28261Revised.
Section 127.209ERC registry system5/19/075/14/12, 77 FR 28261Revised.
Section 127.210Offset ratios12/21/195/12/21, 86 FR 25953Revised to include PM2.5 offset ratios for both VOC and ammonia.
Previous approval was July 13, 2012. Docket No. EPA-R03-OAR-2011-0924.
Section 127.212Portable facilities5/19/075/14/12, 77 FR 28261Revised.
Section 127.213Construction and demolition5/19/075/14/12, 77 FR 28261Revised.
Section 127.215Reactivation5/19/075/14/12, 77 FR 28261Revised.
Section 127.216Circumvention1/15/9412/9/97, 62 FR 64722(c)(107).
Section 127.217Clean Air Act Titles III-V applicability5/19/075/14/12, 77 FR 28261Revised.
Section 127.218PALs5/19/075/14/12, 77 FR 28261New.
Subchapter F—Operating Permit Requirements
Section 127.401Scope11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.402General provisions11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.403Permitting of sources operating lawfully without a permit11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.404Compliance schedule for repermitting11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Permit Applications
Section 127.411Content of applications.11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.412Compliance review forms11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.413Municipal notification11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.414Supplemental information11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Review of Applications
Section 127.421Review of Applications11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.422Denial of permits11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.423Notice of basis for certain operating permit decisions11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.424Public Notice1/16/20218/9/2023, 88 FR 53804Corrected a cross-reference error in public notice section.
Section 127.425Contents of notice11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.426Filing protests11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.427Consideration of protest11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.428Conferences and hearings11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.429Conference or hearing procedure11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.430Conference or hearing record11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.431Operating permit disposition11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Operating Permit Conditions
Section 127.441Operating permit terms and conditions11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.442Reporting requirements11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.443Operating permit requirements11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.444Compliance requirements11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.445Operating permit compliance schedules11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.446Operating permit duration11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.447Alternate operating scenarios11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.448Emissions trading at facilities with Federally enforceable emissions cap11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.449De minimis emission increases11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.450Administrative operating permit amendments11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Operating Permit Modifications
Section 127.461Operating permit changes for cause11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.462Minor operating permit modifications11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.463Operating permit revisions to incorporate applicable standards11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.464Transfer of operating permits11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.465Significant operating permit modification procedures1/16/20218/9/2023,88 FR 53804Added section 127.465 to establish the procedures the owner or operator of a stationary air contamination source or facility shall follow to make a significant modification to an applicable operating permit
Subchapter H—General Plan Approvals and Operating Permits
Section 127.601Scope11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39594(c)(111).
Issuance of General Plan Approvals and General Operating Permits
Section 127.611General plan approvals and general operating permits11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39594(c)(111).
Section 127.612Public notice and review period11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39594(c)(111).
Use of General Plan Approvals and Permits
Section 127.621Application for use of general plan approvals and general operating permits11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39594(c)(111).
Section 127.622Compliance with general plan approvals and general operating permits11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39594(c)(111).
Subchapter I—Plan Approval and Operating Permit Fees
Section 127.701General provisions12/14/133/27/15, 80 FR 16286Paragraphs (b) and (c) revised.
Section 127.702Plan approval fees1/16/20218/9/2023, 88 FR 53804Amended section 127.702
Section 127.703Operating permit fees under subchapter F1/16/20218/9/2023, 88 FR 53804 Amended section 127.703
Section 127.707Failure to pay fee11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(C).
Section 127.709Fees for requests for determination1/16/20218/9/2023, 88 FR 53804Added section 127.709 to establish fees for requests for determination
Section 127.710Fees for the use of general plan approvals and general operating permits under Subchapter H.1/16/20218/9/2023, 88 FR 53804Added section 127.710 to establish application fees for the use of general plan approvals and general operating permits for stationary or portable sources
Subchapter J—General Conformity
Section 127.801Purpose11/9/969/29/97, 62 FR 50870(c)(126).
Section 127.802Adoption of Standards11/9/969/29/97, 62 FR 50870(c)(126).
Chapter 129—Standards for Sources
Miscellaneous Sources
Section 129.11Nitric acid plants3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 129.12Sulfuric acid plants3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 129.13Sulfur recovery plants3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
APPENDIX AAllowable emissions, sulfur oxides—sulfur recovery plants4/23/943/23/98, 63 FR 13789(c)(129).
Section 129.14Open burning operations8/9/768/19/80, 45 FR 55178(c)(33).
Section 129.15Coke pushing operations8/29/77,12/31/7712/17/79, 44 FR 73031(c)(21); correction published 8/22/80, 45 FR 56060.
Section 129.16Door maintenance, adjustment and replacement practices12/12/777/17/79, 44 FR 41429(c)(19).
Section 129.18Municipal waste incinerators10/27/906/30/93, 58 FR 34911(c)(81).
Sources of VOCs
Section 129.51General8/11/1812/14/20, 85 FR 80624Amended to add references to Section 129.63a.
Section 129.52Surface coating processes10/22/168/10/18, 83 FR 39604Revised 129.52(g) and added Subsection 129.52(k).
Section 129.52aControl of VOC emissions from large appliance and metal furniture surface coating processes9/11/108/24/2011, 76 FR 52870New section is added.
Section 129.52bControl of VOC emissions from paper, film, and foil surface coating processes11/20/105/23/11, 76 FR 29649New section is added.
Section 129.52cControl of VOC emissions from flat wood paneling surface coating processes12/18/106/2/11, 76 FR 31855New section is added.
Section 129.52dControl of VOCs from Miscellaneous Metal Parts Surface Coating Processes, Miscellaneous Plastic Parts Surface Coating Processes and Pleasure Craft Surface Coatings10/22/168/10/18, 83 FR 39604New section 129.52d is added. This section does not remove or replace any permits approved under 52.2020(d).
Section 129.52eControl of VOC emissions from automobile and light-duty truck assembly coating operations and heavier vehicle coating operations10/22/163/23/18, 83 FR 12676New section is added. This section does not remove or replace any permits approved under 52.2020(d).
Section 129.54Seasonal operation of auxiliary incineration equipment8/3/915/13/93, 58 FR 28362(c)(79).
Section 129.55Petroleum refineries—specific sources6/20/811/19/83, 48 FR 2319(c)(48).
Section 129.56Storage tanks greater than 40,000 gallons capacity containing VOCs9/5/987/26/00, 65 FR 45920(c)(147).
Section 129.57Storage tanks less than or equal to 40,000 gallons capacity containing VOCs6/20/811/19/83, 48 FR 2319(c)(48).
Section 129.58Petroleum refineries—fugitive sources8/13/837/27/84, 49 FR 30183(c)(60).
Section 129.59Bulk gasoline terminals8/3/915/13/93, 58 FR 28362(c)(79).
Section 129.60Bulk gasoline plants8/3/915/13/93, 58 FR 28362(c)(79).
Section 129.61Small gasoline storage tank control (Stage I control)8/3/915/13/93, 58 FR 28362(c)(79).
Section 129.62General standards for bulk gasoline terminals, bulk gasoline plants, and small gasoline storage tanks5/23/9412/22/94, 59 FR 65971(c)(94).
Section 129.63Degreasing operations12/22/011/16/03, 68 FR 2208(c)(195)(i)(B)(2).
Section 129.63aControl of VOC emissions from industrial cleaning solvents8/11/1812/14/20, 85 FR 80624Added new Section 129.63a.
Section 129.64Cutback asphalt paving8/13/837/27/84, 49 FR 30183(c)(60).
Section 129.65Ethylene production plants8/1/795/20/80(c)(22).
Section 129.66Compliance schedules and final compliance dates12/18/106/2/11, 76 FR 31855This section is amended.
Section 129.67Graphic arts systems10/22/168/10/18, 83 FR 39604Revised Subsection 129.67(a)(1).
129.67aControl of VOC emissions from flexible package printing presses6/28/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36482Adds section 129.67a.
129.67bControl of VOC emissions from offset lithographic printing presses and letterpress printing presses6/28/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36482Adds section 129.67b.
Section 129.68Manufacture of synthesized pharmaceutical products8/3/915/13/93, 58 FR 28362(c)(79).
Section 129.69Manufacture of pneumatic rubber tires5/23/9212/22/94, 59 FR 65971(c)(94).
Section 129.71Synthetic organic chemical and polymer manufacturing—fugitive sources5/23/9212/22/94, 59 FR 65971(c)(94).
Section 129.72Manufacture of surface active agents5/23/9212/22/94, 59 FR 65971(c)(94).
Section 129.73Aerospace manufacturing and rework8/11/1812/14/20, 85 FR 80624Correction to numbering in Table II.
Section 129.74Control of VOC emissions from fiberglass boat manufacturing materials12/19/158/17/16, 81 FR 54744New section is added; the requirements of section 129.74 supersede the requirements of a RACT permit issued under sections 129.91-95 prior to December 19, 2015, to the owner or operator of a source subject to section 129.74 to control, reduce or minimize VOCs from a fiberglass boat manufacturing process, except to the extent the RACT permit contains more stringent requirements.
Section 129.75Mobile equipment repair and refinishing10/22/168/10/18, 83 FR 39604Revised Subsection 129.75(b)(1).
Previous approval 8/14/00 (c) 148.
129.77Control of emissions from the use or application of adhesives, sealants, primers and solvents6/28/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36482Amends section 129.77.
Mobile Sources
Section 129.81Organic liquid cargo vessel loading and ballasting9/28/919/28/93, 58 FR 50517(c)(84).
Section 129.82Control of VOCs from gasoline dispensing facilities (Stage II)4/10/995/21/01, 66 FR 27875(c)(153).
Stationary Sources of NOXand VOCs
Section 129.91Control of major sources of NOX and VOCs6/10/007/20/01, 66 FR 37908(c)(152).
Section 129.92RACT proposal requirements4/23/943/23/98, 63 FR 13789(c)(129).
Section 129.93 [Except for 129.93(c)(6) &(7)]Presumptive RACT emission limitations4/23/943/23/98, 63 FR 13789(c)(129).
Section 129.94NOX RACT emission averaging general requirements4/23/943/23/98, 63 FR 13789(c)(129).
Section 129.95Recordkeeping4/23/943/23/98, 63 FR 13789(c)(129).
Additional RACT Requirements for Major Sources of NOXand VOCs
Section 129.96Applicability8/11/1812/14/20, 85 FR 80624Subsections (a) and (b) are revised.
Section 129.97Presumptive RACT requirements, RACT emission limitations, and petition for alternative compliance schedule4/23/168/16/2022, 87 FR 50259Partial Disapproval. See 40 CFR 52.2023(o).
Section 129.98Facility-wide or system-wide NOX emissions averaging plan general requirements4/23/165/9/19, 84 FR 20291Conditionally approved. See 40 CFR 52.2023(m).
Section 129.99Alternative RACT proposal and petition for alternative compliance schedule8/11/1812/14/20, 85 FR 80624Section 129.99(i)(1)(ii) is revised.
Section 129.100Compliance demonstration and recordkeeping requirements8/11/1812/14/20, 85 FR 80624Section 129.100(a) is revised.
Wood Furniture Manufacturing Operations
Section 129.101General provisions and applicability6/10/007/20/01, 66 FR 37908(c)(152).
Section 129.102Emission standards6/10/007/20/01, 66 FR 37908(c)(152).
Section 129.103Work practice standards6/10/007/20/01, 66 FR 37908(c)(152).
Section 129.104Compliance procedures and monitoring requirements6/10/007/20/01, 66 FR 37908(c)(152).
Section 129.105Recordkeeping requirements6/10/007/20/01, 66 FR 37908(c)(152).
Section 129.106Reporting requirements6/10/007/20/01, 66 FR 37908(c)(152).
Section 129.107Special provisions for facilities using an emissions averaging approach6/10/007/20/01, 66 FR 37908(c)(152).
Additional NOXRequirements
Section 129.201Boilers4/12/0812/10/09, 74 FR 65446Revised section.
Section 129.202Stationary combustion turbines4/12/0812/10/09, 74 FR 65446Revised section.
Section 129.203Stationary internal combustion engines12/11/049/29/06, 71 FR 57428SIP-effective date is 10/30/06.
Section 129.204Emission accountability4/12/0812/10/09, 74 FR 65446Revised section.
Section 129.205Zero emission renewable energy production credit12/11/049/29/06, 71 FR 57428SIP-effective date is 10/30/06.
Control of NOXEmissions From Glass Melting Furnaces
Section 129.301Purpose6/19/108/22/11, 76 FR 52283New section
Section 129.302Applicability6/19/108/22/11, 76 FR 52283New section
Section 129.303Exemptions6/19/108/22/11, 76 FR 52283New section
Section 129.304Emission requirements6/19/108/22/11, 76 FR 52283New section
Section 129.305Start-up requirements6/19/108/22/11, 76 FR 52283New section
Section 129.306Shutdown requirements6/19/108/22/11, 76 FR 52283New section
Section 129.307Idling requirements6/19/108/22/11, 76 FR 52283New section
Section 129.308Compliance determination6/19/108/22/11, 76 FR 52283New section
Section 129.309Compliance demonstration6/19/108/22/11, 76 FR 52283New section
Section 129.310Recordkeeping6/19/108/22/11, 76 FR 52283New section
Chapter 130—Standards for Products
Subchapter B—Consumer Products
General Provisions
Section 130.201Applicability10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717
Section 130.202Definitions10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717
Section 130.211Table of standards10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717
Section 130.212Products diluted prior to use10/5/0212/8/04, 69 FR 70895(c)(230).
Section 130.213Products registered under FIFRA10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717
Section 130.214Requirements for charcoal lighter materials10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717
Section 130.215Requirements for aerosol adhesives10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717
Section 130.216Requirements for floor wax strippers10/5/0212/8/04, 69 FR 70895(c)(230).
Section 130.217Sell-through of products10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717Adds section to allow for the sell-through of product manufactured prior to applicable effective dates.
Section 130.331Products for shipment and use outside this Commonwealth10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717.
Section 130.332Antiperspirants and deodorants10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717.
Section 130.333LVP-VOC10/5/0212/8/04, 69 FR 70895(c)(230).
Section 130.334Products registered under FIFRA10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717.
Section 130.335Air fresheners10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717.
Section 130.336Adhesives10/5/0212/8/04, 69 FR 70895(c)(230).
Section 130.337Bait station insecticides10/5/0212/8/04, 69 FR 70895(c)(230).
Section 130.338Fragrances10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717Added section.
Innovative Products
Section 130.351Innovative products exemption10/5/0212/8/04, 69 FR 70895(c)(230).
Section 130.352Request for exemption10/5/0212/8/04, 69 FR 70895(c)(230).
Administrative Requirements
Section 130.371Code-dating10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717.
Section 130.372Most restrictive limit10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717
Section 130.373Additional labeling requirements for aerosol adhesives10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717
Reporting Requirements
Section 130.391Required reporting of information to the Department10/5/0212/8/04, 69 FR 70895(c)(230).
Section 130.392Confidentiality10/5/0212/8/04, 69 FR 70895(c)(230).
Section 130.411Application for variance10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717.
Section 130.412Variance orders10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717.
Section 130.413Termination of variance10/5/0212/8/04, 69 FR 70895(c)(230).
Section 130.414Modification of variance10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717.
Section 130.431Testing for compliance10/5/0212/8/04, 69 FR 70895(c)(230).
ACP for Consumer Products
Section 130.451Alternative methods of compliance10/5/0212/8/04, 69 FR 70895(c)(230)
Section 130.452Exemption10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717.
Section 130.453Request for exemption10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717.
Section 130.454Application for an ACP10/11/0810/18/10,75 FR 63717.
Section 130.455Recordkeeping and availability of requested information10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717.
Section 130.456Surplus reductions and surplus trading10/5/0212/8/04, 69 FR 70895(c)(230).
Section 130.457Limited-use surplus reduction credits for early reformulations of ACP products10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717.
Section 130.458Reconciliation of shortfalls10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717.
Section 130.459Notification of modifications to an ACP by the responsible ACP party10/5/0212/8/04, 69 FR 70895(c)(230).
Section 130.460Modifications that require Department preapproval10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717.
Section 130.461Other modifications10/5/0212/8/04, 69 FR 70895(c)(230).
Section 130.462Modification of an ACP by the Department10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717.
Section 130.463Cancellation of an ACP10/5/0212/8/04, 69 FR 70895(c)(230).
Section 130.464Treatment of information10/5/0212/8/04, 69 FR 70895(c)(230).
Section 130.465Other applicable requirements10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717.
Public Hearing Requirements
Section 130.471Public hearings10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717.
Subchapter C—Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Coatings
Section 130.601Applicability10/25/0311/23/04, 69 FR 68080(c)(227).
Section 130.602Definitions10/11/0810/18/10, 75 FR 63717.
Section 130.603Standards10/25/0311/23/04, 69 FR 68080(c)(227).
Section 130.604Container labeling requirements10/25/0311/23/04, 69 FR 68080(c)(227).
Section 130.605Reporting requirements10/25/0311/23/04, 69 FR 68080(c)(227).
Section 130.606Application for variance10/25/0311/23/04, 69 FR 68080(c)(227).
Section 130.607Variance orders10/25/0311/23/04, 69 FR 68080(c)(227).
Section 130.608Termination of variance10/25/0311/23/04, 69 FR 68080(c)(227).
Section 130.609Extension, modification or revocation of variance10/25/0311/23/04, 69 FR 68080(c)(227).
Section 130.610Public hearings10/25/0311/23/04, 69 FR 68080(c)(227).
Section 130.611Compliance provisions and test methods10/25/0311/23/04, 69 FR 68080(c)(227).
Subchapter D—Adhesives, Sealants, Primers and Solvents
Section 130.701Applicability12/25/109/26/12, 77 FR 59090New section is added.
Section 130.702Emission standards12/25/109/26/12, 77 FR 59090New section is added.
130.703Exemptions and exceptions6/28/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36482Amends section 130.703.
Section 130.704Recordkeeping requirements12/25/109/26/12, 77 FR 59090New section is added.
Section 130.705Compliance procedures and test methods12/25/109/26/12, 77 FR 59090New section is added.
Section 130.706Container labeling12/25/109/26/12, 77 FR 59090New section is added.
Section 130.707Product dating12/25/109/26/12, 77 FR 59090New section is added.
Section 130.708Sell-through of products12/25/109/26/12, 77 FR 59090New section is added.
Chapter 131—Ambient Air Quality Standards
Section 131.1Purpose3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 131.2National Ambient Air Quality Standards3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 131.3Ambient air quality standards8/13/837/27/84, 49 FR 30183(c)(60); Amendment removed a lead standard provision. The remaining standards are not SIP-related.
Section 131.4Application of ambient air quality standards3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Chapter 135—Reporting of Sources
Section 135.1Definitions3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 135.2Applicability [of sources]3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 135.3Reporting3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 135.4Reporting forms and guides3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 135.5Recordkeeping10/10/921/12/95, 60 FR 2081(c)(96).
Emission Statements
Section 135.21Emission statements10/10/921/12/95, 60 FR 2081(c)(96).
Chapter 137—Air Pollution Episodes
Section 137.1Purpose1/28/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 137.2Monitoring facilities1/28/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 137.3Episode criteria6/9/906/16/93, 58 FR 33203(c)(75).
Section 137.4Standby plans12/27/976/11/02, 67 FR 39854(c)(189).
Section 137.5Implementation of emission reduction procedures1/28/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Level Actions
Section 137.11Forecast level actions1/28/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 137.12Alert level actions1/28/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 137.13Warning level actions1/28/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 137.14Emergency level actions1/28/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Chapter 139—Sampling and Testing
Subchapter A—Sampling and Testing Methods and Procedures
Section 139.1Sampling facilities3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 139.2Sampling by others3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 139.3General requirements8/1/798/8/79, 44 FR 46465(c)(20); Correction published 1/23/80 (45 FR 5303).
Section 139.4References02/09/1307/10/14, 79 FR 39333Amended and added references.
Section 139.5Revisions to the source testing manual and continuous source monitoring manual11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(D).
Stationary Sources
Section 139.11General requirements3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 139.12Emissions of particulate matter4/12/148/1/16, 81 FR 50359Amends section 139.12.
Section 139.13 (Except Provisions applicable to H2S and TRS)Emissions of SO2, H2S, TRS and NO211/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(D).
Section 139.14Emissions of VOCs6/10/007/20/01, 66 FR 37908(c)(152).
Section 139.16Sulfur in fuel oil02/09/1307/10/14, 79 FR 39333Amended to add cross references.
Section 139.17General requirements6/20/811/19/83, 48 FR 2319(c)(48).
Section 139.18Calculation of alternative opacity limitations6/20/811/19/83, 48 FR 2319(c)(48).
Ambient Levels of Air Contaminants
Section 139.31General3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Section 139.32Sampling and analytical procedures11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(D).
Section 139.33Incorporation of Federal procedures3/20/725/31/72, 37 FR 10842(c)(1).
Subchapter B—Monitoring Duties of Certain Sources
Section 139.51Purpose8/29/777/17/79, 44 FR 41429(c)(19).
Section 139.52Monitoring methods and techniques8/29/777/17/79, 44 FR 41429(c)(19).
Section 139.53Filing monitoring reports4/12/148/1/16, 81 FR 50359Amends section 139.53.
Subchapter C—Requirements for Continuous In-Stack Monitoring for Stationary Sources
Section 139.101General Requirements3/7/986/11/02, 67 FR 39854(c)(189).
Section 139.102References11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(D).
Section 139.103Opacity monitoring requirements11/26/947/30/96, 61 FR 39597(c)(110)(i)(D).
Section 139.111Waste incinerator monitoring requirements12/27/976/11/02, 67 FR 39854(c)(189).
Chapter 141—Alternate Standards
Section 141.1Imposing alternate standards authorized5/14/889/17/92, 57 FR 42894(c)(73).
Chapter 145—Interstate Pollution Transport Reduction
Subchapter A—NOXBudget Trading Program
General Provisions
Section 145.1Purpose9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.2Definitions9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.3Measurements, abbreviations and acronyms9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.4Applicability9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.5Retired unit exemption9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.6Standard requirements9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.7Computation of time9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.8Transition to CAIR NOX Trading Programs4/12/0812/10/09, 74 FR 65446New section.
Section 145.10Authorization and responsibilities of the NOX authorized account representative9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.11Alternate NOX authorized account representative9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.12Changing the NOX authorized account representative; and changes in the Alternate NOX authorized account representative; changes in the owners and operators9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.13Account certificate of representation9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.14Objections concerning the NOX authorized account representative9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Compliance Certification
Section 145.30Compliance certification report9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.31Department's action on compliance certifications9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
NOXAllowance Allocations
Section 145.40State Trading Program budget9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.41Timing Requirements for NOX allowance allocations9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.42NOX Allowance allocations12/11/049/29/06, 71 FR 57428Revised; SIP-effective date is 10/30/06.
Section 145.43Compliance supplement pool9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Accounting Process for Deposit Use and Transfer of Allowances
Section 145.50NOX Allowance Tracking System accounts9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.51Establishment of accounts9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.52NOX Allowance Tracking System responsibilities of NOX authorized account representative9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.53Recordation of NOX allowance allocations9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.54Compliance9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.55Banking9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.56Account error9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.57Closing of general accounts9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
NOXAllowance Transfers
Section 145.60Submission of NOX allowance transfers9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.61NOX transfer recordation9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.62Notification9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Recording and Recordkeeping Requirements
Section 145.70General monitoring requirements9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.71Initial certification and recertification procedures9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.72Out of control periods9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.73Notifications9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.74Recordkeeping and reporting9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.75Petitions9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.76Additional requirements to provide heat input data9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Opt-In Process
Section 145.80Applicability for opt-in sources9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.81Opt-in source general provisions9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.82NOX authorized account representative for opt-in sources9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.83Applying for a NOX budget opt-in approval9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.84Opt-in process9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.85NOX budget opt-in application contents9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.86Opt-in source withdrawal from NOX Budget Trading Program9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.87Opt-in unit change in regulatory status9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Section 145.88NOX allowance allocations to opt-in units9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Emission Reduction Credit Provisions
Section 145.90Emission reduction credit provisions9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Interstate Pollution Transport Reduction Requirements
Section 145.100Applicability to upwind states9/23/008/21/01, 66 FR 43795(c)(168).
Subchapter B—Emissions of NOXfrom Stationary Internal Combustion Engines
Section 145.111Applicability12/11/049/29/06, 71 FR 57428New Section
SIP-effective date is 10/30/06.
Section 145.112Definitions12/11/049/29/06, 71 FR 57428New Section
SIP-effective date is 10/30/06.
Section 145.113Standard requirements4/12/0812/10/09, 74 FR 65446New subsection d.
Subchapter C—Emissions of NOXfrom Cement Manufacturing
Section 145.141Applicability12/11/049/29/06, 71 FR 57428New Section
SIP-effective date is 10/30/06.
Section 145.142Definitions6/19/107/19/11, 76 FR 42558Added new definitions and terms.
Section 145.143Standard requirements6/19/107/19/11, 76 FR 42558Added compliance dates and allowable emissions of NOX.
Section 145.144Compliance determination6/19/107/19/11, 76 FR 42558New section.
Section 145.145Compliance demonstration and reporting requirements6/19/107/19/11, 76 FR 42558New section.
Section 145.146Recordkeeping6/19/107/19/11, 76 FR 42558New section.
Subchapter D. CAIR NOXand SO2Trading Programs—General Provisions
Section 145.201Purpose4/12/0812/10/09, 74 FR 65446
Section 145.202Definitions4/12/0812/10/09, 74 FR 65446
Section 145.203Applicability4/12/0812/10/09, 74 FR 65446
Section 145.204Incorporation of Federal regulations by reference4/12/0812/10/09, 74 FR 65446
Additional Requirements for Chapter 127 Emission Reduction Credit Provisions
Section 145.205Emission reduction credit provisions4/12/0812/10/09, 74 FR 65446
Additional Requirements for CAIR NOXAnnual Trading Program
Section 145.211Timing Requirements for CAIR NOX allowance allocations4/12/0812/10/09, 74 FR 65446
Section 145.212CAIR NOX allowance allocations4/12/0812/10/09, 74 FR 65446
Section 145.213Supplemental monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements for gross electrical output and useful thermal energy for units subject to 40 CFR 96.170-96.1754/12/0812/10/09, 74 FR 65446
Section 145.221Timing requirements for CAIR NOX ozone season allowance allocations4/12/0812/10/09, 74 FR 65446
Section 145.222CAIR NOX Ozone Season allowance allocations4/12/0812/10/09, 74 FR 65446
Section 145.223Supplemental monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements for gross electrical output and useful thermal energy for units subject to 40 CFR 96.370-96.3754/12/0812/10/09, 74 FR 65446
Title 65 Pennsylvania Statute—Public Officers
Part II—Accountability
Chapter 11—Ethics, Standards, and Financial Disclosure
Section 1101Short title of chapter12/14/9810/16/14, 79 FR 62005Addresses CAA section 128.
Section 1102Definitions1/1/0710/16/14, 79 FR 62005Addresses CAA section 128.
Section 1104Statement of financial interests required to be filed12/14/9810/16/14, 79 FR 62005Addresses CAA section 128.
Section 1105Statement of financial interests1/1/0710/16/14, 79 FR 62005Addresses CAA section 128.
Section 1109Penalties12/14/9810/16/14, 79 FR 62005Addresses CAA section 128.
Title 67—Transportation
Part I—Department of Transportation
Subpart A—Vehicle Code Provisions
Article VII—Vehicle Characteristics
Chapter 175—Vehicle Equipment and Inspection
Subchapter A—General Provisions
Section 175.2Definitions9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411“Temporary Inspection Approval Indicator” only.
Section 175.2Definitions12/3/8810/6/05, 70 FR 58313Definitions which apply to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Section 175.3Application of equipment rules12/3/8810/6/05, 70 FR 58313Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Section 175.4Vehicles required to be inspected12/3/8810/6/05, 70 FR 58313Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Section 175.6Annual inspection12/3/8810/6/05, 70 FR 58313Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Section 175.7Inspection of vehicle reentering this Commonwealth12/3/8810/6/05, 70 FR 58313Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Section 175.8Newly purchased vehicles2/19/9410/6/05, 70 FR 58313Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Section 175.11Coordination of safety and emission inspection9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411(c)(139).
Subchapter B—Official Inspection Stations
Section 175.21Appointment12/3/8810/6/05, 70 FR 58313Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Section 175.22Making application12/3/8810/6/05, 70 FR 58313Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Section 175.23(a) and (c)Approval12/3/8810/6/05, 70 FR 58313Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Section 175.24Required certificates and station signs12/3/8810/6/05, 70 FR 58313Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Section 175.25(a), (b)(1), (b)(3), and (c)Inspection area12/3/8810/6/05, 70 FR 58313Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Section 175.26(a) introductory sentence and (a)(3)Tools and equipment9/28/9610/6/05, 70 FR 58313Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Section 175.27Hours12/3/8810/6/05, 70 FR 58313Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Section 175.28
[Except for (c)(2), (g)(2), (g)(3), and (g)(5)-((9)]
Certified Inspection Mechanics12/3/8810/6/05, 70 FR 58313.Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Section 175.29(f)(4)Obligations and responsibilities of station9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411(c)(139).
Section 175.29Obligations and responsibilities of stations9/27/9710/6/05, 70 FR 58313Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties (except for (f)(4), which applies to I/M and non-I/M programs).
Section 175.31Fleet inspection stations12/3/8810/6/05, 70 FR 58313Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Subchapter C—Certificate of Inspection
Section 175.41(a), (b)(1), (b)(3), (c), (d), (e)(1), (e)(3), (e)(5), and (f)(4)Procedure9/27/9710/6/05, 70 FR 58313Applies statewide;
To I/M program and non-I/M safety inspection program.
Section 175.42Recording inspection9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411
Section 175.43Security9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411
Section 175.44Ordering certificates of inspection9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411
Section 175.45Violation of use of certificate of inspection9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411
Subchapter D—Schedule of Penalties and Suspensions: Official Inspection Stations and Certified Mechanics
Section 175.51Cause for suspension2/19/9410/6/05, 70 FR 58313New section;
Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Section 175.52Reapplication12/3/8810/6/05, 70 FR 58313New section;
Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Subchapter E—Passenger Cars and Light Trucks
Section 175.61Application of subchapter12/3/8810/6/05, 70 FR 58313New section;
Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Section 175.72(d)Fuel systems12/3/8810/6/05, 70 FR 58313New section;
Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Section 175.80(d)Inspection procedure5/13/9910/6/05, 70 FR 58313New section;
Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Subchapter H—Motorcycles
Section 175.141Application of subchapter12/3/8810/6/05, 70 FR 58313New section;
Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Subchapter J—Motor-Driven Cycles and Motorized Pedalcycles
Section 175.171Application12/3/8810/6/05, 70 FR 58313New section;
Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Subchapter K—Street Rods, Specially Constructed and Reconstructed Vehicles
Section 175.201Application of subchapter12/3/8810/6/05, 70 FR 58313New section;
Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Section 175.202Conditions12/3/8810/6/05, 70 FR 58313Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Section 175.220(d) [introductory sentence only]Inspection procedure5/13/9910/6/05, 70 FR 58313Applies to safety inspection program in non-I/M counties.
Subchapter L—Animal-Drawn Vehicles, Implements of Husbandry and Special Mobile Equipment
Section 175.221Application12/3/8810/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Chapter 177—Enhanced Emission Inspection Program
Subchapter A—General Provisions
Section 177.1Purpose10/1/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411(c)(139).
Section 177.2Application of equipment rules10/1/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411(c)(139).
Section 177.3Definitions11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Implementation of Emission Inspection Program
Section 177.22Commencement of inspections11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313Retitled and revised.
Section 177.23Notification of requirement for emission inspection11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Section 177.24Program evaluation11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
I/M Program
Section 177.51Program requirements11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313Excludes paragraphs (c)(1), (c)(2), and (c)(3), and reference to those paragraphs.
Section 177.52Emission inspection prerequisites11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Section 177.53Vehicle inspection process11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Subchapter B—Subject Vehicles
Section 177.101Subject vehicles11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Section 177.102Inspection of vehicles reentering this Commonwealth9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411(c)(139).
Section 177.103Used vehicles after sale or resale9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411(c)(139).
Section 177.104Vehicles registered in nondesignated areas or other states9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411(c)(139).
Section 177.105Vehicles requiring emission inspection due to change of address11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Subchapter C—Emission Test Procedures and Emission Standards
Section 177.201General requirements11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Section 177.202Emission test equipment11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Section 177.202aOBD-I/M check equipment11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313New section.
Section 177.202bEquipment for gas cap test and visual inspection11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313New section.
Section 177.203Test procedures11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Section 177.204Basis for failure11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313Retitled and revised.
Recall Provisions
Section 177.231Requirements regarding manufacturer recall notices9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411(c)(139).
Section 177.232Compliance with recall notices9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411(c)(139).
Section 177.233Failure to comply9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411(c)(139).
Emission Inspection Report
Section 177.251Record of test results9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411(c)(139).
Section 177.252Emission inspection report11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313Retitled and revised.
Section 177.253Responsibility of the station owner for vehicles which fail the emission inspection11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313Retitled and revised.
Section 177.271Procedure11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Section 177.272Prerequisites11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Section 177.273Content of repair data form11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Section 177.274Retest fees11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Section 177.275Repair technician training and certification11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313New section.
Issuance of Waiver
Section 177.281Issuance of waiver11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Section 177.282Annual adjustment of minimum waiver expenditure for emission inspection11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313Excludes/removes the sentence and partial sentence, “The minimum expenditure for the first 2 years after commencement of the program in an affected area is $150. Beginning with the 3rd year of the program in an affected area”.
Procedures Relating to Certificates of Emission Inspection
Section 177.291Procedures relating to certificates of emission inspection11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313Retitled and revised.
Section 177.292Recording inspection11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Registration Recall Procedure for Violation of §§ 177.301-177.305 (Relating to On-Road Testing)
Section 177.301Authorization to conduct on-road emission testing9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411(c)(139).
Section 177.302On-road testing devices9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411(c)(139).
Section 177.304Failure of on-road emission test11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Section 177.305Failure to produce proof of correction of on-road emission test failure9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411(c)(139).
Subchapter D—Official Emission Inspection Station Requirements
Section 177.401Appointment11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Section 177.402Application9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411(c)(139).
Section 177.403Approval of emission inspection station9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411(c)(139).
Section 177.404Required certificates and station signs11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Section 177.405Emission inspection areas11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Section 177.406Equipment11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313Retitled and revised.
Section 177.407Hours of operation11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Section 177.408Certified emission inspectors11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Obligations and Responsibilities of Station Owners/Agents
Section 177.421Obligations and responsibilities of station owners/agents11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Section 177.422Commonwealth emission inspection stations11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313Retitled and revised.
Section 177.423Fleet emission inspection stations11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313Retitled and revised.
Section 177.424General emission inspection stations11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Section 177.425Security11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Section 177.426Ordering certificates of emission inspection9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411(c)(139).
Section 177.427Violations of use of certificate of emission inspection9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411(c)(139).
Quality Assurance
Section 177.431Quality assurance11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Subchapter E—Equipment Manufacturers' and Contractors' Requirements and Obligations
Equipment Manufacturers' Requirements
Section 177.501Equipment approval procedures11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Section 177.502Service commitment11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Section 177.503Performance commitment11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Section 177.504Revocation of approval9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411(c)(139).
Contractor Obligations
Section 177.521Contractor obligations and responsibilities11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Subchapter F—Schedule of Penalties and Hearing Procedure
Schedule of Penalties and Suspensions
Section 177.601Definitions11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313New section.
Section 177.602Schedule of penalties for emission inspection stations11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Section 177.603Schedule of penalties for emission inspectors11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Additional Violations
Section 177.605Subsequent violations11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Section 177.606Multiple violations9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411(c)(139).
Departmental Hearing Procedure
Section 177.651Notice of alleged violation and opportunity to be heard prior to immediate suspension11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313Retitled and revised.
Section 177.652Official documents9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411(c)(139).
Restoration After Suspension
Section 177.671Restoration of certification of an emission inspector after suspension9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411(c)(139).
Section 177.672Restoration of certification of an emission inspection station after suspension9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411(c)(139).
Section 177.673Restoration of certification of certified repair technician after suspension9/27/976/17/99, 64 FR 32411(c)(139).
Registration Recall Procedure for Violation of §§ 177.301-177.305 (Relating to on-Road Testing)
Section 177.691Registration Recall Committee11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313
Appendix AAcceleration Simulation Mode: Pennsylvania Procedures, Standards, Equipment Specifications and Quality Control Requirements11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313Replaces previous Appendix A.
Appendix BDepartment Procedures and Specifications11/22/0310/6/05, 70 FR 58313Replaces previous Appendix B.
Title 35 Pennsylvania Statute—Health and Safety
Chapter 23B—Diesel-Powered Motor Vehicle Idling Act
Section 4601Short title2/6/098/1/11, 76 FR 45708
Section 4602Definitions2/6/098/1/11, 76 FR 45708
Section 4603Restrictions on idling2/6/098/1/11, 76 FR 45708
Section 4604Increase of weight limit2/6/098/1/11, 76 FR 45708
Section 4605Penalties2/6/098/1/11, 76 FR 45708
Section 4606Disposition of fines2/6/098/1/11, 76 FR 45708
Section 4607Enforcement2/6/098/1/11, 76 FR 45708
Section 4608Permanent idling restriction signs2/6/098/1/11, 76 FR 45708
Section 4609Preemption2/6/098/1/11, 76 FR 45708
Section 4610Applicability2/6/098/1/11, 76 FR 45708
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